Nepriklausomybės karo atminimas Vakarų Estijoje
Diena 3.
55 km
Haapsalu–Dirhami–Osmussaar Island–Dirhami
Driving to Dirhami, boat to Osmussaar.
Praktinė informacija
- Driving distance: ~55 km
- Boat trip booking for the tour to Osmussaar They also offer guide service on the island, which is highly recommended
- On the way from Dirhami to Spithami, there is the Roosta beach and holiday centre with food service and an adventure park
Lankytinos vietos
180-mm battery on Osmussaar (north)
The island of Osmussaar is situated off the north-west coast of Estonia. This 180-mm coastal battery is located, in turn, in the north-western part of the island.
The battery comprised two twin 180-mm guns. Some sources state that the battery was ready for combat by 1 September 1941, four months ahead of schedule. Others claim that only the 180-mm gun facility to the south had been set up by this time. The fact that the gun to the north was seldom used is confirmed by its ammunition stock being more full than that of the gun to the south. In September 1941 a military hospital was established in the northern facility. It contains over one hundred beds. The hospital’s outhouse was built next to the tower from red brick. Both gun facilities were blown up during the retreat from Osmussaar in December 1941. Its turrets were turned into scrap in 1945.
The gun structure is in better condition at the northern facility, bearing less damage than its counterpart to the south. The water level varies in the battery, but the upper floor is accessible.
Spitham Radar Station
This military outpost is situated in the village of Spitham in Lääne-Nigula municipality on the Gulf of Finland.
Construction of the outpost began in 1958. It is assumed that the military unit from Osmussaar was relocated here. Tents were used prior to the completion of the barracks, with senior officers accommodated on local farms. Barracks, a canteen and technical facilities were built. Its diesel power generator also provided electricity to the village. In 1993 the military unit was relocated to Leningrad oblast in Russia.
Two large radar mounds, a command centre, multiple technical bunkers, a garage for transporting equipment, a couple of pillboxes and some ruins remain of the radar station. Only the crumbling canteen remains of its residential quarters.
Osmussaar fire control tower
The island of Osmussaar is situated off the north-west coast of Estonia. This fire control tower is located, in turn, in the north-western part of the island.
The whole island was annexed for the use of the Soviet Army, with a signal unit stationed there. The island was claimed under the Mutual Assistance Pact in 1940, forcing the locals to leave. Of all the intricate coastal defences planned on the island in 1940, only two batteries and an underground ammunition storage were ever built. The 13-metre fire control tower (or range finding tower) was completed in 1941. Germans bombed the island from the batteries set up in Põõsaspea. The upper platform of the tower was hit in November, damaging the range finder. It was replaced with a 3-metre range finder brought from the reserve fire control tower set up in the lighthouse. The reinforced concrete pillars which were hit have been repaired in certain places.
The reinforced concrete pillars are currently exposed.
180-mm battery on Osmussaar (south)
The island of Osmussaar is situated off the north-west coast of Estonia. This 180-mm coastal battery is located, in turn, in the north-western part of the island.
The battery comprised two twin 180-mm guns. Some sources state that the battery was ready for combat by 1 September 1941, four months ahead of schedule. Others claim that only the 180-mm gun facility to the south had been set up by this time. The fact that the gun to the north was seldom used is confirmed by its ammunition stock being more full than that of the gun to the south. In September 1941 a military hospital was established in the northern facility. It contains over one hundred beds. The hospital’s outhouse was built next to the tower from red brick. Both gun facilities were blown up during the retreat from Osmussaar in December 1941. Its turrets were turned into scrap in 1945.
The gun structure is in better condition at the northern facility, bearing less damage than its counterpart to the south. The water level varies in the battery, but the upper floor is accessible.
130-mm battery on Osmussaar (middle)
The island of Osmussaar is situated off the north-west coast of Estonia. This 130-mm coastal battery is located, in turn, in the north-western part of the island.
Construction began in 1940, but experienced disruptions. The artillery only arrived a couple days after war broke out and was hastily put in place, with installation completed by 3 July 1941. Since the island’s 180-mm battery only became battle-ready that September, the 130-mm battery and 76-mm air-defence guns were the only firepower on Osmussaar for the first two months of the war. Both ships and aircraft were fired at. In early December, during the evacuation of the island, the artillery was rendered unusable. From 1942-1944 the Germans had their own artillery mounted on the 130-mm gun pits. In autumn 1944 restoration work began on the battery. It has been speculated that the battery was demolished in the 1950s; the exact date is unknown.
Three overgrown gun pits and a partly collapsed dugout are all that remain of the battery.
Vietos pavalgyti
Dirhami Fish Cafe
Dirhami Fish Cafe can be summarised with the phrase ‘good tastes and the sea’. Even though the cafe is located at a remote place, the journey there is completely worth it: the cafe is located on the beach, overlooking Osmussaar and the wonderful sunset. We also have a guest house so you can stay longer.
Our menu focuses on fish, largely on local fish. We recommend that you book a table in advance – this way, we can order enough raw ingredients, prepare, and bring in the right people.
Come and discover! We guarantee you a great experience.