I turn to the sea time

Edgars Hausmanis tells about life on the shores of the Baltic Sea at different times. Edgar has something to remember, we have something to learn.

Pre-war time
New farm "Purvziedi" Edgars remembers: "There were seven so-called old farms in Vaide village before the war:" Vecroči "," Jaunroči "," Lekši "," Folmani "," Žonaki "," Lase "and" Paul ". They had more than ten hectares of land. At the end of the 1920s, the Latvian government granted land to landless people - new farms of seven hectares, promoted their development and helped with loans. People built houses. Then "Purvziedi" was made. "
Before that, the land itself was not, only a small hut - the so-called small house on the land of "Lekši". Everyone has built as much as the forces have allowed. Edgar's father was a forester, at least some income, it was easier to get to the trees. Although he could not steal at that time, the forester had to say goodbye. Edgar's father was a great wild boar hunter and hunter, and people often gathered in the house during the hunting season. Both well-known and Riga gentlemen went on the hunt. The end of the hunt was in the dining room at the big table, and then he went here happily.

Piglet or boar?
One case that remains in my memory is a hunt in which Edgar himself did not participate. There were several Rigans in the hunting company. Behind Kolcenieki kangaroo, directly opposite the Vaide trail - to Oņķups kangaroo, there was a fairly thick new pine grove. Wild boars stayed there. The father always went with a bag of oats and kept them under the moss in handfuls so that the pigs would have to look longer. The mast was driven from the Vaide trail to the ditch where the hunters stood. Rumble shots, but no message from the game. Researched what was then shot in the end. Elk! But moose were a rarity then. Kolka forester Bērziņš, a strong man, red in anger, but you can't swear a lot with gentlemen. Soap is, but well, that's not a hit. The Rigan said to his companion: "Why did you shoot then?"

Second World War
Plane in Bažu mire At the beginning of the Second World War, Edgar was only a teenager. He remembers that during the German era, a German plane crashed in the Bažu swamp near the Gypsy Trail, where such an island was. It was crazy interesting for the boy to see such a miracle, he went to see it. The squirrels, dressed in private, stood by and guarded them. It is still unknown today why the plane crashed.

Aizupe forestry school
For only two years, from 1942 to 1944, Edgar came to study at the Aizupe School of Forestry. Only thirteen students remained in the graduation, because from time to time someone was called up for service and the Legion. The front came close. Edgars still managed to work as a forester in Ugāle, Mētru forestry, Pasīči parish for a couple of months after being assigned by the ministry from the forestry school, but then it was no longer necessary to go to the legion.

War time
Karot met in Germany in the autumn of the forty-fourth year. Edgar was only nineteen at the time. Remembering the first battle, Edgar laughs: "Hardly anything was ..." It was necessary to occupy a town, Nakeli. The young soldiers were added to the 15th Division, which had suffered heavy losses in battles. Before the attack, the legionnaires based in a ravine before the town. From time to time someone was sent upstairs to observe what was happening in the city or whether the Russians were not coming on top. At that time, changing without a camouflage suit, Edgar almost became a target for a sniper from the city. Even now, a sharp splash of bullets in the snow sounds in my memory. Ibid., Very close. It didn't take much to be left without a fight. They waited until the evening and also tried to pick someone up on the grain.
Then the cities and places changed. Positions were taken at the railway embankment in Immerheim. Everyone had to lie there and wait for an order to attack. There is a bad case in memory. Edgar was in a hurry to release his hand grenade from the fuse, he says, the safe remains safe so that he no longer has to foot. It then had to be held with a thumb (laughs) so that it would not explode prematurely. All you had to do was tell the commander of the jewelry that you had to get rid of the grenade. Everyone fell asleep, and Edgar spread the grenade over the embankment. It was also Edgar's only grenade.

The end of the war
Edgar has already expected the end of the war in the war infirmary as the wounded. They were taken by train to a German city, a good distance behind Berlin. All nineteen local schools had infirmaries. There were white crosses on the roofs to save them during the bombing, but the English did not sort them. Edgar experienced one such attack. The wounded found themselves in a small town occupied by American troops as the front approached. It was previously known that according to the agreement, the territory had to be returned to the Russians after the capitulation. The chief doctor advised everyone who could not wait for the Russians and leave. Fortunately, Edgar's injury was not so severe and he was able to walk. It was heard that in Jena, about forty kilometers away, there is a large international camp with private, many Latvians, all who are trying to go west. Maybe the herd can be with her somewhere? Private clothes were immediately provided at the Jena camp. As the Russians approached, the Americans promised to take the echelon out of the zone, but nothing. The Russians were present one night. Latvians have been away at night, as everyone has taught. Edgar stayed because he felt that he would have fallen more in the west than here.

This was followed by filtration camps. Edgar held that he was not in any legion, was called up for service and worked in a shoe factory. They could not prove anything to him. Finally Edgar settled in the Carpathians, Ukraine. He has cut the forest "by hand" in the mountains. Beautiful place, the cliff is not very high, but it was hard to work, also quite dangerous. The most outstanding trees, which must not be cut, have been stamped with a special stamp. -. Polish foresters worked there. From the local town of Borislav, by some order, they sent the settlers back to their homeland in groups. And in the forty-sixth year before Midsummer, Edgar returned home to Vaide.

Life after the war
At what point the border guards came here, Edgar does not remember, but thinks that immediately after the war. The border regime appeared at the same time as the border guards. The command post was in Mazirbe, apparently in a former pharmacy, and also in Saunaga. In the sauna, in the land of Vecpauli, near the Pauli house, a so-called settlement was built - a border guard settlement. Large house, they lived there for quite a long time, but then it was demolished and a new one was built in Mazirbe. Now only the ruins remain in Saunaga.

Construction of the highway Ventspils - Kolka
It may have been about fifty-two years since the highway was built. Army soldiers worked - the so-called strobe. Lived in bunkers. In the empty "Mežrukšu" house there is a command post where the commanders can live. Once a soldier's job was probably tired to the last. He said it was better to shoot than to work. The officer, thinking it was such a talk, gave it to a soldier with a gun. It's a squeak! and dead. The soldier is sleeping here in Vaide cemetery.

Destruction of villages
The new government tried to reduce the number of people throughout the seashore. The Lielirbi was completely destroyed, they were not allowed to go to sea anymore - everyone went to Kolka and Ventspils. It destroyed the villages. In the sauna, the boat dock was in a large barbed wire fence. Only there was allowed to go to sea. Such restrictions were in all villages where access to the sea was allowed. Everything happened behind barbed wire. The beach area is also fenced with barbed wire. In Mazirbe the beach was about 500 m with the inscription "Plage" - the beach. You were allowed to visit from 6 am to 10 pm At that time, everyone always had to have their passports with them. If someone was caught undocumented, the protocol was inevitable. Administrative penalty - 10 rubles.

Bunker Russians
The forest ranger already had no special restrictions, only they were not allowed to shoot and, of course, they were not allowed to go out on the beach. At the beginning of the sauna, a bunker was set up in the dune in the "Jonaku" countryside, where four or five border guards lived, the locals called it bunker Russians. Later, a tower was built near the Lekšu house. For their boss was a hefty sergeant, who used to sneak through the woods with. Behind the main highway, very close to the Vaide ditch, was a black stork's nest. Edgar and his father happened to be there when the sergeant climbed up after the eggs. The contraction was terrible, but the bunker Russians had to be friends, because they didn't have a phone themselves and so soon the connection was not available. Every now and then I had to go to them.

Arrested in Jaunciems
Once Edgar came out to spend the night in Jaunciems as a detainee. At that time, Edgar from Šlītere was occasionally sent for audits by forest riders. Ranger Ķierpe lived in Jaunciems. It had to be audited. Ķierpe was a beekeeper and always respected him with a medal. In the attic room, both have sipped it. The window shows the incident of Jaunciems. Right here, Ķierpe behind the window says that logs have just been brought into the yard by car. Disappeared in a flash, Edgar has not noticed. Clearly stolen. Ķierpe knew where the logs stood in the forest. Gone, yes - no more. Ķierpe has called another forester Saulītis, because the logs were under his supervision. Immediately, even Edgar went to the boss. Nausea big, medal also pulled, there is no trembling and the road does not have to be turned. The boss was the captain after the china. But it shows one empty diaper, where, of course, there are no logs. Do not allow to search elsewhere. Fucked was fast. There was a shouting, arguing, and threatening with the boss (by the way, it is clear that the Jew is national). The captain found the Finnish dungeon found on the seashore, which Edgar wore on his belt, was especially suspicious and illegal for the captain. It was confiscated on the spot. Then Edgar got angry: "Vaša mesto v lavke sģeķ, ēe zģe načaļņikom zastava!" (you have the right place to sit in the booth, not here as a border guard chief). Arrest was inevitable. Pushed down the stairs, locked in a separate room, and had to sit there overnight. A witness was called from Sīkrags, who could prove that he really lived there. Meanwhile, the soldiers rode on Edgar's "goat" (motorcycle). The next morning, Edgar was shown a large wad of papers who had to drive the necessary fear into custody - if this was sent to the commandant's office (then it was in Mazirbe), it would be very bad. Well, it will be, it will be - they are right, Edgar is right. Siliņš, the director of forestry, also intervened. But later with commandant neither chick nor grab. Everything is silent.

Pasakotojas: Edgars Hausmanis; Šią istoriją užrašė: Ina Brauna