I WW1 & Nepriklausomybės karai, I WW1, I Nepriklausomybės karai, Pirmoji Nepriklausomybė, II WW2, III Nacionaliniai partizanai, IV Sovietų okupacija

The grand cross border tour - military heritage of the 100 years of independence of Latvia and Estonia

Trukmė: 13 dienų
Rīga–Tīreļi–Lestene–Kandava–Sabile–Renda–Stende–Dundaga–Irbene–Ovīši–Ventspils–Užava–Jūrkalne–Pāvilosta–Akmeņrags–Liepāja–Skrunda–Saldus–Zvārde–Jelgava–Olaine–Rīga–Mangaļi–Carnikava– Pärnu –Virtsu–Kuivastu–Kuressaare–Panga–ferry to Hiiumaa–ferry to Haapsalu–Tallinn–Hara–Rakvere–Sillamäe–Vaivara–Narva–Avinurme–Mustvee–Jõgeva–Tartu–Valga/Valka–Valmiera–Cēsis–Līgatne–More–Salaspils–Rīga

The tour introduces the military heritage of Latvia and Estonia, which dates back more than 100 years from World War I to the present day. The focus is on the emergence of both countries at the end of World War I, explaining how they protected their existence in the Wars of Independence, how both countries were destroyed during World War II, why national partisans resisted Soviet occupation more than ten years after the war and how independence was restored after decades of occupation.

Kas įeina į maršrutą

Museum exhibitions, battlefields, visits to formerly closed military areas, army bases, exhibitions of military equipment and weapons, bunkers of national partisans, stories of local history aficionados and guides, memories from the resistance to occupation regimes, memorial sites, elements of people’s daily lives during various wars and occupations.