The Battle of Rannu and collected texts from the area – reasons to be proud of Rannu

About the Battle of Rannu and its connections with the work "Names on a Marble Slab".

The Battle of Rannu and its ties to the novel Names in Marble.

...There was a thorough discussion about the death of a young man from Rannu parish, Oskar Ahas, who was the only one to be killed outright in the battle (the other died of his wounds later). Alo  also mentioned how the Battle of Rannu is forever immortalised in the novel Names in Marble by Albert Kivikas, as the story is based on the people of and events in Rannu. Even some of the scenes in the film based on the book were filmed at Rannu Manor and in the municipality. Not to mention the protagonist Henn Ahas, whose prototype is the aforementioned Oskar Ahas, who died in the battle...

Panaudoti šaltiniai ir literatūra:

Battle of Rannu and Rannu's reading - we can be proud of Rannu. Rannu municipality sheet no. 171. 01.01.2014.

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Monument to the War of Independence in Rannu

This monument is situated in the cemetery in Rannu. Designed by Voldemar Mellik, it was unveiled on 23 August 1931. In 1949 the Soviet regime had it blown up. In 1976, Kalev Raave organised the erection of the sculpture ‘Mother of Rannu’ at the site of the former monument. In 1991 a memorial tablet was hung on the wall of the church in Rannu in remembrance of the men from the area who had fallen in the War of Independence. At the same time as restoration of the monument was mooted in 2014, the pieces of the monument were coincidentally recovered during renovation work in the cemetery. Unfortunately, the bronze gun, helmet and figure of the soldier on the monument remain missing. The ‘Mother of Rannu’ statue was moved and the restored monument was unveiled anew at its original location on 23 August 2015.