Latvian red riflemen I WW1, I Wars of Independence

Latviešu sarkanie strēlnieki 1919. gada 1. maija parādē Rīgā pie bijušā Pētera I pieminekļa (tagad laukums pie Brīvības pieminekļa). Avots: Wikipedia.

Apzīmējums “sarkanie strēlnieki” radies Krievijas Pilsoņu kara laikā 1918. gadā, saistot latviešu strēlnieku vienības ar “Sarkanās gvardes”, Krievijas “Sarkanās armijas” un vispārināto apzīmējumu “sarkanie”, kuru attiecināja uz lielinieku (vēlāk komunistu) atbalstītājiem.

Sākoties 1.pasaules karam, Latvijas teritoriju pamazām ieņēma vācu karaspēks, sākās plaša bēgļu kustība. Krievijas armija 1915. gada vasarā piedzīvoja smagas sakāves, vācu okupācijā nonāca Kurzeme, Zemgale un daļa Sēlijas. Latviešu iniciatīva par nacionālo vienību formēšanu bija viens no nedaudzajiem salmiņiem, pie kura neveiksmēm vajātā Krievijas armija varēja pieķerties. 1915. gada 10. augustā prese publicēja rakstnieku K. Skalbes un A. Ķeniņa sacerēto un Krievijas Valsts domes deputātu Jāņa Goldmaņa un Jāņa Zālīša parakstīto uzsaukumu latviešu tautai par nacionālo karaspēka vienību izveidošanu. Pavisam pieteicās ap 8000 brīvprātīgo, un visā 1. pasaules kara gaitā latviešu strēlnieku bataljonos bija līdz pat 25000 vīru.

1917. gadā latviešu vidū, kurus karš bija novedis izmisumā, strauji izplatījās lieliniecisma idejas. Lielinieku saukļi par mieru, zemi un maizi bija ļoti populāri kara nogurdinātajā Latvijas sabiedrībā. Lielinieku ietekme palielinājās arī strēlnieku vidū, kas aizvadītās ziemas kaujās piedzīvoja bezjēdzīgus un smagus zaudējumus.

1917.gada rudenī, izmantodami krievu armijas kaujas spēju samazināšanos, vācieši ieņēma Rīgu, bet 1918.gada februārī visu Vidzemi un Latgali. Liela daļa strēlnieku padevās gūstā vāciešiem vai vienkārši dezertēja no vienībām, lai paliktu Vidzemē. Lielinieki un tiem lojālākā strēlnieku daļa bēga uz Krieviju. 1918.gada 13.aprīlī Maskavā tika izveidota Latviešu strēlnieku padomju divīzija.

Latviešu sarkano strēlnieku vienības tika izmantotas Krievijas padomju valdības un augstāko amatpersonu, ārvalstu sūtniecību apsargāšanā, kārtības uzturēšanai Krievijas lielākajās pilsētās, zemnieku un strādnieku dumpju apspiešanā, kaujās pret lielinieku politiskajiem pretiniekiem Krievijas Pilsoņu kara laikā no 1918. līdz 1920.gadam.

Līdz ar miera līguma starp Krieviju un Latviju noslēgšanu, 1921.gada vasarā no Padomju Krievijas atgriezās 11 395 bijušie „sarkanie” latviešu strēlnieki. Daļa no komandējošā sastāva palika Padomju Krievijā un veidoja sekmīgas militārās karjeras. Vairums bijušo strēlnieku tika nogalināti 1937.-1938. gada Staļina lielo represiju rezultātā.

More information sources

1. The blizzard of souls. Digital Museum. Available:, -scale / event / 128 / strelnieki-returns-majup-from-russia / [viewed: 08.05.2021].

2. Šiliņš J. "Latvian Red Riflemen". National Encyclopedia. Available:šu-sarkanie-strēlnieki [accessed 08.05.2021].

3. Vējiņš J. Latvia - in the course of destiny 1918 - 1991, Press House, 2007.


Related objects

Latvian Riflemen Monument in Riga

It is located in the center of Riga, in the Latvian Riflemen's Square near the Latvian Occupation Museum.

The monument to the Latvian archers was opened in 1971 at the Latvian Archers Square next to the former Latvian Red Archers Museum (tag: Occupation Museum). During the Soviet era, the topic was viewed through a narrow prism of the communist regime's ideology. The place served to represent Riga and create an idealized story, strengthening the myth of Latvians as fighters of the Soviet power.

Light infantry units in the Russian army were called archers. In World War 1, Latvian riflemen formations were created to fight against the German army in the homeland. They were motivated, dangerous and disciplined fighting units. The high level of education and German language skills were useful for reconnaissance and surprise attacks. When the Russian Empire collapsed and Germany completely occupied the territory of Latvia, a very large number of Latvian residents went to Russia, where they continued to face the agitation of bigots. Initially, support for Lenin's ideas and participation in the Russian Civil War grew. Disappointment followed later, and most Latvian soldiers turned away from leftist ideas and returned to Latvia. The soldiers who remained in Russia were mostly killed in "Stalin's purges" (1936-1938). Latvian archers had great merits in the creation of the Latvian state and its army.

Today you can see the monument and the adjacent Museum of Occupation.

General Karl Gopper Memorial Room in the Muscat Hometown

Located in Plāņi Parish on the bank of the Vija River.

The memorial room of General Karl Gopper in his native house "Muscat" can be seen.

The Muscat farm was run by the general's brother, August Goppers, because the talented warlord was busy with major events and world wars. In 1920, the general returned to Latvia, to his native home. But many responsible duties connected him with Riga. August continued to operate in Muscat. In 1940, General Gopper was arrested and shot on March 25, 1941, in a check cellar. In 1944, the Gopper family went to Kurzeme as refugees with three horse-drawn carriages. The war divided the family, Alexander Gopper's daughters - Biruta, Elza and Anna - remained in Latvia. They were not allowed to return to Muscat. The houses were large and carefully maintained. Three four newcomer families were accommodated in separate rooms. A horse farm was set up in the big barn. A fire broke out in 1980 due to mutual scabies. The barn and the big barn burned down. Fortunately, the fire did not spread to the house, the flames were repelled by large trees planted by our ancestors.

In 1991, after the miraculous Awakening, the Latvian state was reborn for the second time. In 1992, the family of General Gopper's brother Augustus regained Muscat as an ancestral sanctity. For ten years, all the cheeses worked hard to save the houses from destruction, to restore and build the ruined buildings to make the entire Muscat farm beautiful. The houses have been restored to their old appearance, there is also a memorial room for General Karl Gopper. The memorial room can be visited in advance by calling +371 29396870, +371 29254285.

Excursion to the monument to the soldiers who died in the First World War in the park of Spāre manor

Located in the territory of the Spāre manor complex.

During the First World War, the Russian Army Field Infirmary was located in Spāre Manor. The 24 soldiers who died there, including Latvian riflemen, were buried in the nearby cemetery. The monument was unveiled on October 6, 1935.

Rows of lindens were planted on both sides of the road during the memorial site (starting from the road). In 1935, all the improvement works in the area were carried out by the students of Spāre under the guidance of the school administrator Kārlis and Alvīne Skalbergs.
The pupils of Spāre Primary School in Amata Region are also involved in the cleaning of the memorial site. The land guards of Cēsis 27. KB provide great support in these works.
A torchlight procession to the memorial to the fallen in World War I, which is being held on 11 November, has become a tradition. This event is always crowded by the guards of Cēsis 27. KB, there is always a chaplain with them. Festive halls are an integral part of the event.

In the territory of the Spāre manor complex, an excursion to the monument to the soldiers who fell in the First World War (45 min.) Is offered by prior arrangement by calling +371 26558464.

Monument to the soldiers who died in the First World War and the Latvian War of Independence

Located on Baznīcas Street opposite St. Anne's Church.

A monument to the soldiers who died in the First World War and the Latvian War of Independence can be seen.

On May 1, 1923, a "Hero's Grove" was planted opposite the Mazsalaca Lutheran Church, where an oak tree was dedicated to each fallen. According to Likert, a total of 97 oaks were planted - 23 for the fallen in the War of Independence and 74 for the fallen in the First World War. However, the press at the time mentioned that 106 oaks had been planted.

On August 21, 1927, a concrete monument built by architect Pauls Kundziņš was unveiled in the Heroes' Square, in the construction of which the sculptor Vilhelms Treijs also participated.

The monument is located next to the church of St. Anne in Mazsalaca, which was built in a specially designated place to slide (58.6 m), the beautiful tower can be seen from afar. The church is well preserved, as it was neither destroyed nor adapted for any other use during the Soviet era.

Cesis Brothers Cemetery

Located in Cēsis Lejas Cemetery, Lenču Street 15, Cēsis.

One of the most important memorial sites of the First World War and the War of Independence in Cēsis is the Brothers' Cemetery in the Lower Cemetery.
The cemetery is the monument of the Brethren's Cemetery, built in 1927 by the artist and thinker of Cēsis Augustus Julla (1872-1958), dedicated to the soldiers buried in the Brothers' Cemetery from 1915 to 1920.

About 200 soldiers are buried in the Brothers Cemetery of Cēsis Lower Cemetery. Among them, an unknown number of Latvian riflemen and Russian soldiers killed in the First World War, as well as soldiers of German (10), Polish and other nationalities. During the Latvian Liberation War, 22 fallen soldiers of the 5th (2nd) Cēsis Infantry Regiment, as well as 11 freedom fighters who fell in other Latvian army units, were buried in these cemeteries. 2 Estonians, 15 victims of Bolsheviks and also Latvian Red Riflemen are buried in the Brothers' Cemetery.

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About General Karl Gopper

General K. Goppers (1876-1941) was an outstanding soldier and an outstanding man. He stood out as a successful commander who took over the command of the battalion and regiments, heroically leading his riflemen in battles for the freedom of Latvia during the First World War (1914-1919). He has participated in battles in Tīreļpurvs, Ložmetējkalns, and defended Riga.

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