Kübassaare 130-mm Coastal Defence Battery
Karinė įranga
This 130-mm battery is situated at the tip of Kübassaare Peninsula.
Unfinished, it comprised four 130-mm 50-calibre B13 Pattern guns with a range of 24 km and a sector of fire of 166°. The crew was meant to consist of 160 men (nine Soviet officers, 39 non-commissioned officers and 112 Red Fleet marines), but historical records state that as at 1 February 1941 there were five officers, 23 non-commissioned officers and 135 Red Fleet marines here.
As the complex was not finished on time, only the concrete emplacements of the naval guns and the incomplete bunkers remain today.
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Battles in Kübassaare
The Germans also landed in the southeastern part of Saaremaa from the mainland to the coast of Muhu in 1941 with an extensive sea landing.