Latvian Riflemen in the First World War I WW1

Latviešu strēlnieki pēc apbalvošanas par uzbrukumu Vācijas armijai pie Veisu māju apkārtnē. 1915. Avots: Latvijas Kara muzejs.

Первая мировая война была поворотным моментом в истории Европы, так было и в истории Латвии. Уже в 1915 году по всей Европе разразилась война, и летом того же года началась история героических латышских стрелков. Тысячи добровольцев в Латвии присоединились к армии и создали свои национальные отряды. Тысячи мужчин хотели добровольно противостоять врагу бок о бок со своими соотечественниками.

Весной 1915 года на территорию Латвии вторглись немецкие войска, и после почти полугодовой войны фронт стабилизировался, разделив Латвию на две части. Река Даугава стала линией фронта и символической границей, на берегах которой осталось много родных домов и родственников. Героическими предшественниками латышских стрелков были два сводных батальона Даугавгривской крепости, которые вели тяжелые бои против вторгшихся немцев.

К весне 1915 года русские военные власти получили несколько предложений о создании латышских национальных воинских частей. Однако все они были отклонены. После успешных боев батальонов Национальной гвардии Даугавгривской крепости под Елгавой в начале мая 1915 года вновь возникла мысль о необходимости латышских воинских формирований. За него высказался один из самых видных латвийских политиков того времени - Янис Гольдманис, депутат Государственной Думы России. Для обсуждения этой идеи и возможностей ее реализации 1 июня 1915 года он пригласил на тайное совещание видных представителей латышской интеллигенции, военных и экономических кругов.

Катастрофическое положение русской армии летом 1915 года было одним из важнейших факторов в получении благоприятного решения о формировании латышских частей, перспективного латышского командного языка, латышских надписей на боевых знаменах и особых нагрудных значений. Оставались и надежды на политические реформы после окончания войны — введение более крупного местного самоуправления в Латвии, административную реформу и культурную автономию.

10 августа 1915 года в газете «Дзимтенес Вестнесис» было опубликовано приглашение, написанное писателями Атой Кениньшем и Карлисом Скалбе и подписанное депутатами Государственной Думы России Янисом Гольдманисом и Янисом Залитисом, дружить и защищать свою Родину от немецких захватчиков.

В первые дни приехало так много мужчин, что оргкомитеты работали даже ночью. Среди добровольцев было много молодых людей, не испытавших ни войны, ни службы, но их энтузиазм привлекал и мужчин постарше, которые знали, куда идут. Всего подали заявки около 8000 добровольцев, а в латышских стрелковых батальонах на протяжении всей Первой мировой войны насчитывалось до 25000 человек. До 1916 года латышские стрелки объединялись в Даугавгривский батальон, Рижский, Курземский, Видземский, Земгалеский, Тукумский, Бауский, Валмиерский и Резервный батальоны, которые в последующие годы войны были переименованы в полки.

В первые бои латышские стрелковые батальоны вышли в октябре 1915 года, чтобы остановить немецкое наступление на Ригу. Летом и осенью 1916 г. стрелки сражались на Острове Смерти;

После окончания Первой мировой войны часть латышских стрелков осталась в России и сражалась в Гражданскую войну по разные стороны фронта, часть участвовала в Борьбе за свободу в Латвии. В 1920 году, с наступлением мирного времени, в Латвию вернулось большое количество бывших стрелков, проведших последние пять лет на войне.

Из примерно 3000 латышских стрелков, павших до 1917 года, 870 похоронены на Рижском братском кладбище. По другим причинам их не удалось перевезти в Ригу, поэтому захоронения латышских воинов можно найти в Слоке, Кемери, Тинужи, Кекаве и других местах.

Помимо событий Первой мировой войны, в Латвии была фактически и другая борьба - борьба за самоуверенность латышей, и в то время из духа стрелковая борьба.

More information sources

1. Документальный фильм «Под флагами Латвии. Рождение героев», 2015. Режим доступа: [дата обращения: 05.04.2021].

2. Вьюга душ. Цифровой музей. Доступно: [дата обращения: 05.05.2021].

3. Зариньш К. «Первая мировая война в Латвии и бойцы латышских стрелков», 2015. Доступно: pasaules-kars-latvia-and-latvian-strelnieku-cinas [просмотрено: 05.05.2021.].

Teie kommentaarid

Bitte korrigieren Sie die Liste der gefallenen lettischen Bogenschützen. Der Bruder meiner Großmutter, Indriķis Kadiķis, Jēkabs Sohn, starb am 16. Januar 1917 und wurde in Snæpel geboren

Guntars Burkovskia
Mar 19, 2024, 8:29:14 PM

Seotud objektid

The Christmas Battle museum and outdoor exhibition

The Christmas Battle Memorial Park and Museum is located in Jelgava municipality, Valgunde parish, in the Mangaļi homestead. This museum is a branch of the Latvian War Museum. It was opened in 2005 and is located in the area where Christmas Battles took place. Unique World War I fortifications still remain in locations where battles took place. The indoor exhibit contains objects found in the battlefield. The open-air exposition has reconstructed fortifications. There are tourist routes and informative trails in the vicinity of the museum. The open-air exposition of World War I fortifications and indoor exhibits are available to visitors every day. Unique evidence of World War I fortifications can still be found in the vicinity of Ložmetējkalns. There is a 27 m tall observation tower that provides a panoramic view of the area where the Christmas Battle took place. The Christmas Battle is probably the best known and most dramatic event of World War I in Latvia. It has a special place in Latvia’s military and cultural history. This engagement is mainly associated with the attack of Latvian Riflemen on the German Army units in extremely harsh and unfavourable conditions. And it was also a unique situation where a large-scale combat operation was started without artillery support.

River trenches

The first leg of the route is in the center of the River Valley at the bus stop.

On the morning of September 1, 1917, after a three-hour artillery fire, the Germans began construction of three wooden pontoon bridges over the Daugava near Ikšķile. Approximately 560,000 rounds were fired from 1,159 cannons and mortars, which completely suppressed 66 Russian cannons and forced the retreat of the 186th division on the right bank of the Daugava. The commander of the 12th Russian Army, General Parskis, ordered the 43rd Corps to carry out a counterattack at the break and handed over to the Commander of the Corps the 33rd, 136th, 138th Division, 116th Division and 2rd Latvian Rifle Brigade.

On the afternoon of September 1, Latvian riflemen were ordered to fight against the Germans crossing the Daugava. The 2nd Latvian Rifle Brigade from Ropaži went towards the attacking German units and the soldiers of the 5th Zemgale Latvian Rifle Regiment reached the fortified positions along the right bank of the Little Jugla River around four in the afternoon. After the artillery fire, an attack on the positions of Latvian riflemen began in the middle of September 2. The defensive battles took place on the 14 km long front along the right bank of the Little Jugla. Soldiers of the 2nd Latvian Rifle Brigade with a few cannons opposed a numerically and technically stronger group of German troops, who also used aviation, fire throwers and cannon-filled cannon grenades in the attack. The riflemen managed to hold the front heroically for 26 hours until September 3. Having fulfilled their mission, the surviving Latvian soldiers resigned to the positions of Sigulda and Cēsis by order of the 12th Army Command. The losses were very severe - the 5th Zemgale and 6th Tukums Latvian Rifle Regiments knocked out more than half of the fighters, the 7th Bauska and 8th Valmiera Latvian Rifle Regiments suffered less.


Zentrum für Kulturerbe in der Gutsanlage „Tīnūžu muiža”

Das Zentrum für Kulturerbe im Landgut „Tīnūžu muiža“ befindet sich im Dorf Tīnūži im Landkreis Ogre, je 7 km von Ogre als auch Ikšķile entfernt. Die ersten schriftlichen Quellen über das Landgut stammen aus dem 16. Jahrhundert. Es verfügte bis Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts nur über bescheidene Bauten, entwickelte sich aber im Laufe der Zeit zu einer Wirtschaft. In der Umgebung kam es während des Ersten Weltkrieges zu Kämpfen zwischen der russischen und der deutschen Armee. Auch die lettischen Schützen waren involviert. Während des Unabhängigkeitskrieges bildetet der Gutshof Tīnūži das Hauptquartier des 1. Infanterieregiments Valmiera der lettischen Armee. Auch gepanzerte Fahrzeuge waren hier stationiert. 1932 wurde das Gut dem Lettischen Verband der Kriegsinvaliden übergeben, der hier eine Wohn- und Betreuungsstätte für Kriegsveteranen einrichtete. 1943 während des Zweiten Weltkrieges wurde der deutsche Frontaufklärungstrupp FAT 212 aus Estland nach Gut Tīnūži verlegt. Diese Front-Einheit der deutschen Abwehr bildete hier auch lettische Soldaten für den Kampf gegen die Rote Armee aus. Zum Ausbildungsprogramm gehörten Aufklärung, Guerillakampf und Sabotageakte. Das Herrenhaus des Landgutes Tīnūži wurde beim Vormarsch der Roten Armee auf Riga zerstört. Heute beeindruckt die stille Landschaft mit ihren historischen Gebäuden am Fluss Mazā Jugla. Das Zentrum für Kulturerbe „Tīnūžu muiža“ zeigt Ausstellungen zu historischen Ereignissen und über die lettischen Schützen.

Denkmal für die Schlacht an der Kleinen Jugla bei Tīnūži

Das Hotel liegt in der Region Ikšķile, im Dorf Tīnūži, an der Autobahn in der Nähe der Grundschule Tīnūži.

Ein Denkmal für lettische Schützen, die im Ersten Weltkrieg gegen die deutsche Armee gekämpft haben. Die Schlacht an der Kleinen Jugla am 1. und 2. September 1917 war der Höhepunkt der Rigaer Operation. Die deutsche Armee startete einen Angriff auf Ikšķile mit dem Ziel, Riga zu erobern und die 12. russische Armee zu erobern. Einheiten der deutschen Armee, die die Daugava über Pontonbrücken überquerten, erreichten die Nähe des Flusses Little Jugla, wo sie von lettischen Schützen blockiert wurden. Ihnen wurde befohlen, den Gegner aufzuhalten, bis die gesamte russische 12. Armee die Belagerung verlassen hatte, ohne von der deutschen Armee gefangen genommen zu werden. Die Kämpfe fordern einen hohen Tribut von beiden Kriegsparteien.

Heute können Sie das Denkmal für den Bildhauer Jānis Karlovs „Der Altar der Helden“ sehen, das 2005 enthüllt wurde und lettischen Kämpfern gewidmet sein wird. Das Herrenhaus Tīnūži, wo sich die Ausstellung befindet, ist 300 m entfernt.

Machine Gun Hill

Located in Jelgava region, near the A9 motorway.

Ložmetējkalns is a place of World War I fighting, which is the only cultural and historical reserve of national significance in Latvia. It is located on the Long Dune, which is part of the Nordeķi - Kalnciems dune ridge. The name of the machine gun hill originated at a time when there were hard-to-occupy fortifications of the German army, which were defended by a strong machine gun fire.

Christmas battles are probably the best known and most dramatic event of World War I in the history of Latvia. It occupies a special place in the military and cultural history of Latvia. In 1917, the Latvian Rifle and Siberian units of the Russian army attacked Ložmetējkalns and occupied it. At least 600 opponents were captured, as well as valuable trophies, such as 19 machine guns. This was the most significant success of the Christmas battles and the greatest gain that the Russian troops had achieved on the Riga front. Latvian riflemen believed that they deserved the honor of the conquerors of the highlands.

Today, there is a lookout tower with views of former battles. Memorials and wartime evidence can be seen in the area. The Silenieki Brothers Cemetery is nearby.

Christmas battles memorial at Antinu Brethren Cemetery

Located in Babīte district, on the side of the road near the former Antiņi house and the old medicine warehouse.

The cemetery of Antiņi or Tīreļi soldiers was established during the First World War. The defense positions of the army of the Russian Empire were located in the area. In 1917, during the Christmas battles, the headquarters of the 5th Zemgale Latvian Rifle Regiment and an infirmary with a medicine warehouse were located nearby.

In the night of January 5, 1917, in the light of eight huge bonfires, 105 fighters of the 5th Zemgale Latvian Rifle Regiment were buried in military honor. They fell in battle against the German army or died from injuries. The funeral ceremony was led by Regiment Commander Jukums Vācietis. In later years, soldiers from other units of the Russian army were also buried in the cemetery. In 1925, a monument to the architect Eizen Laube was unveiled in the cemetery, and the territory was landscaped. Information about the 3,800 soldiers buried in the cemetery can be found in many places, but it must be assessed as unlikely and unverified.


The second monument to the soldiers of the first independent Latvia in Marupe

is located in Mārupe district, before the building of the golf club "Viesturi" on the forest road, opposite the sign to the golf training ground.

The authors of the project idea are Miķelis Jakunovs, Mārupe region guide, and Visvaldis Dumpis, the owner of the plot of land "Dumpmaļi".

In November 2014, during the week of Latvian patriots, in honor of Latvian soldiers, a second monument to Latvian soldiers was unveiled in the forest near Dzilnupīte, on the border of Mārupe and Babīte counties, in one of the battle sites of the First World War. The conceptual author and financier of the monuments is Visvaldis Dumpis, they were created by sculptor Ivars Feldbergs. The owner of the memorial, Visvaldis Dumpis, would like people to gather here not only on June 14 and March 25, but also on July 10, the anniversary of the founding of the national defense forces, and other important historical events for Latvians.
On November 9, 2018, an informative stand about the history of the place and attractions was opened near the monument. It is dedicated to the history of the place, telling about the "Adieņi" houses that once existed here and the Ķurbja family living there, the events of the First World War in the area, as well as the historical objects that can no longer be seen in nature - Dūči Bridge, Dzirnava Pond and Mill, Hunting Baths.

Latvian soldiers’ former medical warehouse

Located in Babīte district, near the Antiņi soldiers cemetery and restored trenches.

During World War I, from 1915, defensive positions of the army of the Russian Empire were located in this area. In 1917, during the Christmas battles, at the Antiņi house was the headquarters of the 5th Zemgale Latvian Rifle Regiment and an infirmary with a medicine warehouse, which was headed by the prominent Latvian military doctor Pēteris Snīķeris.

During the Christmas battles, the attacks of Latvian riflemen on German army units took place in particularly harsh and unfavorable conditions. The injuries sustained in the fighting were of all kinds - wounds, contusions and injuries caused by firearms, as well as frostbite. Thousands of Latvian soldiers had to be provided with timely medical assistance. It was organized so that the injured received care as soon as possible. There were unarmed paramedics on the battlefield who provided first aid and removed the wounded from dangerous places. Dressing points were set up in the vicinity of the battlefields, where care was continued and sorting was carried out. Severely wounded soldiers were evacuated to hospitals or hospitals in carts and cars. Cemeteries were set up near Lazarete, where the dead were buried.

Nowadays you can see the old medicine store. The Antiņi Soldiers Cemetery is nearby, as are World War I trenches and dugouts. The environment is suitable for walks in the woods, revealing vivid evidence of military heritage.


WWI Historical Exploration Route and dugout

Located in Olaine, near the Olaine Museum of History and Art.

The historical route was established in 2018 at the site of the fortifications of the Russian army during World War I, which were part of the defense system of the area. The fighting between the German and Russian armies in the Olaine area attracts attention for several reasons. The marshy terrain prevented the warring parties from making rapid progress and required a variety of skills from the soldiers to operate in adverse conditions. Accurate terrain analysis, reconnaissance, and fortifications or engineering structures played an important role in the war.

Nowadays, the cognitive route is freely available and gives a rough idea of the living conditions of soldiers. The renovated buildings are closed, but can be seen by contacting the specialists of the Olaine History and Art Museum in advance.


Death Island

The group of islands is located in Daugava on the southern side of the Riga HPP reservoir near Daugmale. The Death Island is one of the scariest and most legendary battlefields of World War  I. When the Russian Army withdrew from Kurzeme and Zemgale in 1915 some units remained on the left bank of Daugava, where they took positions to fight the German Army. The banks of the river were connected by a bridge. One of the largest chemical weapons usage cases in the territory of Latvia took place here. Latvian soldiers called the place ‘Death Island’, but soldiers of other nationalities called it ‘Hell’. The position of Death Island was of strategic and symbolic importance. For Latvian soldiers it was part of Kurzeme occupied by Germany. Fights took place on the banks of Daugava near Ikšķile, and in some way they were associated with the fights of the ancestors during the Crusades. Nowadays this location is accessible by boat. Territory of the Riga HPP reservoir that was not flooded can be seen. The monument designed by E. Laube still remains. Defensive position elements have been reconstructed in some places. There is an information stand on the bank of Daugava near the Ikšķile Kābeļu hill. Death Island became a group of islands after the construction of the Riga HPP reservoir was finished.

Ogre History and Art Museum

Ogre History and Art Museum was established in 1981. The museum collection comprises more than 40 thousand different units obtained in the territory of Ogre city and the former Ogre district. It extensively depicts the cultural and historical heritage starting from ancient times till modern days. 

In the exhibition “From Bank to Museum” the visitors can get acquainted with the history of the building at 36 Brīvības street, and its transformation over the period of 50 years. Initially built as a bank of the USSR, it has lately become the home of Ogre History and Art Museum.

The exposition “Holiday-Makers in Ogre” is dedicated to one of the brightest and most legendary pages in the history of the town. It shows the recreation possibilities, the entertainments of the holiday-makers’, as well as the legends entwining the cultural and social life of Ogre from the beginning of the 20 th century till World War II. The life story of Ogre as a resort town is presented by carefully selected documents and objects, as well as their attractive artistic presentation.

Exhibitions at the museum change monthly. The thematic exhibitions are usually dedicated to different historical events but the artists, such as painters, ceramists, graphic designers, photographers and representatives of other creative professions from Ogre Municipality and the whole country, are represented in the art exhibitions.

Exposition of military bikes in the Bicycle museum in Saulkrasti

The Bicycle Museum is located in Saulkrasti not far from the A1 highway and the railway station Pabaži, near the White Dune. Museum’s collection is made up of technically the most interesting examples of bicycle development history in Latvia. It is the largest bicycle collection in the Baltics with about 60 bicycles made and used in Latvia, including army-type bicycles. In the beginning of the 20th century many armies started to widely utilise the availability and benefits of bicycles. Special bicycle units were formed because of their mobility. Bicycle units were able to gather intelligence and launch unexpected attacks more easily, and were more mobile than regular infantry when it came to operations over a wide area. After World War I the Latvian Army also had bicycle units who used Latvian-made army bicycles. Any soldier who was in such a bicycle unit had to meet strict requirements. Good stamina, eyesight and hearing, as well as a healthy heart and lungs were a must. They could not weigh less than 80 kg and their height had to be 165-180 cm. The standard in the Latvian Army was that a well-trained cyclist should be able to cover 80-100 km in day, and up to 150 km in forced conditions. In winter, when bicycles could not be used, skis were used. A soldier from a bicycle unit had to be able to ski 50-60 km per day. Many soldiers from bicycle units would later become professional athletes.

We have about 5000 visitors every year.

Saulkrasti dougouts

Asub Saulkrastis, rannaluidetes restorani "Laguun" läheduses.

Vene armee kindlustused ehitati I maailmasõja ajal, et pakkuda rannikukaitset Saksa armee dessandioperatsioonide eest. See on osa kaitseala kindlustussüsteemist, mis asus strateegiliselt oluliste objektide läheduses.

Esimese maailmasõja ajal oli Vene armee rajanud Läti territooriumile mitu kaitsesüsteemi. Kui mõni liinidest peaks katkema, takistaksid uued positsioonid ja lisajõud Saksa armee edasiliikumist. Üks liinidest asus vööndis, mis algas Saulkrastist, jätkus Līgatnes, Nītaures ja lõppes Kokneses, ühinedes esimese kaitseliiniga, mis ulatus piki Daugava kallast. Eesmärk oli kindlustada Saulkrasti ümbrust, kuna seal oli palju olulisi objekte. Mitmed üle jõeületused, Vidzeme keskele viiv hargnenud teedevõrk, samuti mere kaldale ulatuvad kaitsepositsioonid.

Tänapäeval on sellel kohal kaevikud kaunis mereäärses metsas, kust avaneb vaade merele. See on üks tõmbenumbritest Saulkrasti turismi laias valikus.

Das Freiheitsdenkmal in Riga

Es befindet sich im Zentrum von Riga am Brīvības-Platz.

Das Freiheitsdenkmal ist eines der herausragendsten Denkmäler der lettischen Geschichte, Architektur und Kunst. Es wurde nach dem Projekt von Kārļis Zaales auf der Grundlage öffentlicher Spenden gebaut. Eröffnet 1935 als Symbol der Freiheit der Letten und der Liebe zum Vaterland. Zusammen mit dem Grabensemble der Rigaer Brüder gehört es zu den wertvollsten Beispielen monumentaler Architektur und Skulptur.

Das Freiheitsdenkmal drückt die ethischen und ästhetischen Werte der lettischen Kultur aus. Die Symbole spiegeln die philosophische Natur der Freiheit und die historischen Vorstellungen der lettischen Nation über die Etappen des Unabhängigkeitskampfes wider. Zeigt die Verkörperung von körperlicher und geistiger Stärke an. Die heroische Sprache erzählt von der lettischen Nation als selbstständiger, aktiver Geschichtsschreiber und Bestimmender seines eigenen Schicksals.

An seiner Stelle stand ursprünglich ein Denkmal für den russischen Zaren Peter I. Im Ersten Weltkrieg wurde es demontiert, um per Schiff nach Petrograd transportiert zu werden. Das Schiff wurde von einem deutschen U-Boot torpediert und sank vor der Insel Worms auf estnischem Staatsgebiet. Die sowjetische Besatzungsmacht plante mehrmals den Abriss des Freiheitsdenkmals, kam aber nicht zustande.

Heutzutage können Sie eines der Symbole Lettlands sehen und die Traditionen der Ehrengarde der Armee beobachten.

General Karl Gopper Memorial Room in der Heimatstadt Muscat

Das Hotel liegt in der Gemeinde Plāņi am Ufer des Flusses Vija.

Zu sehen ist der Gedenkraum von General Karl Gopper in seinem Geburtshaus "Muscat".

Die Muscat-Farm wurde vom Bruder des Generals, August Goppers, geführt, weil der talentierte Kriegsherr mit Großereignissen und Weltkriegen beschäftigt war. 1920 kehrte der General nach Lettland in seine Heimat zurück. Aber viele verantwortungsvolle Aufgaben verbanden ihn mit Riga. August operierte weiterhin in Muscat. 1940 wurde General Gopper festgenommen und am 25. März 1941 in einem Kontrollkeller erschossen. 1944 ging die Familie Gopper als Flüchtlinge mit drei Pferdekutschen nach Kurzeme. Der Krieg spaltete die Familie, die Töchter von Alexander Gopper – Biruta, Elza und Anna – blieben in Lettland. Sie durften nicht nach Maskat zurückkehren. Die Häuser waren groß und sorgfältig gepflegt. Drei vier Neuankömmlinge wurden in getrennten Räumen untergebracht. In der großen Scheune wurde ein Reiterhof eingerichtet. 1980 brach wegen gegenseitiger Krätze ein Feuer aus. Die Scheune und die große Scheune brannten nieder. Glücklicherweise breitete sich das Feuer nicht auf das Haus aus, die Flammen wurden von großen Bäumen abgewehrt, die von unseren Vorfahren gepflanzt wurden.

1991, nach dem wundersamen Erwachen, wurde der lettische Staat zum zweiten Mal wiedergeboren. 1992 erlangte die Familie von General Goppers Bruder Augustus Maskat als Ahnenheiligtum zurück. Zehn Jahre lang hat der ganze Käse hart daran gearbeitet, die Häuser vor der Zerstörung zu retten, die zerstörten Gebäude zu restaurieren und zu errichten, um die gesamte Muscat-Farm schön zu machen. Die Häuser wurden in ihrem alten Aussehen restauriert und es gibt auch einen Gedenkraum für General Karl Gopper, der vorab unter der Telefonnummer +371 29396870, +371 29254285 besichtigt werden kann.

Excursion to the monument to the soldiers who died in the First World War in the park of Spāre manor

Located in the territory of the Spāre manor complex.

During the First World War, the Russian Army Field Infirmary was located in Spāre Manor. The 24 soldiers who died there, including Latvian riflemen, were buried in the nearby cemetery. The monument was unveiled on October 6, 1935.

Rows of lindens were planted on both sides of the road during the memorial site (starting from the road). In 1935, all the improvement works in the area were carried out by the students of Spāre under the guidance of the school administrator Kārlis and Alvīne Skalbergs.
The pupils of Spāre Primary School in Amata Region are also involved in the cleaning of the memorial site. The land guards of Cēsis 27. KB provide great support in these works.
A torchlight procession to the memorial to the fallen in World War I, which is being held on 11 November, has become a tradition. This event is always crowded by the guards of Cēsis 27. KB, there is always a chaplain with them. Festive halls are an integral part of the event.

In the territory of the Spāre manor complex, an excursion to the monument to the soldiers who fell in the First World War (45 min.) Is offered by prior arrangement by calling +371 26558464.

Piemiņas akmens latviešu strēlniekiem Plakanciemā

Plakanciemā latviešu strēlnieki izcīnīja savu pirmo uzvaru vēsturiskajā 1915. gada 29. oktobra nakts kaujā – tikai nedēļu pēc tam, kad 1. Daugavgrīvas latviešu strēlnieku bataljons bija izgājis no Rīgas un uzsācis frontes darbību. Ar sekmīgo Plakanciema kauju sākās mūsu strēlnieku varonīgais cīņu ceļš. Nakts uzbrukumam pie Misas upes bija arī nenovērtējama morāla nozīme – latviešu strēlnieku cīņas spējas neviens neapšaubīja, viņi ātri kļuva populāri un uz mūsu nacionālajām vienībām pārnāca daudzi latvieši no krievu pulkiem.

Piemiņas akmeni veidoja pēc Ķekavas novada pašvaldības pasūtījuma Ķekavas novada akmens apstrādes un restaurācijas uzņēmums "Akmens apstrādes centrs "AKM"" - akmens amata meistari Guntis Pandars un Pēteris Zvaunis.
Panākumu Plakanciema kaujā nodrošināja rūpīga nepārtraukta četru dienu ilga izlūkošana, 1. rotas komandiera Fridriha Brieža sastādītais pēkšņā uzbrukuma plāns un mūsu karavīru varonība.
Frontē tobrīd situācija bija ļoti saspringta, jo vācu karavīri vairākās vietās lēnām turpināja tuvoties Rīgai. Pie Plakanciema nesen viņi pārnāca pāri Misas upei un sāka ierīkot priekštilta pozīciju, izvietojot vācu 376. kājnieku pulka 2. bataljonu un 4 ložmetējus.
Latviešu strēlnieku uzbrukums tika balstīts uz pārsteigumu, ātru rīcību un dažādu darbību koordināciju. Katram 1. rotas strēlniekam tika izsniegtas četras rokas granātas, 60 karavīri uzvilka baltos apmetņus, jo tikko bija uzsnidzis plāns sniegs. Kad uzbrucēji pielīda pietiekoši tuvu vācu pozīcijām, pulksten 22.00 tika dots signāls un sākās trieciens. Abi mūsu ložmetēji apšaudīja pretinieka abus flangus, lai vācieši nevarētu piesaistīt rezerves. Metot rokas granātas, latviešu strēlnieki strauji iebruka vācu ierakumos, krievu artilēristi apšaudīja Misas upes laipas un pretinieka galveno aizsardzības līniju. Ienaidnieka karavīri apjuka - ciešot smagus zaudējumus, viņi atkāpās pāri upei un atstāja placdarmu uzbrucēju rokās. Viena mūsu rota bija sakāvusi četras reizes lielāku pretinieka vienību!
Latviešu strēlnieki zaudēja sešus kritušos – Juri Butenieku, Frici Ērmani, Rūdolfu Hofmani, Kristapu Krūmiņu, Jāni Nauri un Kirijanu Šnurovu. Viņi visi apbedīti Rīgas Brāļu kapos. No astoņiem ievainotajiem divi vēlāk nomira – Jāzeps Brūveris (apbedīts Pleskodāles kapos ) un Jānis Skuja (apbedīts Rīgas Brāļu kapos ). Vācu zaudējumi – 31 karavīrs kritis, 34 saņemti gūstā un 45 ievainoti. Trofejās uzbrucēji ieguva ložmetēju un 35 šautenes.


Monument to the soldiers who died in the First World War and the Latvian War of Independence

Located on Baznīcas Street opposite St. Anne's Church.

A monument to the soldiers who died in the First World War and the Latvian War of Independence can be seen.

On May 1, 1923, a "Hero's Grove" was planted opposite the Mazsalaca Lutheran Church, where an oak tree was dedicated to each fallen. According to Likert, a total of 97 oaks were planted - 23 for the fallen in the War of Independence and 74 for the fallen in the First World War. However, the press at the time mentioned that 106 oaks had been planted.

On August 21, 1927, a concrete monument built by architect Pauls Kundziņš was unveiled in the Heroes' Square, in the construction of which the sculptor Vilhelms Treijs also participated.

The monument is located next to the church of St. Anne in Mazsalaca, which was built in a specially designated place to slide (58.6 m), the beautiful tower can be seen from afar. The church is well preserved, as it was neither destroyed nor adapted for any other use during the Soviet era.

Latvian archers' Brothers' graves

It is located near the Nītaure Orthodox Church, next to II. for the memorial ensemble of soldiers of the Soviet army of the World War.

On September 2, 1934, the graves of the shooters and unknown soldiers, who fell in a clash with the Germans near Nītaure in September 1917, were consecrated.

Chronological order in the construction of graves:

In September 1917, the front line was strengthened in the section Saulkrasti-Līgatne-Nītaure-Lobes ezers (near Krapa)-Koknese. On the road Mālpils-Peļni-Nītaure, the 6th Tukum and 5th Zemgale regiments had their last clash with the enemy - German troops. Colonel Jukums Väetis said about it:
"After this battle there was a lull on the front."
The fallen were buried near the Orthodox church in Nītaure and in various places of clashes in the section Mālpils-Peļni-Nītaure.

1922 newspaper "Latvijas Kareivis" No. 113.21.05 in the article "Historical battle memorials" it is mentioned that "The grave of the Brothers of Latvian Riflemen is still located in Nītaure, where clashes with the Germans also took place".

On July 17, 1929, a commission went to Nītauri to look at the burials, which found that in Nītauri, around 100 soldiers from the Russian army were buried near the Orthodox church (you should know, Latvian rifle regiments were founded as part of the Russian army), while 6 Latvian riflemen were buried near the Lutheran burial chamber. : Otto Bērziņš (5th Zemgale Regiment), Kārkliņš (6th Tukuma Rifle Regiment), Alfrēds Bedrītis (fell near Cēsis in the Liberation Battle in 1919), Sviļums (archer), Žanis Krūtainis (5th Zemgale Regiment) and an unknown Latvian soldier .

In 1933, the archers buried near Pelņi's house were reburied in Mālpils cemetery, while the remains of fallen soldiers in some places in More parish were transferred to the Nītaure Brothers' cemetery near the Nītaure Orthodox Church. 6 fallen soldiers who were buried in the Lutheran cemetery were also reburied here.

In the funds of the Cēsi Museum, there is a photograph of an unknown author, which shows the graves of the Brothers in Nītaure before World War II. world war.

After II. During World War II, the Soviet soldiers who died in the battles near Nītaura and More were buried in these cemeteries, and all evidence that the graves of the Latvian Riflemen Brothers were located here were removed. In 1984, the currently visible memorial ensemble of Soviet soldiers or Red Army men was created.

Thus, the memorial place of Latvian fighters was wiped off the ground.

In 2017, thanks to the initiative and work of Dace Eipures, a local history enthusiast and environmental guide of Nītaure, a new memorial was created in the territory of the old Brothers' graves.

You can familiarize yourself with the history of the memorial site and World War I in Nītaure in the "Latvian history adventures in Nītaure" program of the environmental guide Dace Eipure, by calling in advance and requesting a visit +371 29156765!

Cesis Brothers Cemetery

Located in Cēsis Lejas Cemetery, Lenču Street 15, Cēsis.

One of the most important memorial sites of the First World War and the War of Independence in Cēsis is the Brothers' Cemetery in the Lower Cemetery.
The cemetery is the monument of the Brethren's Cemetery, built in 1927 by the artist and thinker of Cēsis Augustus Julla (1872-1958), dedicated to the soldiers buried in the Brothers' Cemetery from 1915 to 1920.

About 200 soldiers are buried in the Brothers Cemetery of Cēsis Lower Cemetery. Among them, an unknown number of Latvian riflemen and Russian soldiers killed in the First World War, as well as soldiers of German (10), Polish and other nationalities. During the Latvian Liberation War, 22 fallen soldiers of the 5th (2nd) Cēsis Infantry Regiment, as well as 11 freedom fighters who fell in other Latvian army units, were buried in these cemeteries. 2 Estonians, 15 victims of Bolsheviks and also Latvian Red Riflemen are buried in the Brothers' Cemetery.

Cēsis history and art museum in the New Castle of Cēsis

The Cēsis History and Art Museum is located in the very centre of the Old Town of Cēsis, in the New Castle. The museum holds a permanent exhibit of history and interiors named ‘Cēsis, a Symbol of Latvian History’, with two thematic sections: the exhibit ‘Red-White-Red Flag in the History of Cēsis and Latvia’ explains the history of the Latvian national flag from the 13th to 20th centuries, the approved national symbol, the flags of Latvian rifle battalions and the traditions of using national colours during the Latvian War of Independence. The exhibit ‘Cēsis and the Latvian War of Independence’ focuses on the founding of the Cēsis Company in December 1918, the joint battle efforts of Estonians and Latvians in the 1919 Battles of Cēsis, the time when, during the Bermondt Affair, Cēsis served as the temporary capital of Latvia for a short time, as well as the history of the Cēsis Victory Monument. In an escape room named ‘Legends of the Battles of Cēsis’, the participants have one hour to find their way out by solving puzzles, making connections and finding hidden objects. The Cēsis Company, one of the first units of the Latvian Armed Forces, was established on 8 December 1918 in Cēsis Castle by Senior Lieutenant Artūrs Jansons. The museum’s exhibit features a memorial plaque dedicated to the Cēsis Company, unveiled on 8 December 1933 at the Cēsis New Castle, which, at the time, served as the headquarters of the 8th Daugavpils Infantry Regiment and the garrison officers’ club.

Kauču or Veco pine

The pine tree is located on the left side of the Strenču-Valka highway, about a kilometer beyond the border of Strenču, 140 meters from the highway, in the forest, 400 meters NW from Kauči.

A piece was torn from the rough bark of the tree and the words of the song were carved into the trunk with a knife in old Latvian print, which are now partially legible – ˝ …c smyltā / …ten tħli cīn… / … návīgo as… / …ņa wems a… / …dz katuli / … strādniek… ˝ ("Come, beloved girl, until the fight, take the deadly blade in your hand. We are workers who have suffered a lot.").

Researchers have expressed the version that this poem could have been engraved in the pine trunk between 1905 and 1918, when Latvia was overrun by the revolution and the First World War, state forest specialists of Latvia know how to tell.

Memorial place of J. Lapiņš, the author of the first flag of Latvia

It is located in "Lejas Pintuli", Veselava parish, Priekuļi district.

A memorial to Jānis Lapiņas, the author of the pre-flag of Latvia, can be seen.

The Latvian national flag was created during the First World War. In 1915, when creating the flags of the Latvian rifle battalions, some artists offered red and white colors to the flag throwers. In the second half of 1916, the red-and-white flag thrown by the pedagogue and journalist Jānis Lapiņa was made by his student, Marianna Straumane, a teacher at the refugee shelter in Valmiera.
It is the first known and actually made Latvian national flag, which has survived to our days.
In 2014, a memorial to Jānis Lapiņas, the author of the pre-flag, was opened in "Lejas Pintuulis" of Veselava Parish, Priekuļi County.

The first known authentic Latvian national flag, which passed through the refugee corridors in Russia, was carefully hidden during the Soviet and German occupation, and is currently kept in the Cēsis Museum of History and Art . It was given as a gift in 1997 by their daughter Lija Poga.

World War I line of fortifications in Olaine

The battle in the territory of Latvia began in the spring of 1915 with the invasion in Liepāja by the German Empire. Army units of the Russian Empire retreated through Kurzeme in the direction of Riga. By the end of the summer, the command of the German Imperial Army gave orders to take up and strengthen appropriate positions. When departing from Jelgava, the first units of the Russian Empire’s army arrived in this place. This was an important place for the protection of Riga, because the Riga-Jelgava highway was nearby, along which it was possible to bring the necessary war materials. In mid-November 1915, the front stabilised and both armies built positions. One kilometre to the SW of the forester’s house “Lapsas” there was the second line of defence, which was built above ground, because due to the swampy relief it was not possible to build the traditional trenches. The embankment-shaped wall consisted of a breastwork consisting of an earthen wall secured on both sides by small-diameter logs and metal wires. Today you can see the preserved line of defence, which has survived for less than a kilometre.

Zugehörige Geschichten

Bērzaines ģimnāzija - Pirmā pasaules kara lieciniece

1915.gada pavasarī un vasarā vācu karaspēks okupēja Kurzemi un Zemgali. Karojošo pušu karaspēks izvietojās Daugavas krastos. Vidzeme kļuva par piefrontes teritoriju, bet Cēsis par piefrontes pilsētu, kuras apkārtnē izvietojās cariskās Krievijas armijas Ziemeļu frontes 12. armijas štābs, kurš 1915. gada vasarā un rudenī pārcēlās uz Bērzaini pie Cēsīm (Birkenruh bei Wenden), tagadējā Cēsu Bērzaines pamatskolas ēkā un teritorijā.

Latviešu strēlnieku ikdienas rutīna Nāves salā

Atmiņās spilgti raksturota karavīru ikdienu Nāves salā.

Ieraksts dienasgrāmatā par brīdi, kad karavīri uzzina par gatavošanos Ziemassvētku kaujām.

Latviešu strēlnieki un viņu virsnieki par kaujas sākumu tika informēti pēdējā brīdī. 5. Zemgales latviešu strēlnieku pulka apakšvirsnieks Rūdolfs Ivanovs dienasgrāmatā aprakstīja pēdējo vakaru pirms kaujas sākuma. Īss, bet spilgts un autentisks teksts, kas parāda ļoti nozīmīgu brīdi karavīram – uzzina par kaujas dienu.

Atmiņas par Kara muzeja izveides sākumu

Teicējs apraksta apstākļus kādos izveidojās Kara muzejs. Pieminētas problēmas un kolekciju veidošanas darbs.

Tā radās Brāļu kapi Rīgā

Teicējs apraksta apstākļus kādos izveidojās slavenākais Latvijas memoriāls, kas veltīts kritušajiem karavīriem. Kā redzams atmiņās, tad tautas varoņu kapsēta saskārās ar virkni šķēršļu un nelabvēļu- noraidošu attieksmi ne tikai no baznīcas, bet arī Rīgas pilsētas vadības puses.

Kārlis Zāle un Brīvības piemineklis

Teicējs apraksta atmiņas apraksta Kārli Zāli kā personību, kura veidoja slavenākos Latvijas mākslas darbus. Apraksts ir veltīts Zāles piemiņai 1942. gadā (K. Zāles miršanas gads). Atmiņas izvēlētas, lai raksturotu K. Zāles darbus balstoties uz autora personīgajām īpašībām un pasaules uztveri.

Par Sudrabkalniņa atklāšanas svētkiem

Atmiņu stāsta izvilkums no ģenerāļa Jāņa Baloža uzrunas Sudrabkalniņa pieminekļa atklāšanas dienā. Pilnā tekstā ir atstāsts par atklāšanas pasākuma norisi, Valsts prezidenta Kārļa Ulmaņa un ģenerāļa Jāņa Baloža uzrunas. Atmiņas izvēlētas, jo spilgti parāda to kādā stāvoklī bija Latvijas armija, kura cīnās Sudrabkalniņa apkaimē.

Par latviešu strēlniekiem Olaines apkārtnē

Atmiņās atspoguļota latviešu strēlnieku ikdienas dzīve Olaines apkārtnē. Aprakstīti ne tikai sadzīves apstākļi, bet arī ierastais uzdevums- pretinieka pozīciju izlūkošana.

Par Daugavgrīvas cietoksni

Teicējs apraksta notikumu Daugavgrīvas cietoksnī, 1. pasaules kara laikā, kad to bombardēja Vācijas armijas dirižablis. Cietoksnis bija viens no stratēģiskajiem objektiem, kas saglabāja savu nozīmi līdz pat 2. pasaules kara beigām.

Aizsardzības pozīciju veidošana.

Apraksts aplūko kaujas lauka nocietināšanas problemātiku kopumā. Tas veidots balstoties uz 1. pasaules kara pieredzi un situāciju, kad nepieciešams organizēt plašus darbus nocietinājumu izveidē.

Par Ziemassvētku kaujām

Ziemassvētku kaujas noslēdzās 11. janvārī. Spēcīgi nocietināto Vācijas armijas pozīciju- Ložmetējkalnu latviešu strēlniekiem izdevās ieņemt kauju trešajā dienā. Ziemassvētku kauju cena bija ļoti augsta. Simtiem latviešu un citu Krievijas armijas vienību karavīru bija zaudējuši savu dzīvību, mēģinot izsist vāciešus no pozīcijām. Teicējs spilgti apraksta kaujas lauka ainas pēc Ziemassvētku kauju noslēguma.

Pagalmā atrasts piemiņas žetons, kas veltīts admirālim Makārovam

Maza militārā relikvija var liecināt par plašu vēsturisku stāstu. Un lai gan žetons reprezentē notikumus, kas norisinājās Krievu-Japāņu kara laikā, tas parāda raibo militāro vēsturi un mūsu Latviešu strēlnieku iesaisti arī citos militāros konfliktos gan pirms, gan pēc Neatkarības kariem.