Former World War I narrow-gauge railway branch: “Banhoff – Bhf. Waldl. Salit" place

 Ogres novads, Tomes pagasts, Bauskas novads, Vecumnieku pagasts, Latvia

To the south and north of the Baldon - Tomes road, V4 (called "Düna Straße" on the First World War map) during the First World War, a light rail system was established to meet the needs of the front. To the south of the said road was “Bhf. (Bahnhoff) Waldl. (Waldlager – “Forest camp or warehouses”) Salit” – station “Forest camp/warehouses? The location of the railway line can be traced both on maps and LIDAR maps of different time and scale, as well as in nature. The mentioned railway section branches off from the modern Vecumnieku station (Bhf. Neugut Kurland) - Mercendarbe (Merzendorf) broad-gauge railway approximately one kilometer east of Gēdiņi houses (station - "Bahnhoff Gedeng"). The first kilometers of the railway line from the Gediņi station are nowadays covered by forest, and in order to explore the nature of the line, you need to take LIDAR maps and patience while wading along the overgrown, but still visible, nature embankment of the railway embankment. At least 20 deep, quadrangular pits (storage places?) can be seen in the nature on both sides of the railway line, by the adjacent road and in the dune wall (south of the road). For the next 1.3 km, the location of the railway line can be traced in nature as a nice, transparent forest road, which in places crosses small dune embankments with trenches in them. Further - for a length of 3.5 km, the location of the railway line coincides with the road built by Latvian State Forests, which, turning in a sharp curve to the northwest, the railway line continues to move in the northeast direction and after 0.3 km reaches the former station (Bhf. Waldl. Salit) site, which is clearly visible on the LIDAR map. Nothing from the station has been preserved in nature, but in the vicinity you can see many dug pits of various depths and shapes, and in the dune ramparts that surround the station site - the remains of trenches. In front of the mentioned station, a dune trench is visible where the railway line continues in a northerly direction. It crossed Silupi (Kausupi) near Sille houses (former station "Bhf. Sille), but near Podnieki houses it branched. The first branch went to the right to Berkava, and the second to the left to Vilku mountains and then returned to the broad gauge (1435 mm) at the Skarbe railway station.

Used sources and references:

1. Map “1914 – 19 Karte des Weslichen Russlands”

2. Map: JS Baltija, version 3.5

3. Collection of maps of the National Library of Latvia, map "Zusamendruck Riga, Gezeichet u.gedruckt vd Vermessungs – Abt.18., 1: 100,000".