Northern Camp Infrastruktūra

 Värska, Setomaa vald, Estija, Võrumaa
 Värska museum

The Northern Camp is situated on the shores of Lake Õrsava south of Värska in Võru County.

Officially the Estonian Defence Forces' Northern Camp of Petseri (2nd Division staff headquarters), it was established in the mid-1920s as a summer training centre for cavalry and artillery. The complex comprised barracks, stables, officers' housing, a canteen and an impressive mess. The camp also had sports grounds and courts and swimming facilities by the lake. There were separate swimming areas for officers, soldiers and horses. In the middle of the camp were muster and parade grounds. The artillery camp was situated on the other side of the lake, including a lumber mill.

Most of the buildings have since been destroyed, but the barracks and some of the living quarters have survived. The site can be viewed from the outside.

Upon request, Värska Farm Museum can provide a thematic programme focussing on the Northern Camp.

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