1991 - ... Atkurta Nepriklausomybė – laiko juosta

Latvia and Estonia - restored independence.

August 31, 1994
Russia is finishing withdrawing its troops from the Baltic states

Maskavā tiek parakstīts līgums par Krievijas karaspēka izvešanu no Baltijas valstīm līdz 13. augustam.

Estonia and Latvia joins the EU and NATO

Along with the restoration of independence, Latvia began to develop relations with Western countries.  Estonia and Latvia became a NATO member state on March 29, 2004, and, after a referendum, a European Union member state on May 1.

2022. gads
Removing monuments and memorials glorifying the Soviet totalitarian regime

The Russian-Ukrainian war started in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea and continued as the Donbas war. On February 24, 2022, the Russian Armed Forces launched a full-scale attack on Ukraine, committing numerous war crimes, killing civilians, incl. - the murder of children and the destruction of the country's public infrastructure. The war crimes committed by the Russian Federation were the reason in the Baltic States and elsewhere in Europe to express their attitude towards monuments dedicated to the Second World War and objects, monuments and memorials glorifying the Soviet era as a totalitarian and criminal regime.