I Wars of Independence, Independence of the Baltic States, II WW2, IV Soviet Occupation, Restored Independence

Militārais mantojums gar dzelzs priekškaru

Day 1.

120 km

Liepāja - Palanga - Klaipēda

Practical info

  • Maršruts ir domāts kā padomdevējs - kā optimālāk apceļot reģionu vai valsti, vai divas valstis ar mērķi iepazīt to militāro mantojumu;
  • Braucējam pašam ir jāizplāno – cik no ieteiktajiem objektiem un vietām viņš vienas dienas laikā var iepazīt;
  • Pirms ceļojuma ir jānoskaidro apskates vietu (muzeju, kolekciju, fortifikācijas u.c. objektu) darba laiks;
  • Vietās, kur ir iepriekšēja pieteikšanās (vietējie gidi, privātas kolekcijas, cits), ir jāpiesaka vizīte, norādot datumu un laiku. Ja ceļojums tiek atcelts, ir jāinformē pieteiktās vietas;
  • Naktsmītnes ir jārezervē laicīgi. Vasaras sezonā, īpaši jūras piekrastē naktsmītnes var būt nepieejamas. Daļa no ēdināšanas uzņēmumiem ziemas sezonā var nestrādāt;
  • Ceļojumam izvēlieties ne tikai vasaru, bet arī citus gadalaikus;
  • Latvijas – Lietuvas – Igaunijas robežas pa autoceļiem var šķērsot brīvi bez ierobežojumiem un jebkurā diennakts laikā. Iebraucot no vienas valsts otrā ir jābūt līdzi ID kartei vai pasei;
  • Apmeklējiet tūrisma informācijas centrus, kur var iegūt papildus informāciju, bukletus, kartes.


Exile and Resistance Museum in Palanga

in the central part of the city of Palanga.

The museum operates in one of the smallest wooden villas of the Palanga resort "Vaidilute". It was founded in 1993. Initiative of the Palanga branch of the Union of Lithuanian Political Prisoners and Deportees. Even today, the department takes care of the museum on public grounds. The volunteers of the department have adapted the villa for museum activities, and they lead tours themselves.

The exhibition tells about the participation of Lithuanians in the resistance and the exiles that broke people's destinies. A separate part of the exposition is dedicated to General Jonas Žemaičius-Vytautas (1909–1954), a Lithuanian partisan commander from Palanga. in 2009 By the decision of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, the general was recognized as the leader of Lithuania, which fought against the Soviet occupation, and actually served as the president. in 2009 he was also given the title of honorary citizen of the city of Palanga. in 2004 A monument to the general was built in the center of Palanga.

“Memel-Nord” Coastal Artillery Battery

1939 after the annexation of Klaipėda County to Germany, the German army started the construction of coastal defense batteries in the vicinity of the city. Two batteries were planned: the first - Memel Süd in Smiltine (it was not built) and the second - Memel Nord - north of Klaipeda. Initially, it was intended to protect the coast from enemy ships, but later it was converted into an anti-aircraft defense point. The battery operates until 1955, the Memel-Nord battery has not suffered from the war. It consists of three buildings, in the center is a concrete structure fire control post, flanked by two artillery blocks with ammunition storage. in 2002 a museum exposition has been created in one of the artillery blocks.

Anti-mine ship-museum M52 "Sūduvis"

Klaipėda city's Royal Dane embankment, next to the Castle Bridge.

The ship belonging to the "Lindau" mine trawler class was built in 1956-1958. in West Germany. The purpose of these ships is to detect and destroy sea mines. Accordingly, the ship's hull was made of Brazilian oak, the decks were made of teak, and the devices were made of non-magnetic metal.

1958-1999 the ship belonged to the German Navy and was christened M1071 Koblenz. 1978-1979 from a minesweeper it was converted into a minesweeper (minehunter).

in 1999 the ship was handed over to the Naval Forces of the Lithuanian Army. The ships of these forces are traditionally named after the historical regions of Lithuania, so the new ship was christened with that name - M52 "Sūduvis". The ship served Lithuania for 22 years, participated in international and national exercises and operations.

in 2021 the ship completed its service in the Lithuanian Naval Forces and was handed over to the Lithuanian Maritime Museum. M52 "Sūduvis" was then adapted for museum and educational activities when it was opened to the public. A ship on display with authentic working equipment.

M52 "Sūduvio" displacement 463 t, engine power 4000 HP, speed 16.5 knots (30.6 km/h), crew of 42 people. Armament and equipment of the ship: 40 mm caliber cannon, acoustic system, minesweeper robot.

World War II Exposition “Muziejus 39/45”

In the city of Klaipėda.

The museum “39/45”, which belongs to the History Museum of Lithuania Minor, tells the story of the Second World War in the city and region of Klaipėda. The museum is located under the rampart, on the site of the former eastern curtain wall of Klaipėda Castle, where German military units had set up an explosives warehouse during the war.

The museum's exposition is modern and attractive to visitors - the exposition consists of 4 halls presenting different stages of the war era, and the exhibition halls are equipped with 13 interactive points. In the hall "Klaipėda on the Eve of the War", you can get acquainted with historical documents and photographs, and the cardinal changes of that time in Europe are depicted on an original animated map. The hall "Klaipėda Storm" presents the extremely tragic history of the city of Klaipėda and its inhabitants, while the other "Klaipėda after the War" exhibits an installation dedicated to the memory of the destroyed churches of the city. In the last hall, "Memory", a symbolic 6-meter-long carriage with a glass lid is placed, under which are many ordinary household items that once belonged to both German soldiers and Klaipėda civilians. The glass is filled with a layer of sand, so in order to see the exhibits, you will have to clean the sand with your fingers.

Places to eat

Places to stay