Soviet army military base in Pāvilosta - active recreation centre
Karinis miestas


During the Soviet era, a border guard unit was located here, other Soviet army units - liaison officers and a surface-to-air missile base were located several kilometres away in the forest. After independence, the Latvian army was stationed there.

The former Soviet army military base is now a recreation, leisure and camping centre - for personal development in interaction with nature and the people around. 

A place for recreation and accommodation for both tourist groups and families. Rooms, showers, WC, fireplaces, spacious area for activities, sounds of nature. Book in advance by calling +371 26314505.

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Events and program descriptions -

Edukacinės programos

Survival School

Study tours in nature FOR STUDENTS: If your child's class also wants to spend a quality day in nature, to:
👉 improve mutual communication, trust and cooperation;
👉 spend time together in nature without a phone (digital detox);
👉 learn useful survival skills in order to be able to take care of your health and the lives of people around you in crisis situations,
then call the SCHOOL OF SURVIVAL ☎️ 26442462 and request a student excursion.
☘️ The students of Riga and Pieriga go to Baldoni
☘️ Liepāja, Ventspils, Kuldīga students to Pāvilost, where the SURVIVAL SCHOOL training and camp center is located.

Susijusi istorija

Prohibited lighthouses and the sea shore

During the USSR era, the seacoast in North and West Kurzeme were actually military zones closed to the public, but it was forbidden to visit the lighthouses or even take photographs

Crossing the border area

"Propusk" or permission to cross the border area was as mandatory as a bus ticket.


The residents of Pāvilosta Aina Jakovļeva and Irina Kurčanova share their memories of the Soviet times in Pāvilosta.