Karaosta manège Karinis miestas


The ruins of the Karosta manege are located in Karosta, at 2/12 Zemgales Street, between Zemgales, Burtnieku, Virssardzes and Manēžas Streets.

Until World War I, every Sunday the manege was used for cavalry, artillery and senior officers' sport horse demonstrations and on weekdays it was used for matrons' physical education classes. It was the largest covered hall in Liepāja, so it was also used for official receptions and meals of honour for the garrison matrons. In 1913, from 13 January to 26 April, the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Tsars Romanov dynasty was celebrated all over Russia. On 21 February 1913, the main event of the celebration was organised in the Liepaja garrison with a ball in both officers' meeting buildings (Naval and Infantry). A celebratory lunch was arranged for the officers at the Manege, where 4000 people were seated at tables at the same time.

The Manege was built between 1903 and 1904. Its distinctive feature was the roof - very light, with a riveted metal structure and a tin covering and strips of glass tiles. Together with the huge arched windows, it provided a large amount of light into the room. The hall was ascetic - the floor was covered with sawdust. The Manege suffered during the Second World War, when the entire roof structure was lost. After the war, the Soviet army began to use the arena as a car park and warehouse.

Today, only the walls of the manege can be seen, with the window openings bricked up during the Soviet years.

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The story of a unique military object in Karosta

For years, I have not noticed any sustained interest in the unique places just eight to ten kilometres north of the city centre among the residents of Old Liepaja. But hidden in the thicket of the forest, on the dune bank or on the marsh paths, the historic sites of the Karosta are no less interesting historical facts and stories worthy of long-forgotten legends. One of them - the former 23rd Coastal Artillery Battery of the USSR - will be the subject of this story.