Concrete fire point of the German army on the shore of the Ķegum HPP near Pudurie

IMG 1731 1
 Ogres novads, Tomes pagasts, Latvija

It is located on the peninsula at the mouth of Konupīte (currently a flooded extension of the river) in the Daugava, in the territory of the "Puduri" recreation complex. As a result of wave erosion, the fire point has tilted towards the river. To prevent bank erosion, the banks of the reservoir here have been reinforced with a concrete protective wall. The fire points of the defense line of the German army during the First World War can more or less be traced along the entire length of the left bank of the Daugava. The aforementioned line of defense is a large-scale military system that has not really been evaluated as a whole until now. The fire point can be seen well by taking a boat along the Ķegum HPP.

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Efforts to prevent the blowing up of Ķegums HPP

During the Second World War, when the armies retreated, a large part of the militarily and logistically important objects in Latvia were blown up, so that these resources would not remain with the current opponents. Such objects were also in the vicinity of Ķegums, where one of the most important objects is the Ķegums HPP, which, however, was not completely destroyed due to the efforts and efforts of its employees.