Monument to the fallen soldiers of the Cēsis Regiment
Memorialinis vieta

Cēsu kauju atceres brīdis pie pieminekļa Cēsu pulka  kritušajiem karavīriem Priekuļu pagasta Jaunraunas kapsētā. Avots: Tālis Pumpuriņš, Jānis Bahmanis, Cēsu Vēstures un mākslas muzejs
 Jaunraunas kapi, Jaunrauna, Priekuļu pag., Cēsu nov., Latvija

Located in Jaunrauna cemetery in Priekuli parish.

A monument to six soldiers of the 2nd (5th) Cēsis Infantry Regiment who fell in the Battle of Cēsis near Jaunrauna Manor on June 21 and 22, 1919, five of whom were buried in Jaunrauna Cemetery, but the sixth was transferred to the family cemetery.
On August 24, 1924, a monument made of local granite was unveiled at the O. Zeviško (formerly R. Teica) quarry in Riga. The monument is designed as an oak trunk, the branches of which have been cut, but the roots are still reaching the ground. The bluntly trunked trunk is crowned by a granite cross, imitating planted oak twigs.

Panaudoti šaltiniai ir literatūra:

Lismanis, J. 1915-1920. In memory of battles and fallen soldiers: memorial sites of the First World War and the Latvian Liberation Fight. Riga: NIMS, 1999
1. Memorial sites of the World War and Freedom Fights in Cēsis district (comp. S.Upīte, Dz.Pukite), Publisher: Jāņa sēta, Published: 1989.

Susijusi istorija

The beginning, course and end of the battles of Cēsis

The victory in the battles of Cēsis was destined to become a turning point in the struggle of Latvians and Estonians for the independence of their country. This victory crossed the line between Andriev Niedra's government and German General Riediger von der Goltz's plans to conquer the Baltics. Instead, the Provisional Government of Kārlis Ulmanis resumed its activities in Liepāja.