Lāčplēsise sõjaordu / Rüütlid
I Maailmasõda, I Maailmasõda ja iseseisvumine


The highest Latvian military award - the Lāčplēsis War Order - was founded on November 11, 1919 in honor of the defeat of the Bermontians on the banks of the Daugava and the liberation of Riga. The Lāčplēsis War Order also became the first Latvian state award. However, November 11, 1919 is the symbolic date of the establishment of the order, because the statutes of the order were approved by the Latvian Constitutional Assembly on September 18, 1920. The first award ceremony took place a year after the liberation of Torņakalns on November 11, 1920 on the Esplanade. It was awarded to Latvian army soldiers, former Latvian riflemen and foreigners, honoring their contribution to Latvia's independence. The first Lāčplēsis War orders were received by: General Pēteris Radziņš, Colonels and Lieutenant-Colonel Mārtiņš Peniķis, Krišjānis Berķis, Jūlijs Jansons, Jānis Apinis, Oskars Dankers and Jānis Puriņš.

The badge of the Lāčplēsis War Order is a white enameled fire cross with a red and gold border. On the obverse of the center medallion is Lāčplēsis, which is fighting a bear. Cross corners - crossed swords. The date is placed on the reverse medallion - "November 11, 1919". Engraved in the branches of the cross is "For Latvia", which is the motto of the Order. The initials HB are engraved on the ends of the cross - a masterpiece of the silversmith Hermann Bank. The Order has a multi-beam silver star with the Order badge in the center. Moire ribbon with three red and four silver stripes of equal width. The Lāčplēsis War Order has three classes - Class I, II and III.

The awarding with the Lāčplēsis War Order lasted until November 11, 1928. During these eight years, the 1st Class Lāčplēsis War Order was awarded to 11 persons (4 Latvians and 11 foreigners), the 2nd Class Order to 61 persons (18 Latvians and 43 foreigners), and the 3rd Class Order to 2,072 persons (1,600 National Army soldiers, 202 former Latvian riflemen). and 271 foreigners). LKO cavalry enjoyed a number of privileges - the right to wear a military uniform even after vacation, discounts on the purchase of railway tickets, the right to receive exemption from tuition fees for children in public schools, free medical care, etc.

A total of three women were awarded the Lāčplēsis War Order. One of them is the famous Latvian rifleman Līna Čanka, whose life story has already become legendary. Born in 1895 in Mežzīle, Renda Parish, in 1915, approaching the German army, L. Čanka left his family home with his family and went on to run as refugees. Arriving in Riga, she made a decision uncharacteristic of the era - to fight the invading army with a weapon in the hands of the Latvian Rifle Battalion. Using the documents of the deceased brother Jānis and the favor of a well-known guy who successfully passed the medical commission, L. Čanka manages to get into the 3rd Kurzeme Latvian Rifle Battalion. However, very soon L. Chanka's service members reported to the command about the rifleman with unusual behavior. When everything came to light, Chancu wanted to be expelled from the battalion, but she protested, expressed a desire to fight the enemy and even threatened to shoot himself. As a result, L. Chanka was allowed to remain in the battalion.

Rohkem teabeallikaid

Sargs.lv. 2015. Latvian Riflemen - Knights of the Lāčplēsis Military Order. Available: https://www.sargs.lv/lv/vienibas-un-personibas/2015-11-23/latviesu-strelnieki-lacplesa-kara-ordena-kavalieri#lastcomment [accessed 06.05.2021].

Blizzard of Souls. Lāčplēsis War Order, 1919-1928. Available: https://www.dveseluputenis.lv/lv/laika-skala/notikums/124/lacplesa-kara-ordenis-1919-1928/ [accessed 06.05.2021].

Sargs.lv. 2011. Lāčplēsis War Order. Available: https://www.sargs.lv/lv/vesture/2011-04-18/lacplesa-kara-ordenis#lastcomment [accessed 06.05.2021].

Historia.lv. 2014. Lāčplēsis War Order. Available: https://www.historia.lv/biblioteka/skirklis/lacplesa-kara-ordenis [accessed 06.05.2021].


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Vabadussõjast osavõtjate ja langenute mälestussammas

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Lāčplēsi sõjaordu rüütlite mälestusmärk

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Läti leegionäride ja Vabadussõja ohvrite matused

Asub Cesvaine Ķinderi kalmistul.

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Kalmistu lähedusse on paigaldatud infostend-skeem koos mälestus- ja matmispaikadega:

1. Läti leegionäride vendade kalmistu 1943-1945
2. Jēkabs Markovs 08.02.1883-08.08.1917. 8. Valmiera Läti rügemendi laskur
3. Arvīds Alberts Strads, roheliste partisanide komandör, 22.09.1894 - 5.04.1919. Vanemleitnant
4. Harry Lyons 18.03.1914-19.01.2003. Kapten
5. Jānis Purēns 15.11.1887-18.11.1918. Lāčplēsi sõjaordu kavaler.

Lāčplēsise sõjaordu rüütlite matused Palsmane kalmistul

Asub Palsmane kalmistul.

Lāčplēsi sõjaordu rüütlite kalmistut on 7.

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LKOK Kārlis Brītiņši individuaalne matmine
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Üksikud matused on kaardil märgitud tärniga .

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Ringkonna LKO ratsaväe kohta on paigaldatud mälestusmärgid ja infostendid.

Vabadussõjas langenud Smiltenite mälestussammas

Asub Smiltene luteri kalmistul, Valnu tn 11.

Vabadussõjas langenute Smiltene mälestussammas avati ja pühitseti 7. novembril 1937. aastal. Monument on ehitatud betoonist ja vooderdatud Allaži paeplaatidega. Monumendi aluseks on arhitekt Werner Vitandi ja skulptor Matiss Plucki eskiis.

Monumendi ette maeti 31. oktoobril 1937 perekonna kalmistult ümber 6. märtsil 1919 lahingus langenud Lāčplēsi sõjaväeordu rüütli vanemleitnandi Peter Krievi säilmed. 7. novembril 1937 asetati tema haua lähedale mustast graniidist mälestustahvel.

Kalmistule on maetud mitu langenud Läti laskurit ja Vabadussõjas langenud Läti sõjaväe sõdureid. Smiltenes ev.lut. Mõlemal pool altarit asuvas kirikus pühitses praost Kārlis Kundziņš 2. oktoobril 1927 2 valgest marmorist mälestustahvlit.

Lāčplēsi sõjaordu kindralite ja rüütlite mälestuspaigad Trikāta vallas

Mälestusstele asub Trikāta kalmistu kabeli kõrval.

Trikāta kalmistul säilitatakse kolme silmapaistva Läti kindrali – Roberts Dambītise, Kārlis Goppersi ja Jānis Balodise – mälestust. Trikāta kalmistule on maetud ka kõigi nende kindralite õpetaja Jēkabs Mūrnieks.

Lāčplēsi sõjaväeordu kindraleid ja rüütleid mälestatakse igal aastal tõrvikurongkäikudega Trikāta kalmistule, kus on kaks mälestussammast, kuhu on graveeritud Trikāta kihelkonnaga seotud 17 Lāčplēsi sõjaväeordu rüütli nimed.
Stela avati 11.11.2018.

Videolugu Lāčplēsi sõjaordust ja kindral Jānis Balodise ordenite komplektist .

Lāčplēsi sõjaordu rüütlite mälestusmärk

Asub Kauguri kalmistu kabeli kõrval.

Vaadata saab mälestusputka ja infostend iga Lāčplēsi sõjaordu rüütli elulooraamatuga, võitlus- ja puhkepaigad.

Ausambasse graveeritud tekst on veidi eksitav, sest Kauguri kalmistule on maetud vaid kaks LKOK-d - A. Ābeltiņš ja Ē. Radziņš, aga teised loos mainitud on Kauguri kihelkonnaga kuidagi teisiti seotud - kas seal sündinud või mõnda aega elanud.

Lāčplēsise sõjaorden (LKO) oli aastatel 1920–1940 Läti kõrgeim sõjaline autasu. LKO autasustas lahinguteenete eest Läti armee ja endiste Läti laskurrügementide sõdureid, samuti välismaalasi, kes olid andnud suure panuse Läti vabadusvõitlusse või muul viisil edendanud Läti riigi loomist. LKO moto on "About Latvia" ja sellel on 3 klassi. Esimene klass, teenindati ainult kõrgeid riigitegelasi ja kindraleid.

Stela avati 11.11.2018.

Exposition "Latvian Army in Pļaviņas in the 20th Century"

Located at Odzienas Street 2, Pļaviņas.

The permanent exposition "Latvian Army in Pļaviņas in the 20th Century" can be seen.

The building in Pļaviņas, Odzienas Street 2, has a long history - from the time when Stukmaņi wholesaler Hugo Apeltofts started active economic activity in it, thus promoting the development of Pļaviņas city, until the headquarters of the Latvian Eastern Front was established here during the War of Independence. In 1919, the activities of Latvian army units against the Red Army in Latgale were commanded directly from Pļaviņas.

In 1934, a memorial plaque was unveiled near this house with the inscription: "In 1919, the headquarters of the Eastern Front was located in this house, and here General Jānis Balodis took over the command of the Latvian National Army." It was removed and destroyed by the Soviets in 1940, but on June 16, 1990, with the support of the LNNK Plavinas branch, it was restored.

Now, next to the former headquarters building, there is a memorial stall dedicated to 15 cavalry of the Lāčplēsis Military Order born in Pļaviņas region. In Pļaviņas, as well as provides an insight into the life stories of the Knights of the Lāčplēsis War Order.

Not far from the exposition building is the Latgale Division headquarters building, which was built in 1913 by Count Teodors Medems as a Stukmaņi liqueur factory. In 1919 it was taken over by the regime of P. Stučka, where it had also established a prison. After the expulsion of the Bolsheviks, in 1925 the building was taken over by the Latvian Army, which housed the headquarters of the Latgale Division. 10 generals and other officers of the Latvian Army spent their military careers in this building. In 1940, the building was taken over by the Red Army. In the post-war years, it housed a school as well as a municipality. Around 1970, the building was started to be used by the production association "Rīgas Apīrsbs".

Visits to the exhibition must be booked in advance by calling T. 28442692.

General Karl Gopper Memorial Room in the Muscat Hometown

Located in Plāņi Parish on the bank of the Vija River.

The memorial room of General Karl Gopper in his native house "Muscat" can be seen.

The Muscat farm was run by the general's brother, August Goppers, because the talented warlord was busy with major events and world wars. In 1920, the general returned to Latvia, to his native home. But many responsible duties connected him with Riga. August continued to operate in Muscat. In 1940, General Gopper was arrested and shot on March 25, 1941, in a check cellar. In 1944, the Gopper family went to Kurzeme as refugees with three horse-drawn carriages. The war divided the family, Alexander Gopper's daughters - Biruta, Elza and Anna - remained in Latvia. They were not allowed to return to Muscat. The houses were large and carefully maintained. Three four newcomer families were accommodated in separate rooms. A horse farm was set up in the big barn. A fire broke out in 1980 due to mutual scabies. The barn and the big barn burned down. Fortunately, the fire did not spread to the house, the flames were repelled by large trees planted by our ancestors.

In 1991, after the miraculous Awakening, the Latvian state was reborn for the second time. In 1992, the family of General Gopper's brother Augustus regained Muscat as an ancestral sanctity. For ten years, all the cheeses worked hard to save the houses from destruction, to restore and build the ruined buildings to make the entire Muscat farm beautiful. The houses have been restored to their old appearance, there is also a memorial room for General Karl Gopper. The memorial room can be visited in advance by calling +371 29396870, +371 29254285.

Memorial to the Victims of Communist Terror for the Repressed in Jaunrauna Parish

Located in "Baižēni", Priekuli parish

A memorial place for the repressed was created in the place of the ruins of the barn of the "Baižēni" house, where on the night of March 25, 1949, 40 residents of Jaunrauna parish were kept to take their way to Lode railway station and Siberia in the morning.

The repressed included children under 1 year of age and 87-year-olds.

The names of those who were shot or died in exile are also written on the memorial plaque. Next to it are memorial stones to the Knights of the Lāčplēsis War Order.

Lubāna Municipality tourism and cultural heritage centre

The Lubāna Municipality Tourism and Cultural Heritage Centre is located in the very centre of the city of Lubāna. It features several exhibits, including permanent ones, on the history, culture and traditions of and events at the municipality. The permanent exhibits are dedicated to personalities that Lubāna is especially proud of. They introduce poet Broņislava Martuževa, member of the National Resistance Movement and political prisoner; politician Hugo Celmiņš, a participant of the War of Independence; Oskars Kalpaks, First Commander-in-Chief of the Latvian Army; photographer Alfreds Grāvers; opera singer Jānis Zābers; poet Jānis Gavars; artist Rūdolfs Pinnis, as well as folklorist and pastor Mārtiņš Celmiņš. A guide describes the lives of the Knights of the Lāčplēsis War Order and freedom fighters in Lubāna and its adjacent territory, as well as their resting places in Lubāna’s old graveyard. Available languages: Latvian and Russian. Guided tours with a German and English translation can be booked in advance.

Monument to the soldiers who died in the War of Independence

Located in Valka on Varoņu Street next to the Forest Cemetery.

A monument to 30 soldiers of the 1st (4th) Valmiera Infantry Regiment who died in the Latvian War of Independence can be seen.

The monument was unveiled on October 1, 1922. It consists of the figure of an ancient Latvian warrior ("Ancestor") carved in local pink granite, placed on a two-part pedestal made of gray granite. The sketch of the sculptor Emil Melder (Miller) has been chosen for the monument. Along with Melder, the sculptor Wilhelm Trey also participated in the forging of the monument.

It is the first monument of the Latvian War of Independence created by a professional sculptor, as well as the only one in the interwar period, made in the style of modernism, using elements of Cubism.

During the repeated communist occupation in 1951, the sculpture of the monument was demolished, partially damaged and buried. Burials were also leveled.

In 1988, as the centenary of the sculptor E. Melder (1889-1979) approached, the study of his works began.
The restored brothers' cemetery, along with the restored monument, was unveiled on November 11, 1990.

In 2017, eight memorials to the Knights of the Lāčplēsis War Order connected with Valka were erected in the Brothers' Cemetery. They are located on both sides of the monument - on four sides on each side.

Monument to the sea lieutenant, L.k.o.k. Vilis Gelb (1890-1919)

Located in Limbažu Jūras iela cemetery, Jūras iela 56, Limbaži

The monument opened on September 10, 1922 by the then President of Latvia Jānis Čakste, on which the dedication of the poet Viļas Plūdonis to Vilis Gelb is read:

"Compatriots who pass by me, light up in the love of the fatherland,
for the beloved fatherland, I pledge my life."

Vilis Gelbe (1890-1919) was born in Kurzeme, Zemīte parish, but he is also closely related to the Limbaži side, because at the beginning of the Latvian War of Independence, he returned to Latvia from St. Petersburg and joined the North Latvian Brigade.

In May 1919, V. Gelbi commanded Limbaži, he became the military commandant of the area and was able to inspire local men and also very young guys to join the army.

V. Gelbe's activity at that time in Limbaži and its surroundings was very important, his duties included not only maintaining order in the city and its surroundings, but also mobilization, providing food for soldiers and horses, and solving many other issues that cannot be included in orders and instructions. The Commandant's team organized by him acted as a coordinated mechanism to provide the North Latvian Brigade with the most effective assistance possible. The commander's team went to the aid of the regular army in special cases, and he set an example for the new soldiers. V. Gelbe was the first Latvian army officer who proposed to award his subordinates with the III class of the Order of Imanta. There was no order yet. Imanta's name appeared in the open only on March 20, 1920, when the minister of defense, Karls Ullman, was presented with an outline of the establishment of the military order. However, the name of Lāčplėš was chosen for the order.

Vilis Gelbe died during the battles of Cēsis - on June 19, 1919, during a reconnaissance. Later, Gelb was awarded the Láčplēš War Order, however, historians believe that his contribution has not been properly appreciated until now. This is mainly explained by Gelbe's membership in the Northern Latvian Brigade.

The so-called Southern Latvian brigade, which was initially commanded by Oskars Kaplak, later Jānis Balož, competed with the Northern Latvian brigade, which was commanded by Jorģs Zemitāns.

In Vidriži, a memorial sign at the place where LKOK Vilis Gelbe and two soldiers of his team fell

In Vidriži, at the turn to Lēdurga, during the Freedom Struggle on June 19, 1919, Marine First Lieutenant Vilis Gelbe and two soldiers fell in battle.

Vilis Gelbe is buried in the Limbaži cemetery. Vilis Gelbe was awarded the III class of the Lāčplēš War Order (No. 895) for his heroic deed at Vidrižu manor.

Currently, three commemorative crosses installed in 1989 can be seen at the battle site.

On June 22, 1934, a bronze commemorative plaque made by the artist Stefan Berc was unveiled near the maple growing in the manor park. Already at the beginning of the communist occupation, in the fall of 1940, the memorial plaque disappeared. The maple to which it was nailed also died. At the beginning of the Revival, on June 19, 1989, on the 70th anniversary of the death of Gelbe and two soldiers of his team - corporal Krustiņš and soldier Krūza - at the crossroads where a memorial plaque used to be, on the initiative of the Environmental Protection Club and Latvian People's Front branches of Limbažu county, installed three wooden crosses made in folk style by Jānis Eglīš. By the decision of the executive committee of Limbažu district in April 1991, this memorial place was included in the list of historical monuments of local significance.

Preiļi ajaloo- ja tarbekunstimuuseumi näitus "Muuseumi lood Lätile"

See asub Preiļi kultuurikeskuse ruumides.

Vaadata saab Preiļi Ajaloo- ja Tarbekunstimuuseumi (PVLMM) näitust "Muuseumi lood Lätile" Esimesest maailmasõjast, Vabadussõjast ja Teisest maailmasõjast.

Preiļi Ajaloo- ja Tarbekunstimuuseumi näituse "Muuseumi lood Lätile" (avatud 2018) rubriik "Drywyse lugu" on pühendatud Esimesele maailmasõjale, Vabadussõjale ja Latgale vabastamisele, samuti nagu Lāčplešana sõjaordu rüütlitele. Näituserubriik "Lipu lugu" räägib Teise maailmasõja perioodi rasketest sündmustest, mille käigus preilalasi mõjutasid küüditamised, holokaust, osalemine sõdivate poolte väeosades ja pärast sõda. - rahvuspartisanide ridades. Vaadata saab ka Preiliaadi juutide päästjale Vladislav Vuškānasele antud medalit "Rahvaste õige".

Eelneval avaldusel on ekskursioon vene ja inglise keeles.

Памятник первому павшему солдату роты школьников Эдгарсу Криевинясу

Находится на Центральном кладбище Валмиеры, недалеко от часовни (улица Миера 1/3, Валмиера)

Солдат 8-й (Сколниекской) роты Цесского полка ЛКОК Эдгарс Криевиньш (1899-1919) погиб 7 июня от ранений, полученных в боях у Цеси 6 июня 1919 г., когда при наступлении ландсвира прикрывал отступление других частей.

Мемориальная стела кавалерам Военного ордена Лачплеша

Он расположен рядом с римско-католической церковью Сердца Иисуса в Виляке.

Памятная стела рыцарям Лачплешского военного ордена в Вилякском районе была открыта 11 ноября 2017 года. Судьбы 28 Лачплешских кавалеров Военного ордена связаны с именем Вилякского края.
Гранитная стела создана в рамках проекта «Помни Лачплешуса», посвященного столетию Латвийского государства. По всей Латвии будут установлены памятные стелы единого образца в честь воинов, погибших в борьбе за освобождение Латвии. Инициатором проекта является Джаунсардзе и информационный центр.

Пять рыцарей Лачплешского военного ордена, имена которых выгравированы на памятной стеле, жили на территории современного Вилякского района после окончания Освободительной борьбы:
– Янис Кульшс был молодым крестьянином в Апсисе Шкилбенской волости,
– Алексей Любимов (Лаврентьев) жил на хуторе Фортепьянова в Шкильбенской волости, позже в Вилаке,
– Теодорс Менде управлял закрепленным за ним хозяйством и был лесником в деревне Катлеши Жигурской волости,
– Эдуард Теннисон жил на станции Вецуму, позже жил в деревне Чабатрова и работал на п/с «Виляка»,
– Янис Бурмейстерс после 1928 г. некоторое время жил в Шкилбенской волости.

На братском кладбище в Вилякском уезде покоятся 45 солдат, отдавших жизнь в 1920 году, защищая Латвию от фанатиков. 9 января в Северной Латгалии начались атаки, и, несмотря на сложные погодные условия того времени, в этот же день была освобождена и Виляка.
В боях за освобождение Латгалии эстонские солдаты также сражались плечом к плечу с солдатами латышской армии и партизанами против Красной Армии в Вилякском уезде. Многие из них отдали жизнь за свободную Латвию.

Амбар поместья Нигранде

Ниграндеское краеведческое хранилище находится в деревне Нигранде в усадебном амбаре, рядом с Ниграндеской начальной школой, и доступно по предварительной записи.

В военно-историческом разделе хранилища представлена выставка, посвященная Второй мировой войне, а также оригинальные предметы и детали, найденные в районе после войны и в более поздние годы. Вы также можете узнать истории и увидеть фотографии о Нюгранде и его окрестностях времен Войны за независимость, Второй мировой войны и послевоенного периода, а также о жизни в колхозе в советское время. 

Особое место на выставке отведено местному писателю Екабу Яншевскису и его произведениям, есть экспозиция, представляющая традиционный быт и обстановку усадьбы. В амбаре усадьбы Нигранде выставлен бивень мамонта, найденный в Нигранде.

Denkmal für die Befreiung von Livani

Das Denkmal befindet sich an der Kreuzung der Straßen Fabrikas und Stacias, wo es am 9. Juni 1935 von General Rudolfs Bangerskis eröffnet wurde, um die Erinnerung an die Soldaten zu ehren, die 1919 in den Kämpfen für die Befreiung des Libanon gefallen sind.
Sein Hauptelement ist ein 15 Tonnen schweres, vertikal angeordnetes Kanonenrohr. 1958 demontierte die Sowjetmacht das Symbol der Freiheit des Libanon und zerschnitt den Kanonenlauf in Schrott. Die Bewohner der Kanonenkugel blieben während der gesamten Sowjetzeit und kehrten nach einem halben Jahrhundert an ihren vorherigen Ort zurück. Die Idee, das Denkmal zu restaurieren, war all die Jahre in den Menschen lebendig. Der Līvāni County Council war zusammen mit den Einwohnern aktiv an der Restaurierung des Denkmals beteiligt. Öffentliche Spenden wurden gesammelt und am 3. Oktober 2004 wurde das restaurierte Livani-Befreiungsdenkmal an seinem historischen Standort im Stadtpark enthüllt.

Die Inschrift auf dem Denkmal: "Soldaten des Infanterieregiments Jelgava fielen für Lettland bei Līvānii und der Befreiung der Umgebung im Jahr 1919. Soldaten des ehemaligen nordlettischen Partisanenregiments."
Es folgen die Namen der Soldaten und Partisanen.

Daneben sind Gedenktafeln für die Ritter des Lāčplēš-Kriegsordens im Bezirk Līvāni angebracht.

Der Autor des Denkmals war der Architekt Pāvils Dreimanis.

3-5 von 1919 Oktober. Schlacht von Livani

Am 3. Oktober 1919 erhielten die großen Männer an der Front bei Livani einen starken Schlag. An dem Angriff auf Līvāni nahmen Einheiten des 3. Jelgava- und 4. Valmiera-Infanterie-Regiments sowie Einheiten der lettisch-deutschen Landgarde (ehemals Landeswehr) teil. Einheiten des 3. Jelgava-Infanterie-Regiments zogen mit Artillerieunterstützung über die Daugava. Nach dem erfolgreichen Umzug begannen die Kämpfe um Livani, die den ganzen Tag andauerten. Um Um 17:30 Uhr wurde die Livani-Station erobert, aber eine Stunde später wurden die Brücken über den Fluss Dubna überquert. Gemeinsamen Kräften gelang es, die Fanatiker aus Livani zu vertreiben Um 19:00 Uhr wurde die Stadt vollständig befreit. Am 5. Oktober 1919 versuchten die großen Männer, Livani zurückzuerobern, indem sie die neuen Stellungen des 3. Jelgava- und 4. Valmiera-Infanterie-Regiments angriffen. Die Letten hielten ihre Stellungen nur mit Mühe. Dies war der erste ernsthafte und erfolgreiche Angriff an der Ostfront zwischen Juli und Oktober 1919.

Stadtmuseum Alūksne

Das Stadtmuseum Alūksne befindet sich im Neuen Schloss von Alūksne, einem Architekturdenkmal von nationaler Bedeutung, das Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts im neogotischen Stil erbaut wurde. Das Museum verfügt unter anderem über einen den Opfern des Totalitarismus gewidmeten Gedenkraum, in dem die Schicksale der Bewohner der Region Alūksne in Sibirien und im Fernen Osten dokumentiert werden sowie die historische Ausstellung „Fest der Zeitalter“, die thematisch den Zeitraum von der Urgeschichte bis in die Gegenwart abdeckt. Dabei ist dem Beitrag des 7. Infanterieregiments Sigulda zum militärischen, kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Leben der Region eine besondere Abteilung gewidmet. Das 7. Infanterieregiment Sigulda wurde ab dem 20. Juni 1919 auf dem Gut Naukšēni zusammengestellt. Zunächst wurde eine Kampfgruppe bestehend aus 22 Offizieren und 1580 Soldaten aus dem Reservebataillon der Nordlettischen Brigade gebildet, genannt: Abteilung Dankers. Diese wurde zunächst in das 2. Bataillon des 3. Regiments Jelgava eingegliedert, am 23. August aber, mit der Aufstellung weiterer Kompanien, in das 7. Infanterieregiment Sigulda integriert. Die Einheiten nahmen 1919 an den Kämpfen gegen die Bermondt-Truppen teil und wurden am 5. Januar 1920 an die Front nach Latgale in den Kampf gegen die Bolschewiken geschickt. Nach Abschluss des Friedensvertrages mit Sowjetrussland wurde das Regiment zum Schutz der Ostgrenze Lettlands eingesetzt. Mehr als 200 Soldaten des Regiments ließen im lettischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg ihr Leben, 85 wurden mit dem Lāčplēsis-Orden für militärische Verdienste geehrt. 1921 wurde das 7. Infanterieregiment Sigulda in Alūksne stationiert. Das Neue Schloss von Alūksne diente damals als Hauptquartier des Regiments. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg übernahmen sowjetische Sicherheitsbehörden das Schloss. Ab Ende der 1950er Jahre beherbergte das Schloss verschiedene Kultureinrichtungen: die Kultur- und Kinofizierungsabteilung des Exekutivkomitees, den Pionierpalast, die Bibliothek, ein Kino und das Museum.

Monument to the soldiers of Anna Parish who died in the First World War and the Latvian Liberation War

Located in the central part of Anna parish Ezeriņi cemetery.

In the cemetery, where the burials have been made since 1925, there is a monument to the soldiers of Anna Parish who died in the First World War and the Latvian Liberation War, built with the funds collected by the Department of Guard of Anna Parish and unveiled in 1933. Until the Second World War, the guards of Anna Parish took care of the care of the monument, who went to the cemetery every Sunday and laid flowers in honor of the fallen. On November 18, 1940, the monument was shot, and the footprints of the bullets are still visible. Today, the cemetery commemorates Lāčplēsis Day every year.

In 2004, a memorial to the politically repressed in 1941 and 1949 was unveiled in the cemetery, and in 2006 a memorial plaque to the national partisans was unveiled.

Monument to Cēsis ornaments at the site of the first battle

Located in Drabešu parish, 79th kilometer of Vidzeme highway.

A monument made of granite can be seen, in which a stylized scheme of the invasion of the Bolsheviks was carved.
The monument has been discovered and consecrated. December 28, 2018. In Drabešu Parish, on December 24, 1918, the reconnaissance team of Captain Artūrs Jansons (1893 - 1941) prevented the Red Army scouts from moving from Cēsis to Ieriķi with a heavy machine gun fire. It was the first armed clash of Latvian troops with the Red Army of Soviet Russia.

Misiņkalns Military Heritage Trail

Misiņkalns nature park is located in the town of Aizpute. Misiņkalns is the highest place in the city of Aizpute. Its height reaches 95.4 m. The top offers a scenic view of the city. Misiņkalns nature park was started to be built in the 20th century. at first. The area of the park is currently about 28 ha.

In the territory of the park there are several places and memorials related to the events of the 20th century - the memorial stele of the soldiers who died in the Latvian Freedom Wars - the cavaliers of the Lāčpleš Order, the place of the Holocaust memorial, the place of remembrance of the repressed and the memorial plaque of the fallen red partisans.

In the park, you can get to know the plants and plantations of various rare species, as well as enjoy the untouched nature. Currently, the park is criss-crossed by renovated walking and cycling paths, and there is a motorcycle track on the territory of the park, where Latvian motocross competitions take place.

In order to get to know the cultural and historical heritage of Misiņkalns manor park more fully, we recommend using the services of a guide.

Steles in memory of the knights of the War Orders of Lāčplēš

Twenty-seven knights of the Lāčplēš Military Order are associated with the Aizpute region.

Commemorative stelae of a uniform pattern were erected throughout Latvia in honor of the soldiers who fell in the Latvian Freedom Struggle, in which the text engraving font corresponds to the standard of the heroes' memorial plaques, which is analogous to the engraving of the sandstone memorials of the Riga Brothers' Grave and Central Graveyard.

The granite stelae were created as part of the "Remember Lāčplēšus" project of the Young Guard and Information Center dedicated to the centenary of the Latvian state.

Seotud lood

Liberation of Northern Latgale from the Bolsheviks

On December 1, 1918, parts of the Red Army, based on the Red Rifle units, invaded the territory of Latvia. In order to protect their homes, families, native counties and escape from terror, the men around Balvi took up arms and went into the forests, and the first "green" groups began to form. In the spring of 1919, when the mobilization was announced, many men in the Balvi area were not allowed to fight in the Soviet Latvian army and they joined the "green" groups. Balvi, Silakrog, Rugāji, Teteru-Dūrupe and Liepna groups were formed. In the vicinity of Balvi, the activity of "green" groups became more active in March 1919.

About the National Patriot Chief Lieutenant Vili Gelbi

The fate of Senior Lieutenant Viļa Gelbe (1890-1919) reflects the difficult situation in the formation of our country and army, as well as in the evaluation of these events.
With the proclamation of the Latvian state on November 18, 1918, the War of Independence and the work of forming the armed forces also began. Vilis Gelbe, a naval lieutenant born in Kurzeme, was in the front ranks of Latvian volunteers.

For the first Commander-in-Chief of the Latvian Army David Simanson

The essays of the book "Latvian Army Commanders" convince that history is significantly influenced by specific people. Although at the epicenter of the most important historical events for a short time, the true Latvian patriots, with their rich military experience, managed to accomplish a lot in the formation and strengthening of the Latvian army and the turn of historical events.
This story is about the first commander-in-chief of the Latvian army, David Simanson (1859-1933).

Awarding of the 7th Sigulda Infantry Regiment in bermontiad, awarding of the great soldier Valija Veščūnas with the Lāčplēsis War Order in Alūksne

After the Latvian War of Independence, the great soldier Valija Veščunas was awarded the Lāčplēsis War Order for the November 19, 1919 battles with the Bermontians at the Plan House. Valija Veshchun was one of the first to cross the Lielupe under the fire of the enemy.

Memorial moment in the Garrison Cemetery

After the restoration of Latvia's independence, Uldis Veldre, the head of the department of the Alūksne Brothers' Cemetery Committee, took care of the maintenance of the Garrison Cemetery, the identification of the LKOK-related resting places related to Alūksne and the installation of memorials in the Garrison Cemetery.

About General Karl Gopper

General K. Goppers (1876-1941) was an outstanding soldier and an outstanding man. He stood out as a successful commander who took over the command of the battalion and regiments, heroically leading his riflemen in battles for the freedom of Latvia during the First World War (1914-1919). He has participated in battles in Tīreļpurvs, Ložmetējkalns, and defended Riga.

The life of General Jānis Balozis after returning from deportation

When the Russians tried to force a military base agreement from the Latvian government in 1940, which would make the Latvian army's resistance to the Red Army almost impossible, General J. Balodis tries to get some amendments to this agreement. But it fails. But the general's bad guys use this circumstance to later correct J. Balodi almost as a traitor. After a conflict with the Prime Minister of the State and Prime Minister K. Ulmanis, on April 5, 1940, the General was relieved of the post of Minister of War. Then J. Balodis decides to participate in the Saeima elections from the Democratic Bloc, but nothing comes out of it, because only one list may stand for election - the list of communist candidates. Latvia becomes the 14th Soviet republic.

In memory of Pēteris Radziņš, General of the Latvian Army, two-time Knight of the Lāčplēsis War Order

General Pēteris Radziņš, born in Lugka Parish, Valka District, in a simple farmer's family, where he learned to do field work. He was a very smart young man, after graduating from school he decided in favor of the war and it started his army rescue of Latvia from Bermont's troops. P.Radziņš was one of the most outstanding officers of the Latvian Army and was awarded with numerous Latvian and foreign orders and memorials.

Aizporu half manor in the War of Independence

Aizporu Half Manor, Aizpute district, Kalvene municipality, is the westernmost place in Latvia to which Colonel Oskars Kalpaks' separate battalion retreated.

Halfway between Rudbārži and Kalvenė, on the side of the road, is the Aizpore cemetery. There is a monument and 12 memorials to the volunteer soldiers of Oskars Kalpaka's battalion.

Historical evidence in the rocks of Līču - Langģi

Excerpts from local history enthusiast Aivars Vilnius tell about history and its evidence found in Lode and Liepa, now in Cēsi county.