The 180-mm Coastal Battery at Tahkuna No 316


Three 180-mm coastal batteries with twin towers were built in  Estonia: in Osmussaar, on the Cape of Sõrve Säär in Saaremaa (so-called Stebel Battery) and in Hiiumaa. Tahkuna battery no. 316 comprised two 180-mm twin-gun devices MB-2-180. The distance between gun blocks is 450 m. Due to swampy ground the construction was complicated, the pumps were constantly working. Concrete casting had to be carried out uninterrupted, the casting of one position  (ca  6500 m3 ferroconcrete) took five days. The ceiling is 2.7 m thick. The total weight of the gun tower is 375 tons, the armour of the tower is 203 mm. The crew - 55, ammunition reserve – 408 shells and 819 cartridges.

 About 500 m North of the guns a two-storey underground control centre with two entrance tunnels (85m and 38m) was built. On the ceiling of the control centre there is an armoured cupola with a visor opening. On the top of the ceiling of the separate shelter, located next to the control centre, there used to be a range finder. The armoured chamber of the range finder was moved away from its original position during the construction of the radar station in 1985. Diesel generators provided an autonomous power supply to the control centre and the gun blocks.

After blow-up in October 1941 the pumps stopped, water diffused into the two-storey blocks and is still there today. The water was pumped off the Tahkuna facing block in 1953. Two diesel units were moved out and  they were reassembled as one at Kärdla Power Station and they provided Hiiumaa with electricity from 1956–1967. The top parts of the gun towers (two storeys) were cut into scrap metal at the end of the1950s. The broken barrel that had been buried deep in the ground  next to Tahkuna facing block was pulled out in 2003 and is now on show in Hiiumaa Military Museum.