Wir möchten Sie einladen, auf einer Reise durch Litauen, Lettland und Estland Militärerbe-Objekte zu besuchen, die in die Zeit vom Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges 1914 und der Erlangung der staatlichen Unabhängigkeit alle drei Länder 1918 bis zu ihrer Wiederherstellung 1990/1991 zurückreichen. Dazu zählen Museen, Festungswerke, militärische Ausrüstung, Pfade, Bunker, Schlachtfelder, Garnisonsstädte, militärische Infrastruktur und Erinnerungsstätten.
Zu den militärhistorischen Stätten gibt es Beschreibungen, Erinnerungsberichte, historische und aktuelle Fotos, touristische Angebote und Routenempfehlungen. Außerdem sind Informationen zu einer Vielzahl weniger bekannter und seltener besuchter Stätten enthalten, die dennoch zu den bedeutenden militärhistorischen Zeugnissen in Litauen, Lettland und Estland gehören.

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Janvāris daudzviet Latvijā veltīts Brīvības cīņu atcerei. Uz piemiņas akmens Rēzeknes novada Feimaņu pagastā 3. Jelgavas kājnieku pulkam ir vēstīts "Mēs nesām sauli, brīvību un patstāvību Latvijai” 🇱🇻 Latvijas Neatkarības kara (1918.–1920.) Latgales atbrīvošanas operācija sākās 1920. gada 3. janvārī. Līdz janvāra vidum Latvijas un Polijas armija no Krievijā varu sagrābušajiem lielinieku spēkiem bija atbrīvojušas Daugavpili un lielāko daļu Latgales dienvidu līdz Dagdas–Indras līnijai. 9. janvārī sākas Latvijas armijas uzbrukums Ziemeļlatgalē, kurš strauji virzījās Kārsavas un Pitalovas staciju virzienā. Plašāku aprakstu meklē mājaslapā: militaryheritagetourism.info/lv/military/sites/view/899?98 #militaryheritagetourism #militaryhistory #latgale #intrreg Interreg Latvia - Lithuania Programme Rēzeknes novads Feimaņu pagasts Feimaņu Pagasta Bibliotēka
Bunkers of the German Army Support Point in Tilžė Village. Between 1915 and 1918, three bunkers were built as part of the defensive line of the 88th Division of Germany's 8th Army, which fought against the Russian Army in this sector of the front. A bunker (blindažas) is a wartime shelter designed to protect soldiers from heavy artillery, machine gun, and rifle fire. All three bunkers were constructed according to a standard design, differing only in size. They were built using the strongest materials available—concrete and reinforced steel. To achieve maximum camouflage, the bunkers were integrated into the terrain, either by being embedded into hills or incorporated as part of a wider trench system. #militaryheritage #latlit #militaryheritagetourism #militaryhistory Interreg Latvia - Lithuania Programme
The Museum of Freedom Fights in Utena was established in 2015 in the former Utena Narrow-Gauge Railway Station. It is described as a museum that breathes poetry and subtly reveals the truths of the post-war period. The exhibition tells the story of the division of Europe in 1939 under the agreements of secret protocols, the Soviet occupation of Lithuania, the forced participation of Lithuanians in World War II, deportations, post-war resistance, and the creation of collective farms in the Utena region. The painful events of Utena and Lithuania from 1940 to 1965 are revealed by contrasting them with life beyond the Iron Curtain. The history of the narrow-gauge railway station also bears a tragic imprint. Interreg Latvia - Lithuania Programme #militaryheritage #latlit #militaryheritagetourism #militaryhistory
🇱🇻 Aicinām uz Ziemassvētku kauju piemiņas pasākumu – 11. janvārī, 2025! 🇱🇻 ‼️ Pievienojies, lai kopīgi godinātu Ziemassvētku kauju dalībniekus un to varonību. Būs iespēja klātienē piedzīvot Ziemassvētku kauju rekonstrukciju, iepazīties ar latviešu strēlnieku formas tērpiem, ieročiem un ekipējumu. ⚔️ Ziemassvētku kauju muzejā "Mangaļos" notiks svinīgas ceremonijas, mūsdienu NBS ieroču demonstrējumi, kā arī iespēja iepazīsties ar projekta Military Heritage II veidoto militārā mantojuma karti, kurā apkopoti vairāk kā 200 Baltijas valstīs nozīmīgi objekti. 🇱🇻 🇪🇪 🇱🇹 No Pirmā pasaules kara sākuma 1914. gadā un valstu neatkarības iegūšanas 1918. gadā līdz mūsdienām. Tie ir muzeji, cietokšņi, militārs aprīkojums, takas, bunkuri, cīņu vietas, militāras pilsētas, infrastruktūra, piemiņas vietas. 🔥 Kā katru gadu, no "Mangaļu" mājām dosies lāpu gājiens - gaismas ceļš, kas noslēgsies ar piemiņas brīdi Ložmetējkalnā. ☕Neiztrūks arī kopā būšana pie ugunskura ar siltu tēju, pīrāgiem, armijas lauka virtuvi un dziesmām. ❄️ Lūdzam ierasties siltā apģērbā un apavos! ℹ️ Ziemassvētku kauju atceres pasākumus organizē Ziemassvētku kauju muzejs (Latvijas Kara muzejs/Latvian War Museum), sadarbībā ar Jelgavas novada pašvaldību, Nacionālajiem bruņotajiem spēkiem un Militārā Mantojuma Tūrisma projekta pārstāvjiem - Lauku Ceļotājs / Baltic Country Holidays un Zemgales Plānošanas reģions / Zemgale Planning Region ar Interreg Latvia - Lithuania Programme pārrobežu programmas finansiālu atbalstu. Par Ziemassvētku kaujām vairāk uzzināsiet militārā mantojuma tūrisma vietnē: https://militaryheritagetourism.info/lv/military/topics/view/81
📍Viesītes muzejs "Sēlija" Mazā Bānīša parks ir viens no Viesītes muzeja dārgakmeņiem, piedāvājot apmeklētājiem unikālu iespēju iepazīt Sēlijas kultūrvēsturi un dzelzceļa vēsturi. 🚂 Muzejā varēsiet apskatīt: ✨ Sēlijas māju – kultūrvēstures ekspozīcija ✨ Tūrisma informācijas punktu – kādreizējo dzelzceļa kantora ēku ✨ Lokomotīvju remontdarbnīcu un Amatniecības centru ✨ Sēlijas šaursliežu dzelzceļa vēstures ekspozīciju Pievērsiet uzmanību arī vēsturiskajai tvaika lokomotīvei (ražota 1918. gadā) un citiem vērtīgiem dzelzceļa eksponātiem – dienesta vagonam, kravas vagoniem, drezīnām un platformām. Mazā Bānīša parks ir ideāla vieta ģimenēm ar bērniem, lai izbaudītu vēsturi un dabu. 🌿 Netālu no parka – vēsturiskajā Viesītes stacijas laukumā – atrodas vienīgais Latvijā saglabātais šaursliežu dzelzceļa posms ar ūdenssūkni! 🚂💧 Apskati arī dzelzceļa kravu noliktavu, kultūras namu un stacijas bufeti “Zaļā varde”. 🎉 👉Uzzini vairāk: https://muzejsselija.lv/lv/ 📸FOTO: Tūrisms Jēkabpils novadā #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
🕍 Sinagogas dārzs. Piemiņas vieta izveidota kādreizējās Bauskas Lielās sinagogas vietā. 🧱 Piemiņas vietu projektējis un izveidojis tēlnieks Ģirts Burvis, kas ir arī V. Plūdoņa pieminekļa autors. Kopējā memoriālā platība aizņem precīzi tādu pat laukumu, kādā savulaik atradās Bauskas Lielā sinagoga, akmens tēli simbolizē ebrejus, kas iznāk no dievnama pēc dievkalpojuma. ⏳Memoriāla centrā ir simboliska bima, uz kuras rakstīts: „Veltījums Bauskas ebrejiem, kas gadsimtiem dzīvoja šeit un cēla šo pilsētu, un kurus 1941. gadā nogalināja nacisti un viņu vietējie palīgi. Godinot ebreju tautas piemiņu – Bauskas ebreju pēcteči un baušķenieki”. ℹ Piemiņas memoriāls „Sinagogas dārzs” izveidots, pateicoties Bauskas ebreju pēcteču Izraēlā, ASV un Lielbritānijā iniciatīvai, ziedojumiem, Bauskas novada domes, Latvijas Ebreju draudžu, un kopienu padomes atbalstam. 📸Pateicamies par foto Visit Bauska 👀Vairāk par objektu: https://visit.bauska.lv/en/objektid/vides-objekts-sinagogas-darzs-/ #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
🎉We are delighted to announce a pan-Baltic workshop on Integrating Military Heritage into Tourism and History Education. 🇱🇻🇱🇹🇪🇪 📅 Date: 10 January 2025 📍 Location: Latvian War Museum, Riga, Latvia 📝More info and registration ➡️ https://www.celotajs.lv/en/news/item/view/1360 This workshop is part of a joint initiative to expand military heritage tourism across the Baltic countries, uniting 🇱🇻Latvia, 🇪🇪Estonia, and 🇱🇹Lithuania to share the collective story of Baltic independence while connecting tourism, education, and military heritage. The workshop on 10.01. will bring together: ◾️stakeholders, including military heritage museums; ◾️history teachers and representatives of schools; ◾️history researchers, enthusiasts; ◾️owners of military heritage sites; ◾️tourism specialists, and others. 🎯Our aim is to inspire collaborative and creative approaches to interpreting military heritage in tourism, based on research and human experience. We will focus on the importance of historical knowledge, particularly for younger generations, and explore practical ways to make historical narratives engaging and accessible to all. 🤝Together, we will explore innovative methods for presenting history in meaningful and impactful ways. The programme will feature expert-led sessions from historians and heritage specialists across Europe, covering topics such as: 🔸Engaging young people through military heritage tourism 🔸Sharing authentic narratives at historical site 🔸Balancing personal stories with historical context for diverse audiences 🔸Integrating military history into school curricula The day will conclude with a guided tour of the Latvian War Museum. Join us for this unique opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and shape the future of military heritage education through tourism.
🔎 Step Back in Time at Joniškis Museum of History and Culture! 🇱🇹 Located in the heart of Joniškis, this museum is your gateway to the region's fascinating history. From archaeological treasures to ethnic culture and sacred art, each exhibit tells a story of Lithuania's rich heritage. 🎖️ Military History Lovers – This One’s for You! A standout feature is the Partisan Resistance Exhibit, crafted by historian Darius Vičas. Dive into the stories of brave partisans who fought for Lithuania's freedom against Soviet occupation. 💡 Highlights include: ✒️ An authentic “Olympia” typewriter used by the last Joniškis region partisans to publish the underground newspaper The Echo of Partisan Shoots. 🎶 A radio receiver playing songs from the freedom struggle era. 📸 Interactive experience: type on the vintage keys to uncover photos and hear stories of resilience and courage. 💬 “Discover the voices that echoed through Lithuania’s fight for independence.” Explore, connect, and honor history. See you there! ✨ #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
🌟 The Fate of Lithuanian Poet Vytautas Mačernis 🌟 In our previous post, we shared about the Battle of Seda and asked what connects this battle with Lithuanian literature. The answer is poet Vytautas Mačernis! ✍️ On October 7, 1944, during the Battle of Seda, a stray fragment from a Soviet artillery shell fatally struck the young poet in the head. At the time, 23-year-old Mačernis was traveling near Seda in a horse-drawn cart and became an unintended casualty of the battle. Despite his tragic fate, Vytautas Mačernis is regarded as one of the most significant creators of existential poetry in Lithuanian literature. Though his body of work is small, it left a profound and lasting impression. 🌿 The poet's birthplace was the village of Šarnelė, near Žemaičių Kalvarija. Today, you can visit: 📌 The Vytautas Mačernis Museum in Žemaičių Kalvarija. 📌 The Vytautas Mačernis Trail, located near his grave in Šarnelė. The Šarnelė Trail is a remarkable place! Nearby, at the Kerpauskas family homestead, Jews were saved from death during World War II. A spring flowing along the trail is dedicated to honoring this family. 🌊 Visit these sites to remember a poet whose legacy and creativity continue to inspire through time. 🕊️ Photos: Žemaitijos NPD archive, V. Mačernis museum. #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
Remembering the Heroes of the Battle of Seda 🇱🇹 📍This year, on October 7th, the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Seda was commemorated. On October 6–7, 1944, soldiers of Homeland Defense Force attempted to halt the westward advance of the Soviet Union’s army. The Battle took place in the town of Seda, located in the Mažeikiai district. 📍In this uneven fight against the USSR's tanks and heavy artillery, inexperienced units of young men, aged 18–20, who had been assembled that same summer, stood their ground. Around 100 volunteers of Homeland Defense Force lost their lives in the battle, and many were taken prisoner. 📍This Battle became one of many symbols of resistance against Soviet occupation and remains significant in the memory of Lithuanian history. To honor the memory of the soldiers who perished during the Battle of Seda, a monument was erected in the town of Seda, near the church. 📍Read more about the Battle of Seda: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatherland_Defense_Force 📍But the Battle of Seda isn’t just about history—it also has a unique connection to Lithuanian literature. Can you guess what it is? Drop your thoughts in the comments ⬇️, and we’ll reveal the answer later this week! #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
Northern Lithuania, and especially the Pasvalys and Joniškis regions, since the time of the independence war in 1918-1940 was characterized by vivid traditions of partisan warfare. The first partisan units were organized here. 1944 - 1946 Jonas Alenčikas Dragūnas was the commander of a partisan unit operating in the Žadeikiai forest. In 1945 partisans led by him installed a rather large bunker in the Žadeikiai forest, the length of which reached 30 m and the width of 6 m. A bunker of this size perfectly reflects the first stage of Lithuanian partisan battles, when partisans operated in large groups and lived in spacious bunkers or forest camps. The bunker was destroyed during the battle, but after the restoration of Lithuania's independence, the bunker was rebuilt by the Pasvalys rifle company. Currently, the bunker is under the supervision of the Pasvalys Local History Museum, a partisan camp has been restored near the bunker, a new memorial cross and an information stand have been built. ℹ️ Project LL-00052 “Extending the Baltic military heritage tourism product in Lithuania and South Latvia" (Military Heritage II), which is being implemented with the support of the European Union Interreg Latvia - Lithuania Programme #militaryheritage #latlit #militaryheritagetourism #militaryhistory

Project LL-00052 “Extending the Baltic military heritage tourism product in Lithuania and South Latvia" (Military Heritage II) is being implemented with the support of the European Union Interreg VI-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2021- 2027. This website has been produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of project partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Project EE-LV00094 “Improved Accessibility of the Latvian-Estonian Military Heritage Tourism Product" (MIL-HER ACCESSIBLE) is being implemented with the support of the European Union Interreg VI-A Estonia–Latvia Programme 2021-2027. This website reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.