Turizmo maršrutai
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Turizmo maršrutai
Keliavimo informacija
Kitos nuorodos
Apie mus
Karinio paveldo turizmas - Infrastruktūra
Užava Lighthouse
Mazirbe Nautical School
Lyduvėnų geležinkelio tiltas
Wheel Hill
Bastion Powder Cellar
Tahkuna Lighthouse
Karosta St.Nicholas Orthodox Sea Cathedral
Closed ammunition depots built in the 1950s
Naissaar Island
Latgale Artillery Regiment Army Barracks
Former World War I narrow-gauge railway branch: “Banhoff – Bhf. Waldl. Salit" place
Section of the German military railway on the route Mercendarbe-Skarbe
Große Kurfürsten Damm
Rangefinder No.1 of the 23rd Shore Battery (1941)
Lietuvos karininkų Ramovės vila
Prince Leopold Straße (Prinz – Leopold Straße)
Oviši Lighthouse and Soviet border guard
Pine Hill
Pakrantės artilerijos baterija „Memel-Nord“
Fortifications of the Daugava River Mouth
Naval Communication Station in Undva
Karosta Water Tower
German army coastguard searchlight site in Usi and border guard post in Kolka
Luggage railway station
Remains of a German army concrete firing point on an island in the Pļaviņa HPP reservoir
Watch tower of border guards in Salacgrīva
4 pėstininkų pulko Kupiškio šaudyklos fragmentas
Valka train station
Soviet air force target firing ground in Zvārde
Mazirbe boat cemetery
The building of the Agricultural Academy in Jelgava at Lielaja Street 2, where in 1943-1944 members of the Central Council of Latvia worked in
Ristna Lighthouse
Fire correction tower of the Ventspils 46th Coastal Defence Battery
Vaiņode station
Former Soviet border guard observation tower in Pāvilosta
Iron tank bridge over the Bērze River
Buvęs Telšių kalėjimas
Barta missile base
Viesturs (Mihailas) Gate
Exhibition "Latvian Army in Pļaviņas in the 20th Century"
Sovietinė karinė bazė Žaliojoje girioje / Idėjų parkas „Bunkeris“
Pelči Manor
Projectile warehouses
"Laukgaļi" house, writer Kārlis Skalbe's place of residence
Northern Camp
Saxby (Vormsi) lighthouse
Vaiņode air base
Latvian military aviation aerodrome
Former shop/police building
Šautuve (shooting gallery)
Military hospital
Mērsrags lighthouse and former border guard
Spilve airport
Alksnynės gynybinis kompleksas
"Kurzeme key" factory
The pillars of the former German army bridge near Radze
Latvian soldiers’ former medical warehouse
Papissaare Seaplane Base
Hara Harbour
Branduolinių galvučių saugykla (angaras) Plokštinėje
Jelgava Airport
Iron bridge over Gauja in Valmiera
Memorial plaque at Malnava College
Yekeln's headquarters in Talso
St. The tower of the Trinity Church in Jelgava, Akadēmijas Street 1, where Egon Užkurelis hoisted a homemade Latvian flag in 1952
Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre
The Coastal Battery No 315 command post (Stebel)
Oriküla Command Centre and Missile Base
Railway branch and platform
Commandant's Administration Building
Šateikių antžeminė raketinė bazė
Kogula (Mõnnuste) airfield
Unity House
Liepāja militia building or "Blue miracle"
The first narrow-gauge railway line of the World War era: Lāčplēsis – Latgali
Kaiser Dam (Kaiser - Damm)
Mangalsala Street
Geležinkelio tilto statinių kompleksas Kurmaičiuose
Pakrantės artilerijos baterija „Memel Sud“
Artillery arsenal
"Bambaļi" houses - one of the main places of accommodation for boat refugees
Food warehouse
Prancūzijos vyr. komisariatas Klaipėdoje
Lokatoru hill
Eastern (Mangalsala) Pier
Anti-aircraft gun emplacement in Āmurkalna
Rumbula Air Base
Open ammunition depots, lightning conductors, wells
Orjaku military harbour
Pigeon post sea station in Karosta
Tempelhofas lauks (Tempelhofer Feld)
Mõntu 127mm beach defense battery
Ruhnu Lighthouse
First World War narrow-gauge railway line: Lāčplēsis - Vitkopi
Spitham Radar Station
Soldiers' barracks
Remains of a German army concrete fire point on the banks of the Plavinas HPP
Strazde manor
In the territory of Baraka's former sugar factory filtration camp, Aviācijas iela 49, where in 1945 the imprisoned Latvian soldiers were secretly supplied with food by members of the Jelgava resistance organization "Three Star Column"
North Pier and Battery No.3 in Karosta
Liepāja coastal artillery battery No. 2
Jēkabpils Guards House (now the People's House)
Šateikių geležinkelio stotis
Lēnu Manor
Chemical warehouse and bypass road
Akmeņrags Lighthouse and the fate of the "Saratov"
"Daugava road" (Düna Weg)
Water-lifting building
Hullo border outpost
Zeppelin hangars of Riga Central market
Vecumnieki Railway Station
Fortress (Commandant's) Garden
Zvārde shooting range and former Soviet military base "Lapsas"
Soviet border guard post in Jūrmalciems
Concrete access road from Mārciena to Gaizinkalns via Bērzauna
The railway bridge over the river Rauna
Daugavpils Technical and Industrial Design Center “Engineers' Arsenal”
Kelio Biržai–Pandėlys aerodrominis ruožas
Artillery Officers' Building
Soviet Army Observation Tower (Kurgan of Officers)
Latvian Army Spotlight Point
Mazirbe border guard tower
Taurkalne German army warehouses
Jelgava State Teachers' Institute building at Svētes Street 18, where in 1940-1941 members of the youth resistance were active in
Rangefinder No.2 of the 23rd Shore Battery (1954)
Railway bridge over Amata
Oskara Kalpaka Bridge in Karosta
German Army concrete tower (by the beach)
The former railway of the First World War: Vecumnieki - Mercendarbe
Lāčplēsis (Aleksandras) Gate
Border checkpoint in Kudani
World War I battlefields
Collection of Soviet military trucks in Dundaga
Šaltojo karo ekspozicija
Ārdava (Jezufinova) Manor
Priešlėktuvinės gynybos baterija „Nordmolle“