Alūksne Museum Muziejus

Theatrical-educational performance with participation "Five fate stories"

5th - 12th grade students

The program promotes students' understanding of the course of deportations carried out by the Soviet authorities, the life of Latvians in exile, emphasizing the preservation of national identity and the consequences of deportations in the development of Latvian history and culture. During the lesson, students will be involved in learning the fate stories of five different characters who experienced deportation events. The stories of the fate of the deported children will be acted out by the museum staff, involving students in the lesson. Under the strict supervision of the Red Army, the participants will have to find the missing fragments in the diaries of the repressed, orient themselves in the sentence written in Russian, find an encrypted text, read it in mirror script, analyze the photo material and look for answers to unclear questions. The tragedy of the time of deportations will be accentuated by the uncomfortable working conditions, the unavailability of materials, contradictory, unconditional demands, the non-compliance of which was punished during the deportations. During the program, students learn to see, discover and analyze causal relationships in historical processes and use them to explain social processes. Finds out the changes that took place during the deportations and concludes how they are related to the political situation in Latvia and the world. Analyzes factors affecting change. Learns to cooperate with peers, to use various material sources. During the program, students learn to recognize and offer solutions in situations where people's physical and emotional safety are threatened, to discuss the moral and ethical aspects of the value of life. Skills are learned to demonstrate behavior that expresses respect and personal responsibility for the safety and well-being of oneself and others in ambiguous situations. The duration of the program is 60 min. It can also take place during trips to schools.

1 stunda
Darbo valandos:
P. BRĪVS, O. 10:00-17:00, T. 10:00-17:00, C. 10:00-18:00, PK. 10:00-17:00, S. 10:00-17:00, SV. BRĪVS (vasarā 10:00-16:00)
Pieaugušajiem € 2,50, Skolēniem, studentiem, pensionāriem €1,00
With a guide

Pils iela 24, Alūksne

Kontaktai:, Tālrunis: +371 64381321

Optimal number of participants: 10 - 30 students