Reisides Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus on võimalus külastada sõjaajalooga seotud paiku ja objekte, mis räägivad kõigi kolme riigi ajaloost alates I maailmasõja algusest 1914.a, iseseisvumisest 1918 ja vabadussõdadest, nõukogude okupatsioonist ja vastupanuliikumisest taasisesesivumiseni aastal 1991. Selliste paikade ja objektide hulka kuuluvad muuseumid, kindlusrajatised, sõjatehnika väljapanekud, matkarajad, metsavendade punkrite rekonstruktsioonid, lahinguväljad, sõjaväelinnakud ja mälestuspaigad.
Sõjaajaloo pärandiga seotud objektide kohta on koostatud kirjeldused, samuti nendega seotud mälestused ja lood, ajaloolised ning tänapäevased fotod, turismiteenused ja reisimarsruutide soovitused. Samuti leiate siin teavet huvitavate, kuid samas vähetuntud paikade kohta, mis on mänginud Eesti, Läti ja Leedu militaarajaloos olulist rolli.

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Military Heritage Tourism
  Jälgijad: 2016
Today we remember the people who were deported from the Baltic states in 1949. 🕯 25th of March is the commemoration day of the March deportation victims. From the 25th to 28th of March 1949, more than 90 000 Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians were deported to Siberia under Operation Priboi (Tidal Wave). This was the biggest Stalin-era mass deportation in the Baltics. 🇪🇪In Estonia, commemoration events take place all over the country. Estonian Institute of Human Rights invites people to participate in the remembrance and wreath-laying ceremony at Estonia's Memorial to Victims of Communism in Maarjamäe at 16:00. 🕯At 18:00, you can light a candle at Tallinn Liberty Square or in your own window at home. By doing this, we show that we cherish freedom, remember the victims of terror and stand together. More information:
At the beginning of March, our project partner Lauku Ceļotājs / Baltic Country Holidays had the opportunity to visit the Oskar Schindler Enamel Factory Museum in Krakow, 🇲🇨 Poland. This powerful museum commemorates the Holocaust 🕊️ and honors the incredible efforts of Oskar Schindler, who saved the lives of 1,200 Jews during World War II ✨. 🏭 The factory, originally established in 1937 by three Jewish entrepreneurs, was later seized by Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist and member of the Nazi Party, after the German invasion of Poland in 1939 ⚔️. Over time, Schindler recognized his moral duty to help the Jewish population. He began manufacturing ammunition shells, ensuring the factory was classified as vital to the war effort, which allowed the Jewish workers to remain employed and safe from concentration camps 🚫. 📅 Opened in 2010, the museum now stands as one of the most visited attractions in Krakow. It also offers 🧑‍🏫 educational programs for children, helping them understand the 📖 history of Krakow during World War II, the impact of Nazi occupation, and the remarkable legacy of Oskar Schindler 🌍. Used sources: ℹ️ ℹ️ #militaryheritage #tourism
25. martā plkst. 17.00 Kārsavas kultūrvēstures centrs "Līču mājas" fotogrāfiju izstādes “83 jeb Sibīrija bērnu acīs” atklāšana. Fotogrāfiju izstāde ir par no Ludzas novada izsūtīto Sibīrijas bērnu atmiņām, mākslinieciski neparastā risinājumā. Fotogrāfiju izstādes pamatā ir no Ludzas novada 1941.gadā deportēto bērnu un jauniešu atmiņas dialogā ar mūsdienu jauniešu fotogrāfijām un pārdomām. Fotogrāfiju autors Māris Justs. Izstādes atklāšānā būs iespēja noskatīties iestudējumu, kas ir balstīts uz Ludzas novada izsūtīto bērnu un jauniešu atmiņām. Spēlē Ludzas novada Bērnu un jauniešu centra Kustību teātra audzēkņi - Ludzas novada BJC Kustību teātra audzēkņi (Scenārijs un režija – M. Čerņavska). Ludzas novads | Maris Justs
🔥 New Exhibition at the Cold War Exposition! 🔥 The traveling exhibition of the Vytautas the Great War Museum, "BETWEEN EARTH AND SKY: LITHUANIAN ARMY TECHNOLOGY 1918–1940", is a unique opportunity to see how the young Lithuanian Armed Forces were equipped after the declaration of independence. 🔹 What weapons and technology did soldiers use during the Wars of Independence? 🔹 How did the Lithuanian military strengthen during the interwar period? 🔹 What equipment was acquired—or even captured? If you haven't visited the Cold War Exposition yet, don't miss this chance to explore this unique site and get a close look at Lithuania's military heritage! ⚔️🚁 More about the Cold War Exposition: 📍 Where? Cold War Exposition (Šilinės str. 4, Plokščių v., Plungė distr.) 📅 When? March 20 – June 3 #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
This week, we participated in the annual forum organized by the Liberation Route Europe Foundation, which took place in 🇮🇩 Kraków, Poland. The LRE Foundation is an international remembrance network that connects World War II memorial sites and stories across Europe. The forum brought together organizations involved in tourism, history, and culture, including businesses, museums, tour operators and agents, tourism and history experts, guides, and others. 🔎 Over three days, we gained and shared insights on how to incorporate military heritage into tourism in an understandable and engaging way, ensuring that its lessons are passed on to future generations. The goal is to highlight the devastation and destruction caused by war, so that future generations do not repeat or seek to prevent such tragedies. This year’s keynote speaker at the forum was Yuriy Savchuk, 🇺🇦 Director of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War (Національний музей історії України у Другій світовій війні. Офіційна стор.), whose primary mission is to document the ongoing war in Ukraine and inform the public about what war truly means. Since February 24, 2022, the museum’s team—risking their own lives—has collected over 15,000 pieces of evidence from the war initiated by Russia. The museum regularly organizes exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad to raise awareness of the current war. In February 2023, an exhibition titled "Battle for Ukraine" was opened at the Latvijas Kara muzejs/Latvian War Museum in Riga 🇱🇻, allowing visitors to see remnants of military equipment, weapon fragments, ammunition samples, soldiers' documents, and other items reflecting the actions of the Russian army in Ukraine. During the forum, Lauku Ceļotājs / Baltic Country Holidays introduced industry colleagues from across Europe to our recently published Baltic Military Heritage Tourism Map and the Military Heritage Tourism platform, which brings together military heritage sites, stories, and touring routes in 🇱🇻 Latvia, 🇪🇪 Estonia, and 🇱🇹 Lithuania. 📌 As part of the forum, we also had the opportunity to visit 📌 Oskar Schindler’s Museum in Kraków—officially known as the "Oskar Schindler Enamel Factory"—as well as 📌 the Auschwitz Memorial / Muzeum Auschwitz, which serves as a reminder of one of the darkest chapters in human history and commemorates the victims of the Holocaust. 💭 We will share more about these sites in separate posts, but our key takeaway from visiting them is this: If possible, show and tell history by visiting the places where these events actually happened. This unique experience and the emotions it evokes make a lasting impact—something that reading books alone cannot provide. And most importantly, it is crucial to teach children and young people about history by visiting these places, rather than just learning about them in school. Being there in person helps everything finally to "click into place"... ℹ️ The project LL-00052 “Extending the Baltic military heritage tourism product in Lithuania and South Latvia” (Military Heritage II) is being implemented with the support of the European Union Interreg Latvia - Lithuania Programme #militaryheritage #tourism #latlit #Interreg #militāraismantojums
🪖 Minaičiai Bunker – A Symbol of Lithuania’s Freedom Struggles 🇱🇹 On February 16, 1949, the village of Minaičiai hosted a historic congress of Lithuania’s partisan leaders. During this gathering, they adopted the Declaration of the council of Movement of Struggle for freedom of Lithuanian – the most significant document of the armed resistance, aiming to restore an independent parliamentary in Lithuania. In a small underground bunker beneath a barn, legendary partisan commanders such as Jonas Žemaitis-Vytautas, Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas, and others convened to shape Lithuania’s fight for freedom. 🔎 We invite you to visit the restored Minaičiai homestead! Explore the authentic bunker, a historical exhibition, and a monument created by sculptor Jonas Jagėla, commemorating the partisans who fought for Lithuania’s independence. Experience the spirit of resistance and the legacy these heroes left for future generations. More information about the Minaičiai bunker: 📍 Minaičiai, Radviliškis District 🕰️ Visits by appointment #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
🇱🇹 Celebrating Lithuania’s Independence: A Story of the Freedom Monument in Plungė 🇱🇹 As we approach one of Lithuania’s one of the most important national holidays – Day of Restitution of Independence of Lithuania (March 11) – we want to share the stories of military heritage sites connected to Lithuania’s independence. Following the restoration of Lithuania’s statehood, cities and towns across the country enthusiastically began erecting monuments to commemorate this historic moment. Today, we want to introduce you to a monument with a truly fascinating history, located in Plungė, Žemaitija (Samogitia). ✨ The Freedom Monument in Plungė ✨ 📍 Location: Laisvės Alėja, Plungė 🗿 Construction began in 1928 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Republic of Lithuania. 📏 Height: Originally 18 meters, making it one of the tallest in Žemaitija (Samogitia)! The monument featured a tapered cement pedestal topped with a 3-meter-tall white "Statue of Freedom". However, this statue sparked debates among locals. Why? 🤔 You can find out more here: 🔗 Unfortunately, neither the residents nor the Soviet regime that later took control of Lithuania were pleased with the monument. In 1953, it was demolished. After Lithuania regained independence, the Freedom Monument was rebuilt in 1992, now featuring a striking bronze angel statue. Today, the Freedom Monument is one of Plungė’s key landmarks, hosting commemorations and events dedicated to Lithuania’s national history. 💛💚❤️ If you're in Žemaitija, don’t miss the chance to visit this symbol of resilience and freedom! 🇱🇹✨ #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
“Nacionālo partizānu leģendām pa pēdām – Jersika–Vanagi" (22 km) – Izzinošs un izglītojošs pārgājiens caur meža takām baudot Latgales dabu visā tās krāšņumā 😇 Maršruta sākums Jersikas pamatskola – Jersikas nacionālo partizānu piemineklis – Dzelzceļa stacija – Krievu purvs – Bunkuru vieta – Olūtneica – Piemiņas akmens LTS (P) piemiņai – Staru laipas (Rožupes pagasts), kur baudīsim pusdienas – Vanagu Svētās Annas Romas katoļu baznīcā, Plkst.16.00 muzicēs Latgaliešu dziesminieks Vinsents Kūkojs. Pārgājienā ar stāstījumu piedalīsies vēsturnieks un partizānu kustības izzinātājs Jānis Viļums 💪 Piesaki savu dalību, aizpildot reģistrācijas anketu: Visit Līvāni | Līvānu novads #latlit #Interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
🇱🇻 Viesītes Brīvības piemineklis Viesītē slejas simbols Latvijas brīvībai – Brīvības piemineklis, kas godina 1919. gada 14. oktobra varoņus. Šajā dienā Trešā Jelgavas kājnieku pulka kareivji un vietējie aizsargi pie Vales kalniņa apturēja bermontiešus, aizsargājot savu zemi un tautu. 📍 Piemineklis atklāts 1935. gada 11. augustā un tas attēlo brīvības cīnītāju, kurš sveic sauli ar Latvijas karogu rokās, un uz tā iekalti vārdi: "Brīvība – tautas dzīvība". 🔥 Katru gadu Lāčplēša dienā notiek Lāpu gājiens pa Viesītes pilsētu uz Brīvības pieminekli, godinot Latvijas brīvības cīnītājus, kuri atdevuši savu dzīvību un krituši par tēvu zemi. 👀 Vairāk par šo tūrisma objektu uzzini: Tūrisms Jēkabpils novadā #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
🚙 Atpūtas komplekss "Miķelis" 🛠️ 🛻 Atpūtas kompleksā esošais muzejs piedāvā dziļāku izpratni par Latvijas un pasaules militāro vēsturi, izstādot oriģinālus transportlīdzekļus, kas piedalījušies būtiskos vēstures notikumos. Šeit iespējams apskatīt transportlīdzekļus, kas izmantoti Otrajā pasaules karā. ⚙️ Atpūtas kompleksā ir iespēja apskatīt ne tikai lauksaimniecības tehniku, bet arī militārā transporta kolekciju. Ekspozīcijā apskatāmi vairāk nekā 100 dažādi transportlīdzekļi, tostarp: ▪ Kravas auto “Mercedes-Benz” (1944.g.) ar vācu armijas ekipējumu ▪ Sarkanās armijas GAZ-67B (1949.g.) ▪ GAZ-51 (1952.g.), kas izmantots Bauskas kara komisariātā ▪ Latvijas armijā izmantotais ALBION (1919.g.) - viens no kolekcijas senākajiem militārā transporta eksponātiem 📅 Muzejs pirmo reizi apmeklētājiem atvērts 1978. gadā. Tas izveidots 20. gs. 70. gados, kad notika plaša lauksaimniecības zemju meliorācija, un daudzas lauku sētas tika iznīcinātas. 👀Vairāk par šo tūrisma objektu uzzini: Atpūtas Komplekss Miķelis | Visit Bauska #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
📍 Ģ. Eliasa Jelgavas vēstures un mākslas muzejs Muzejs atrodas vienā no retajām celtnēm Jelgavā, kas saglabājās pēc pilsētas nopostīšanas 1944. gadā. Muzejs ir iekārtots vēsturiskā ēkā, kas pazīstama kā Academia Petrina, celta 1775. gadā kā pirmā augstskola Latvijas teritorijā. Šī ēka ir daļa no Jelgavas kultūrvēsturiskā mantojuma, kas pārdzīvojusi Otrā pasaules kara postījumus. 🏛️ Muzeja vēsture Muzejs tika dibināts 1918. gadā un joprojām atrodas sākotnējā ēkā. Tā pastāvīgās ekspozīcijas ļauj izzināt: 🔹 Slaveno mākslinieku Ģedertu Eliasu 🔹 Jelgavas un Zemgales vēsturi 🔹 Paša muzeja ēkas stāstu Muzejā apskatāmas arī dažādas tematiski bagātas ekspozīcijas: 🌍 Digitālā ekspozīcija: "Kari un karavīrs cauri Jelgavas laiku lokiem" Šī ekspozīcija sniedz ieskatu Pirmā un Otrā pasaules kara vēstures notikumos Jelgavā un Latvijā. Tā īpaši izceļ latviešu karavīra dalību nacionālajos formējumos, atspoguļojot pārtapšanu no mierīga iedzīvotāja par karotāju. 🇱🇻 Ekspozīcija: "Zem svešām varām dzīve turpinās" Šajā ekspozīcijā atainota dzīve Latvijā padomju okupācijas laikā, kad gandrīz 70 gadus mūsu valsts bija politiski pakļauta svešām varām. Jelgavas pieredze, 1940. gadā zaudējot gandrīz visu pilsētu, ir spilgts atgādinājums par mūsu pagātni un cerību uz brīvību. 👀Vairāk par objektu: Ģederta Eliasa Jelgavas vēstures un mākslas muzejs #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
Today we want to share another route with you - "The Portrait of Soviet Lithuania". The Soviet occupation of Lithuania lasted for more than four decades, leaving a profound mark on the country’s history. This era saw repression, partisan resistance, militarization, and the eventual restoration of independence. Due to its strategic location near the West, Lithuania was of great importance to the USSR, leading to the establishment of military sites across the country. This route offers an in-depth look at the extent of Soviet influence and its lasting impact on Lithuania’s past. It also highlights the resilience of the Lithuanian people in preserving their identity and fighting for freedom. Along the way, you will see remnants of the Soviet era as well as other historical sites from the 20th century. 🔗 Discover the route: Interreg Latvia - Lithuania Programme #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
We have created special tourist routes, and today we’re sharing one of them – "Partisan Trails in Aukštaitija." During the Soviet occupation, Lithuania witnessed a fierce partisan war. The country was divided into nine partisan districts, with fighters who were well-organized, armed, and wearing military uniforms. They continued the traditions of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, resisting Soviet forces, ambushing NKVD troops, and fighting for Lithuania’s freedom. To survive, partisans built hidden bunkers deep in forests, swamps, and other secluded areas. This route offers a unique glimpse into the lives of Lithuanian partisans, as well as other important 20th-century historical sites. 🔗 Discover the route: Interreg Latvia - Lithuania Programme #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism

Project LL-00052 “Extending the Baltic military heritage tourism product in Lithuania and South Latvia" (Military Heritage II) is being implemented with the support of the European Union Interreg VI-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2021- 2027. This website has been produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of project partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Projekt EE-LV00094 “Läti-Eesti sõjalise pärandi turismitoote parem juurdepääsetavus” (MIL-HER ACCESSIBLE) viiakse ellu aastaringselt 2010. aastal. Euroopa Liidu Interreg VI-A Eesti–Läti programm 2021-2027. See veebisait kajastab autori seisukohti. Programmi korraldusasutus ei vastuta selle teabe kasutamise eest.