Estijos, Latvijos ir Lietuvos lankytojai gali pamatyti karinio paveldo vietas, tokias kaip muziejai, įtvirtinimai, karinė įranga, takai, bunkeriai, mūšių vietos, kariniai miesteliai, infrastruktūros objektai, taip pat memorialinės vietos, bylojančios apie laikotarpį nuo Pirmojo pasaulinio karo pradžios 1914 m. ir visų trijų šalių nepriklausomybės paskelbimo 1918 m. iki nepriklausomybės atkūrimo 1990-1991 m.

Čia rasite karinio paveldo vietų aprašymus, su jomis susijusius prisiminimus, istorines ir šių dienų nuotraukas, turizmo paslaugas ir rekomendacijas kelionių maršrutams. Taip pat pateikiama informacija apie daugelį mažiau žinomų ir rečiau lankomų vietų, kurios vis dėlto yra svarbios Estijos, Latvijos ir Lietuvos kariniui paveldui.


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Military Heritage Tourism
  Sekėjai: 2009
“Nacionālo partizānu leģendām pa pēdām – Jersika–Vanagi" (22 km) – Izzinošs un izglītojošs pārgājiens caur meža takām baudot Latgales dabu visā tās krāšņumā 😇 Maršruta sākums Jersikas pamatskola – Jersikas nacionālo partizānu piemineklis – Dzelzceļa stacija – Krievu purvs – Bunkuru vieta – Olūtneica – Piemiņas akmens LTS (P) piemiņai – Staru laipas (Rožupes pagasts), kur baudīsim pusdienas – Vanagu Svētās Annas Romas katoļu baznīcā, Plkst.16.00 muzicēs Latgaliešu dziesminieks Vinsents Kūkojs. Pārgājienā ar stāstījumu piedalīsies vēsturnieks un partizānu kustības izzinātājs Jānis Viļums 💪 Piesaki savu dalību, aizpildot reģistrācijas anketu: Visit Līvāni | Līvānu novads #latlit #Interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
🇱🇻 Viesītes Brīvības piemineklis Viesītē slejas simbols Latvijas brīvībai – Brīvības piemineklis, kas godina 1919. gada 14. oktobra varoņus. Šajā dienā Trešā Jelgavas kājnieku pulka kareivji un vietējie aizsargi pie Vales kalniņa apturēja bermontiešus, aizsargājot savu zemi un tautu. 📍 Piemineklis atklāts 1935. gada 11. augustā un tas attēlo brīvības cīnītāju, kurš sveic sauli ar Latvijas karogu rokās, un uz tā iekalti vārdi: "Brīvība – tautas dzīvība". 🔥 Katru gadu Lāčplēša dienā notiek Lāpu gājiens pa Viesītes pilsētu uz Brīvības pieminekli, godinot Latvijas brīvības cīnītājus, kuri atdevuši savu dzīvību un krituši par tēvu zemi. 👀 Vairāk par šo tūrisma objektu uzzini: Tūrisms Jēkabpils novadā #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
🚙 Atpūtas komplekss "Miķelis" 🛠️ 🛻 Atpūtas kompleksā esošais muzejs piedāvā dziļāku izpratni par Latvijas un pasaules militāro vēsturi, izstādot oriģinālus transportlīdzekļus, kas piedalījušies būtiskos vēstures notikumos. Šeit iespējams apskatīt transportlīdzekļus, kas izmantoti Otrajā pasaules karā. ⚙️ Atpūtas kompleksā ir iespēja apskatīt ne tikai lauksaimniecības tehniku, bet arī militārā transporta kolekciju. Ekspozīcijā apskatāmi vairāk nekā 100 dažādi transportlīdzekļi, tostarp: ▪ Kravas auto “Mercedes-Benz” (1944.g.) ar vācu armijas ekipējumu ▪ Sarkanās armijas GAZ-67B (1949.g.) ▪ GAZ-51 (1952.g.), kas izmantots Bauskas kara komisariātā ▪ Latvijas armijā izmantotais ALBION (1919.g.) - viens no kolekcijas senākajiem militārā transporta eksponātiem 📅 Muzejs pirmo reizi apmeklētājiem atvērts 1978. gadā. Tas izveidots 20. gs. 70. gados, kad notika plaša lauksaimniecības zemju meliorācija, un daudzas lauku sētas tika iznīcinātas. 👀Vairāk par šo tūrisma objektu uzzini: Atpūtas Komplekss Miķelis | Visit Bauska #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
📍 Ģ. Eliasa Jelgavas vēstures un mākslas muzejs Muzejs atrodas vienā no retajām celtnēm Jelgavā, kas saglabājās pēc pilsētas nopostīšanas 1944. gadā. Muzejs ir iekārtots vēsturiskā ēkā, kas pazīstama kā Academia Petrina, celta 1775. gadā kā pirmā augstskola Latvijas teritorijā. Šī ēka ir daļa no Jelgavas kultūrvēsturiskā mantojuma, kas pārdzīvojusi Otrā pasaules kara postījumus. 🏛️ Muzeja vēsture Muzejs tika dibināts 1918. gadā un joprojām atrodas sākotnējā ēkā. Tā pastāvīgās ekspozīcijas ļauj izzināt: 🔹 Slaveno mākslinieku Ģedertu Eliasu 🔹 Jelgavas un Zemgales vēsturi 🔹 Paša muzeja ēkas stāstu Muzejā apskatāmas arī dažādas tematiski bagātas ekspozīcijas: 🌍 Digitālā ekspozīcija: "Kari un karavīrs cauri Jelgavas laiku lokiem" Šī ekspozīcija sniedz ieskatu Pirmā un Otrā pasaules kara vēstures notikumos Jelgavā un Latvijā. Tā īpaši izceļ latviešu karavīra dalību nacionālajos formējumos, atspoguļojot pārtapšanu no mierīga iedzīvotāja par karotāju. 🇱🇻 Ekspozīcija: "Zem svešām varām dzīve turpinās" Šajā ekspozīcijā atainota dzīve Latvijā padomju okupācijas laikā, kad gandrīz 70 gadus mūsu valsts bija politiski pakļauta svešām varām. Jelgavas pieredze, 1940. gadā zaudējot gandrīz visu pilsētu, ir spilgts atgādinājums par mūsu pagātni un cerību uz brīvību. 👀Vairāk par objektu: Ģederta Eliasa Jelgavas vēstures un mākslas muzejs #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
Today we want to share another route with you - "The Portrait of Soviet Lithuania". The Soviet occupation of Lithuania lasted for more than four decades, leaving a profound mark on the country’s history. This era saw repression, partisan resistance, militarization, and the eventual restoration of independence. Due to its strategic location near the West, Lithuania was of great importance to the USSR, leading to the establishment of military sites across the country. This route offers an in-depth look at the extent of Soviet influence and its lasting impact on Lithuania’s past. It also highlights the resilience of the Lithuanian people in preserving their identity and fighting for freedom. Along the way, you will see remnants of the Soviet era as well as other historical sites from the 20th century. 🔗 Discover the route: Interreg Latvia - Lithuania Programme #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
We have created special tourist routes, and today we’re sharing one of them – "Partisan Trails in Aukštaitija." During the Soviet occupation, Lithuania witnessed a fierce partisan war. The country was divided into nine partisan districts, with fighters who were well-organized, armed, and wearing military uniforms. They continued the traditions of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, resisting Soviet forces, ambushing NKVD troops, and fighting for Lithuania’s freedom. To survive, partisans built hidden bunkers deep in forests, swamps, and other secluded areas. This route offers a unique glimpse into the lives of Lithuanian partisans, as well as other important 20th-century historical sites. 🔗 Discover the route: Interreg Latvia - Lithuania Programme #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
✈️ Honoring Lithuania’s Aviation Pioneers 🇱🇹 On July 14, 1925, Lithuanian aviation took a bold leap forward when Brigadier General Antanas Gustaitis, commander of the Lithuanian Air Force, aircraft designer, and the mastermind behind the legendary ANBO planes, built his first single-seat sports aircraft – the ANBO-I. This marked the beginning of a new era in Lithuanian aviation. We also remember other great aviators: Jurgis Dobkevičius, Steponas Darius, Stasys Girėnas, Feliksas Vaitkus, Romualdas Marcinkus, Bronius Oškinis, and talented aircraft engineers who shaped our aviation legacy. Between 1918 and 1940, Lithuania’s military and civil aviation symbolized the nation’s modernization, innovation, and engineering excellence, embodying the pursuit of freedom and perfection. Postcard author - Gediminas Petras Pempė 📸 Interreg Latvia - Lithuania Programme #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
Located south of the village of Nākotne. The Nākotne Park houses the Soviet-made Antonov AN-2. It was primarily designed as a multi-purpose civil aircraft, but was also used for military purposes. It first flew in 1947 and was a very versatile aircraft with excellent short take-off and landing capabilities, making it suitable for a variety of roles, including military ones. Military use of the aircraft included: Transportation of troops and soldiers to hard-to-reach places; Parachutist training and transportation; Providing logistics and supplies, such as delivering food, ammunition, and medical equipment to combat zones; Maintaining communications between different military units; Patrol flights and reconnaissance. Due to its simple design and reliability, the AN-2 was suitable for operation in field conditions that did not require a well-developed infrastructure. The aircraft's endurance and ability to fly at low altitudes made it very useful in a variety of climatic conditions, including conflicts involving the Soviet Union or its allies. The aircraft was used in many countries, including Eastern Europe and Asia, where it served not only civil but also military forces. AN-2 technical data: AN-2 technical data: Crew: 2 Passenger capacity: up to 12 Maximum speed: 225 km/h Cruising speed: 180 km/h Maximum take-off weight: 5250 kg Maximum flight distance: 1200 km Maximum flight duration: 7 h Fuel capacity: 1200 l Load capacity: 1500 kg Length: 12.4 m Wingspan: 18.2 m Height: 4.1 m The future park also features the GAZ-63, a light truck with all-wheel drive, produced from 1948 to 1968. Its purpose was to provide reliable transportation in difficult on- and off-road conditions. The GAZ-63 was one of the first Soviet cars with permanent all-wheel drive. This design provided excellent performance in mud, snow, and other difficult conditions, which was essential for military and civilian needs. The car was produced in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), which was one of the most important centers of the automotive industry in the Soviet Union. The GAZ-63 was equipped with a 6-cylinder gasoline engine that produced about 70 horsepower. This engine was economical for its time and reliable in various operating conditions. The GAZ-63 was widely used both in the Soviet army and in the civilian sector - in forestry, agriculture, and road construction. Its simple design allowed it to be quickly repaired and maintained even in remote regions. A glider produced during the Soviet era is on display. The Park of the Future also houses the "Time Machine" antiques repository and workshop, where various artifacts can be viewed, including a special pilot's suit designed for flights involving overloads, and other items related to the Soviet era. At the end of the tour, you can taste the products produced at the "Park of the Future" at "Nordcrunch".
The "Future Park" (Nākotnes parks) is located south of the village of Nākotne, in Latvia. The Future Park you will find the Soviet-made Antonov AN-2. It was primarily designed as a multi-purpose civil aircraft, but was also used for military purposes. It first flew in 1947 and was a very versatile aircraft with excellent short take-off and landing capabilities, making it suitable for a variety of roles, including military ones. Military use of the aircraft included: Transportation of troops and soldiers to hard-to-reach places; Parachutist training and transportation; Providing logistics and supplies, such as delivering food, ammunition, and medical equipment to combat zones; Maintaining communications between different military units; Patrol flights and reconnaissance. Due to its simple design and reliability, the AN-2 was suitable for operation in field conditions that did not require a well-developed infrastructure. The aircraft's endurance and ability to fly at low altitudes made it very useful in a variety of climatic conditions, including conflicts involving the Soviet Union or its allies. The aircraft was used in many countries, including Eastern Europe and Asia, where it served not only civil but also military forces. AN-2 technical data: Crew: 2 Passenger capacity: up to 12 Maximum speed: 225 km/h Cruising speed: 180 km/h Maximum take-off weight: 5250 kg Maximum flight distance: 1200 km Maximum flight duration: 7 h Fuel capacity: 1200 l Load capacity: 1500 kg Length: 12.4 m Wingspan: 18.2 m Height: 4.1 m The future park also features the GAZ-63, a light truck with all-wheel drive, produced from 1948 to 1968. Its purpose was to provide reliable transportation in difficult on- and off-road conditions. The GAZ-63 was one of the first Soviet cars with permanent all-wheel drive. This design provided excellent performance in mud, snow, and other difficult conditions, which was essential for military and civilian needs. The car was produced in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), which was one of the most important centers of the automotive industry in the Soviet Union. The GAZ-63 was equipped with a 6-cylinder gasoline engine that produced about 70 horsepower. This engine was economical for its time and reliable in various operating conditions. The GAZ-63 was widely used both in the Soviet army and in the civilian sector - in forestry, agriculture, and road construction. Its simple design allowed it to be quickly repaired and maintained even in remote regions. A glider produced during the Soviet era is on display. The Park of the Future also houses the "Time Machine" antiques repository and workshop, where various artifacts can be viewed, including a special pilot's suit designed for flights involving overloads, and other items related to the Soviet era. At the end of the tour, you can taste the products produced at the "Park of the Future" at "Nordcrunch".
The "Future park" (Nākotnes parks) is located south of the village of Nākotne. In "Future park" you will find the Soviet-made Antonov AN-2. It was primarily designed as a multi-purpose civil aircraft, but was also used for military purposes. It first flew in 1947 and was a very versatile aircraft with excellent short take-off and landing capabilities, making it suitable for a variety of roles, including military ones. Military use of the aircraft included: Transportation of troops and soldiers to hard-to-reach places; Parachutist training and transportation; Providing logistics and supplies, such as delivering food, ammunition, and medical equipment to combat zones; Maintaining communications between different military units; Patrol flights and reconnaissance. Due to its simple design and reliability, the AN-2 was suitable for operation in field conditions that did not require a well-developed infrastructure. The aircraft's endurance and ability to fly at low altitudes made it very useful in a variety of climatic conditions, including conflicts involving the Soviet Union or its allies. The aircraft was used in many countries, including Eastern Europe and Asia, where it served not only civil but also military forces. AN-2 technical data: Crew: 2 Passenger capacity: up to 12 Maximum speed: 225 km/h Cruising speed: 180 km/h Maximum take-off weight: 5250 kg Maximum flight distance: 1200 km Maximum flight duration: 7 h Fuel capacity: 1200 l Load capacity: 1500 kg Length: 12.4 m Wingspan: 18.2 m Height: 4.1 m The future park also features the GAZ-63, a light truck with all-wheel drive, produced from 1948 to 1968. Its purpose was to provide reliable transportation in difficult on- and off-road conditions. The GAZ-63 was one of the first Soviet cars with permanent all-wheel drive. This design provided excellent performance in mud, snow, and other difficult conditions, which was essential for military and civilian needs. The car was produced in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), which was one of the most important centers of the automotive industry in the Soviet Union. The GAZ-63 was equipped with a 6-cylinder gasoline engine that produced about 70 horsepower. This engine was economical for its time and reliable in various operating conditions. The GAZ-63 was widely used both in the Soviet army and in the civilian sector - in forestry, agriculture, and road construction. Its simple design allowed it to be quickly repaired and maintained even in remote regions. A glider produced during the Soviet era is on display. The Park of the Future also houses the "Time Machine" antiques repository and workshop, where various artifacts can be viewed, including a special pilot's suit designed for flights involving overloads, and other items related to the Soviet era. At the end of the tour, you can taste the products produced at the "Park of the Future" at "Nordcrunch".
The historical exhibit ‘Fire of Conscience’ is located in Cēsis, near the Cēsis Castle Square. Established in a Soviet-era temporary detention facility, it tells about the occupation of Latvia and reveals surprising and heroic stories of resistance from individuals. The yard features a memorial wall with the names of 643 residents of the former Cēsis district who died in Soviet repressions, including national partisans deported in 1941 and 1949 and those shot and sentenced to death. The exhibit’s timeline encourages visitors to study the course of the occupation of Latvia from 1939 to 1957. Arranged by topics, quotes from local newspapers offer a comparison of the political propaganda of the two occupation regimes. The six cells for temporary detention have survived to the present day in their original form from 1940 to 1941 and the post-war years.
A new military heritage tourism attraction in Riga! The communications bunker is located in Riga, in Vecmīlgrāvis, it is a historical object built during the Soviet era, which initially served as a reserve control point for the October district of that time and at the same time - the civil defense headquarters of the Riga Ship Repair Factory. It was created to provide governance for the Northern District in the event of an emergency such as a nuclear war or natural disaster. The bunker had everything necessary for autonomous operation: communication nodes for communication with other important objects, independent electricity and water supply, as well as rooms for the protection of people. After the end of the Soviet era, the bunker was neglected and looted, but in recent years it has been carefully restored by a group of local enthusiasts and transformed into the Civil Defense Museum "Communications Bunker". The museum's exposition offers authentic working rooms, communication equipment, protective equipment, historical documents and maps, which allow visitors to get to know the civil defense system of the Cold War era and feel the atmosphere of that time. It is a unique journey through time that will delight both history buffs and those looking for the unusual. The museum regularly organizes excursion days, during which visitors can get acquainted with the history of the bunker and its importance. To visit the museum, it is recommended to apply for a tour in advance or follow upcoming events on the museum's official pages on social networks.

Projektas LL-00052 „Baltijos šalių karinio paveldo turizmo produkto plėtra Lietuvoje ir Pietų Latvijoje" (Military Heritage II) įgyvendinamas remiant Europos Sąjungos Interreg VI-A Latvijos-Lietuvos 2021-2027 m. programai. Ši interneto svetainė parengta naudojant Europos Sąjungos finansinę paramą. Už jos turinį pilnai atsako projekto partneriai ir ji nebūtinai atspindi Europos Sąjungos nuomonę.

Projektas EE-LV00094 „Geresnis Latvijos ir Estijos karinio paveldo turizmo produkto prieinamumas“ (MIL-HER ACCESSIBLE) įgyvendinamas remiant Europos Sąjungos Interreg VI-A Estijos–Latvijos programa 2021–2027 m. Ši svetainė atspindi autoriaus požiūrį. Programą vadovaujanti institucija neatsako už tai, kaip ši informacija gali būti naudojama.