Otrais pasaules karš un tā sekas - padomju okupācija Dienvidlatvijā un Latgalē
Day 1.
95 km
Liepāja - Skrunda - Saldus
Practical info
- Maršruts ir domāts kā padomdevējs - kā optimālāk apceļot reģionu vai valsti, vai divas valstis ar mērķi iepazīt to militāro mantojumu;
- Braucējam pašam ir jāizplāno – cik no ieteiktajiem objektiem un vietām viņš vienas dienas laikā var iepazīt;
- Pirms ceļojuma ir jānoskaidro apskates vietu (muzeju, kolekciju, fortifikācijas u.c. objektu) darba laiks;
- Vietās, kur ir iepriekšēja pieteikšanās (vietējie gidi, privātas kolekcijas, cits), ir jāpiesaka vizīte, norādot datumu un laiku. Ja ceļojums tiek atcelts, ir jāinformē pieteiktās vietas;
- Naktsmītnes ir jārezervē laicīgi. Vasaras sezonā, īpaši jūras piekrastē naktsmītnes var būt nepieejamas. Daļa no ēdināšanas uzņēmumiem ziemas sezonā var nestrādāt;
- Ceļojumam izvēlieties ne tikai vasaru, bet arī citus gadalaikus;
- Latvijas – Lietuvas – Igaunijas robežas pa autoceļiem var šķērsot brīvi bez ierobežojumiem un jebkurā diennakts laikā. Iebraucot no vienas valsts otrā ir jābūt līdzi ID kartei vai pasei;
- Apmeklējiet tūrisma informācijas centrus, kur var iegūt papildus informāciju, bukletus, kartes.
Karosta, the Military port of Liepāja (tour)
The Karosta is the largest historical military territory in the Baltics and occupies almost one third of the entire territory of Liepāja. The Karosta is a unique compound of military and fortification buildings on the shores of the Baltic Sea with a special meaning in the history and architecture of Latvia and the world. The Karosta features such military heritage sites as the North Pier and forts, the Redan, Karosta Prison, Karosta Water Tower, St. Nicholas Orthodox Maritime Cathedral, Oskars Kalpaks Bridge and others.
Cattle wagon used for deportations – museum at Skrunda train station
To commemorate the deportations of June 1941 and March 1949, a memorial stone and a four-axle wagon, which also serves as the museum dedicated to deportations, was erected at the Skrunda railway station. This is the first wagon-type museum in Latvia that holds a permanent exhibit of photos, letters, memoirs, documents and various items made by the people deported from the Skrunda station. Skrunda station was a location where deportees were gathered, and one of the three stations in the region to which people from the Skrunda and the Kuldīga area were brought. In 1941, the family of the first President of the restored Republic of Latvia, Guntis Ulmanis, was deported from here to Krasnoyarsk Krai in Siberia.
With the help of deportations, the Soviets dealt with supporters of the national partizans’ and at the same time intimidated the remaining rural population, forcing them to join the collective farms.
Saldus German Soldiers' Cemetery
Saldus German soldier's cemetery is located on the Saldus-Ezere highway. Around 25,000 German soldiers, as well as some Latvian legionnaires, were reburied in the 8-hectare cemetery. Reburial has been taking place since 1997.
From May 1 to October 1, an exposition on the Battle of Kurzeme can be seen in the memorial room. During this period, the memorial room is open on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., on Saturdays and Sundays the cemetery also has a tour guide. The registers of soldiers buried in Saldus German soldiers' graves and fallen soldiers throughout Latvia are also available.
Places to eat
- Liepājā, sk. liepaja.travel
- Krodziņš "Mežavējš", Rīgas - Liepājas šoseja, www.celotajs.lv/lv/e/mezavejs
- Saldū, sk. turisms.saldus.lv
Places to stay
- Liepājā, sk. liepaja.travel
- Skrundā, sk. skrundasmuiza.lv
- Saldū, sk. turisms.saldus.lv