Brothers' Cemetery in Riga Memorialinis vieta

Riga Brethren Cemetery
 Aizsaules iela 1B, Rīga, Latvija
 +371 67181692
 Rīgas pieminekļu aģentūra

Riga Brothers’ Cemetery is located in the northern district of Riga. The cemetery extends over an area of 9 ha and is the most outstanding and significant memorial ensemble in Latvia dedicated to the fallen Latvian soldiers. About 3,000 soldiers are buried here. The Brothers’ Cemetery was created during World War I after the first three Latvian Riflemen, who fell in Tīreļpurvs in the battle against the German Army, were buried here. Later Latvian soldiers who had died in other battles and wars would also be buried in the Brothers’ Cemetery. The memorial is based on the design of the sculptor Kārlis Zāle, and is the first memorial ensemble in Europe with such landscape, architecture and sculptural value. It uses elements typical to the Latvian landscape, traditional farmsteads, Latvian folklore and history that praise the characteristics of soldiers and tell the story of the way of the soldier. The memorial was unveiled in 1936 and it has three parts: ‘The Road of Though’ which is a 250 m long alley, ‘Terrace of Heroes’ with the Altar of the Sacred Flame and ensemble the Sacred Oak Grove, and the burial ground with the Latvian wall and a memorial of a mother with her fallen sons.

Panaudoti šaltiniai ir literatūra:

Lismanis, J. In memory of battles and fallen soldiers: 1915-1920. Riga: Nims, 1999.

Official website of the Riga Brothers' Cemetery. Available: [accessed 19.02.2021].

Susijusi istorija

Apie pirmąjį Latvijos kariuomenės vadą Dāvidą Sīmansoną

Knygoje „Latvijos kariuomenės vadai“ esantys rašiniai įtikina, kad istorijai didelę įtaką daro konkretūs asmenys. Nors svarbiausių istorinių įvykių epicentre jie buvo neilgai, tikri Latvijos patriotai, turėdami turtingą karinę patirtį, sugebėjo daug nuveikti formuojant ir stiprinant Latvijos kariuomenę bei istorinių įvykių lūžio momentuose.
Ši istorija pasakoja apie pirmąjį Latvijos kariuomenės vadą Dāvidą Sīmansoną (1859-1933).

Apie generolą Karlį Goppersą

Generolas K. Goppersas (1876-1941) buvo puikus karys ir puikus žmogus. Pasižymėjo kaip sėkmingas vadas, vadovavęs batalionams ir pulkams, didvyriškai vadovavęs savo šauliams kovose už Latvijos laisvę Pirmojo pasaulinio karo metais (1914–1919). Dalyvavo mūšiuose Tīrelpurvoje, Ložmetējkalnyje, Rygos gynyboje.

This is how the Brothers' Cemetery was founded in Riga

The narrator describes the conditions under which the most famous Latvian memorial dedicated to fallen soldiers was established. As can be seen from the memoirs, the cemetery of folk heroes faced a number of obstacles and disadvantages - not only from the church, but also from the management of the city of Riga.

Kārlis Zāle and the Freedom Monument

The narrator describes Kārlis Zali as a personality who created the most famous works of Latvian art. The description is dedicated to the commemoration of the hall in 1942 (the year of K. Hall's death). The memories have been chosen to describe K. Zāle's works based on the author's personal qualities and perception of the world.

For lesser known works by Latvian sculptor Kārlis Zāle in the old cemeteries of Dīvals and Trikāta

One of the little-known works of the sculptor Kārlis Zāle (1888-1942) is a sculpture made of limestone "Roses Roses", which was created between 1939 and 1940 and is related to the creation of the Brothers' Cemetery Ensemble.