Possible location of Otomaras Oškalns bunker Bunker

 Ogres novads, Tomes pagasts, Latvia

A remote and difficult to access place - a large forest massif about 200 m west of the Nega river and about 0.5 km southwest of the Nega flood. It is recommended to go to the mentioned place on foot or by bicycle, using LIDAR maps and geographical coordinates. In the mentioned place, there is an inland dune embankment about a kilometer long (in the W-E direction) and half a kilometer wide (in the N-S direction) covered with coniferous forest. At the top of the northern and eastern slopes of the dune massif are well-preserved trenches, believed to date from the Second World War. Harijs Jaunzems (former Ķegums HPP engineer) believes that the bunker of the Red Army partisan unit formed by Otomaras Oškalns was located in this area (the exact point is unknown).

Used sources and references:

1. The story of Harry Young Zem

2. Otomārs Oškalns, https://lv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otom%C4%81rs_O%C5%A1kalns

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