Prison in the castle of the Livonian Order during World War II

Bijusī Livonijas ordeņa pils mūsdienās
 Jāņa iela 17, Latvija
 Ventspils TIC

1944-1945 in the prison set up in Livonia Oden Castle. In 2010, several members of the LCP Ventspils communication group and the movers of refugee boats were detained.

Panaudoti šaltiniai ir literatūra:

The memories of Zhanias Fonzov, who moved the boat.

From: Over the sea 1944/45. The memories of 130 witnesses were arranged by V. Lasmane. Stockholm: Memento, 1990, 69-70. p.

Susijusi istorija

The first refugee boat "Zeal" from Bambali

On 31 October 1944, the boat "Centība" left the Kurzeme coast. The departure of this boat was reconstructed by Valentīne Lasmane, the Convener of the Latvian Central Council, from the recollections of several fellow passengers

The successful escape of Valentina Lasmanes

A biographical story written by Valentina Lasmanes about how she managed to escape from detention during the German occupation

The secret and dangerous activity of Valdemar Günter

The name of Valdemārs Ęinter was the last hope of many Latvian refugees to escape to Sweden. Too much attention from the fugitives was dangerous, and therefore Günther maintained secrecy

The last birthday celebration of Kārļis Skalbes on the coast of Kurzeme

On November 7, 1944, memories of poet Kārļis Skalbe's 65th birthday in Jūrkalne's "Laukgaļi" brought a bright mood to the Latvian refugee settlement on the Kurzeme coast. Just four days later, Kārlis Skalbe went by boat to Sweden as a refugee. It was the day when Kārlis Skalbe celebrated his birthday for the last time.