Damage to Irbene radio telescopes
Before leaving Irbene, the Soviet army damaged all radio telescope systems
There is a version that there was a plan to blow them up, but after the protests of radio astronomers and scientists, they remained intact / two contradictory versions of the blasting - one, the armies wanted to do it, the other - the successors of the war base from Latvia. Probably for fear that the departed may plan to return soon ... /. However, when leaving, the army damaged the antenna systems as much as they learned - the nails were healed in the cables, the electric motors were acid-coated, the control units were made unusable.
www.diggers.lv; www.necton.lv; www.ostrog.lv and other sources
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Zvaigznīte - Irbene military buildings
The 200-hectare site was once a top-secret military base occupied by military unit 51429.