The Christmas Battle museum and outdoor exhibition Muziejus

Latvian archer in Christmas battles

Lessons and content are adapted to class groups of all ages

In the Christmas Battle Museum - an authentic battlefield of World War I, we will create an idea for young people about the role of a person in war conditions, the daily life of soldiers and participation in battles. With an insight into military discipline and various interactive tasks focused on team building, we will create emotions that will make you think. After the lesson, you can use the bonfire site and a 7 km long informative walking trail through the battlefields on the territory of the museum.

60 - 90 minūtes
Darbo valandos:
Katru dienu 10:00 – 16:00
30.00 Euro no grupas, programma pieejama “Skolas somas” piedāvājumā.
With a guide

Kontaktinformācija: tālr.: +371 28349259 (ja tālruņu sakaru operators paziņo, ka adresāts nav sazvanāms, tad, lūdzu, sūtiet īsziņu,- mēs jums noteikti piezvanīsim) +371 67228147