Museum of Battles in More Muziejus

Memorials of the Battle of the Sea of the Second World War

Recommended age: no limit

The Museum of Sea Battles features a well-organized open-air exhibition of military equipment, with the Red Army tank T-34 as its most prominent attraction. The indoor exposition is dedicated to the memory of the battles of More and their historically significant turning points during World War II and the events of World War I in More parish, and the battles for freedom in Latvia. Various local history exhibitions, 19th century. and 20th century household and craft items. Exhibitions of regional artisans and a wide selection of original souvenirs. In the museum, you can get the booklet "Memorial sites of the Mores Battles", which contains a brief description of the history and places of interest and other necessary information to independently visit the nearby Mores Battles Memorial Park with buildings of the ancient front line and the graves of the fallen soldiers' Brothers in Mores Parish.

Individual and groups
~ 1 stunda
Darbo valandos:
No maija līdz oktobrim – 10.00 – 16.00 Novembris - aprīlis un citos laikos- pēc iepriekšēja pieteikuma
Pieaugušajiem - 5,00 EUR, Skolniekiem - 3,00EUR, Pieaugušo grupām virs 10 cilv. - 3,00, EUR Skolnieku grupām virs 10 cilv. - 2,00 EUR, Bezmaksas apmeklējums vienam skolotājam uz 10 skolēniem
Excursions are accompanied by a guide with narration. Guide services are included in the entrance fee

29446115, 26699694

On the territory of the museum, a canopy with tables is available for free, where you can judge the treat you have taken with you. Please agree on the payment for the fire place and grill in advance when making a reservation. On the territory of the museum there is a wide lawn for various games and other activities.