I Nepriklausomybės karai, Baltijos šalių nepriklausomybė, II WW2, IV Sovietų okupacija, Atkurta Nepriklausomybė
Militārais mantojums gar dzelzs priekškaru
Diena 1.
120 km
Liepāja - Palanga - Klaipēda
Praktinė informacija
Lankytinos vietos
Coastal defense battery "Memel Nord"
1939 after the annexation of Klaipėda County to Germany, the German army started the construction of coastal defense batteries in the vicinity of the city. Two batteries were planned: the first - Memel Süd in Smiltine (it was not built) and the second - Memel Nord - north of Klaipeda. Initially, it was intended to protect the coast from enemy ships, but later it was converted into an anti-aircraft defense point. The battery operates until 1955, the Memel-Nord battery has not suffered from the war. It consists of three buildings, in the center is a concrete structure fire control post, flanked by two artillery blocks with ammunition storage. in 2002 a museum exposition has been created in one of the artillery blocks.
Vietos pavalgyti
- Liepājā, sk. liepaja.travel
- Palangā, sk. visit-palanga.lt
- Restorāns "OLDMAN Palanga", Palangā
- Klaipēdā, sk. klaipedatravel.lt
- Restorāns "Pepper Gray", Klaipēdā
Vietos apsistoti
- Liepājā, sk. liepaja.travel
- Palangā, sk. visit-palanga.lt
- Viesnīca "Grand Baltic Dunes", Palangā
- Klaipēdā, sk. klaipedatravel.lt