Eisenbahnbrücke über Amata Infrastruktur

Dzelzceļa tilts pār Amatu, 1889.gada 20.jūnijs. Avots: Igaunijas Nacionālais arhīvs
 Drabešu pag., Cēsu nov., Latvija

Located in Drabešu parish, Cēsis region, near the recreation place "Meža kaujas".

There is a railway bridge over Amata.

The railway bridge over Amata played a very important role throughout the War of Independence, because on June 5, 1919, the first battle of the Estonian army's armed trains with the Baltic Landesver units took place here. Landeswehr, knowing that an armed train was approaching, nominated a railway bridge and took a position at the Amatas home on the river bank, ready for possible warfare. The bridge over Amata was the border between Estonian forces and the Germans.
Historical evidence of the events at the Amata Bridge has not been preserved. As Latvians did not take part in these events, there are no narratives of their memories, there are memories from Estonian soldiers and other sources. It can be said that this was an Estonian-American joint battle against the Landeswehr, because there was an American officer on the Estonian armored train, who later fought in World War II as well. In general, many future World War II officers and commanders took part in the battles of Cēsis, especially on the German side.

The Estonian armed train arrived in Cēsis on June 2, 1919, a day later went to Ieriķi, where talks took place with the landlord, which was unsuccessful, and on June 5, when the armed train approached the Amata bridge again, a collision with the Germans began. A day later, the armed train also took part in the battles near Cēsis, where it helped the soldiers of the Pupils' Company who were threatened with siege. Although the Germans tried to dismantle the rails to cut off the train's retreat, it managed to retreat across the Rauna bridge.

On the night of June 23, 1919, during the battles of Cēsis, the landesver left Cēsis and retreated to the Amata river line. When they retreated, the Germans burned down the house of the Cēsis Latvian Society and blew up a bridge over Amata.

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Zugehörige Geschichten

Schlacht von Cesis an den Ufern von Amata

An der Brücke über die Amata greift eine deutsche Landeswehr einen zu Verhandlungen eingetroffenen estnischen Panzerzug an. Esten eröffnen das Feuer, Deutsche werden geschlagen und der Panzerzug fährt zurück nach Cēsis.

Beginn, Verlauf und Ende der Schlachten von Cēsis

Der Sieg in den Schlachten von Cēsis sollte ein Wendepunkt im Kampf der Letten und Esten um die Unabhängigkeit ihres Landes werden. Dieser Sieg übertraf die Grenze zwischen der Regierung von Andriev Niedra und den Plänen des deutschen Generals Riediger von der Goltz, das Baltikum zu erobern. Stattdessen nahm die Provisorische Regierung von Kārlis Ulmanis ihre Aktivitäten in Liepāja wieder auf.

Kampf an der Brücke über den Fluss Amata

Die Schlacht von Cēsis ist eine der wichtigsten Etappen des lettischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges und nimmt einen wichtigen Platz in der Geschichte des estnischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges ein.