Monument to the members of the Tirza parish who fell in the war of independence
Memorialinis vieta

Piemineklis Brīvības cīņās kritušajiem Tirzas draudzes locekļiem Tirzas Kancēna kapsētā. Gulbenes novada pašvaldības aģentūra “Gulbenes tūrisma un kultūrvēsturiskā mantojuma centrs”
 Tirzas Kancēna kapi, Tirza, Gulbenes nov., Latvija
 Gulbenes tūrisma un kultūrvēsturiskā mantojuma centrs

Located in the Tirza Cemetery.

A monument with a lion's head is visible.

A monument made of broken boulder, designed by the architect Aleksandrs Birzeniekis and the sculptor Wilhelm Treys, commissioned by the Tirza Branch of the Brothers' Cemetery Committee, a monument to blacksmith Blumbergs. The monument was made with funds donated by members of the Tirza parish and the Brothers' Cemetery Committee. 2377 lats were donated to the monument fund. Opened on September 9, 1928.

The monument is made of massive granite blocks in the form of a rectangular column and leaves the impression of a symbol of strength and independence. The bronze parts and decorations of the monument were created by the sculptor Wilhelm Trejs. Material: granite, bronze, shape: architectural composition with copper forgings. On one side of the monument is the head of a bronze lion and a plaque with the inscription: "In this holy place the virtue of great men has created a long home." On the other side it is written: "For the eternal memory of the sons of the Tirzah congregation who fell in the war and in the war of independence. Anno 1928."
It is known that at the opening ceremony of the monument on September 9, 1928, it was consecrated by Archbishop Edgar Berg. The opening ceremony was also attended by the legendary General Jānis Balodis, who is an outstanding person in the history of Latvia. He was the commander-in-chief of the army in the battles against the Bermontians and the Red Army in Latgale. After the 1934 coup, he was the second person in the country and remained so after 1940.

In 2008, with the help of the Tirza Development Society, the monument was restored.

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