The Caribbean or Cuban Missile Crisis
IV Soviet Occupation

The Caribbean or Cuban Missile Crisis was a 13-day confrontation between the USSR and Cuba and the United States in October 1962.

It was one of the greatest confrontations during the Cold War and is generally considered to be the moment when the war was closest to escalating into a nuclear conflict. It began on October 14, 1962, after discovering Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba that were able to reach US territory. The last missiles were launched on October 14, bringing the number to 42. The total number of nuclear warheads, including bombers and submarines, was 160. The crisis ended on October 28, when USSR leader Nikita Khrushchev ordered the withdrawal of all Soviet nuclear missiles against US President John Kennedy's Prosecutor General Kennedy and War Minister Robert McNomar promise not to attack Cuba. America also had to remove its missiles from Turkey. To prevent similar crises in the future, a Moscow-Washington hotline was set up (the so-called "red telephone").

From the documents preserved in the State Archives of Latvia it can be concluded that in 1962 the Central Committee of the Latvian Communist Party (CC) and the Council of Ministers of the Latvian SSR received many decisions of the Central Committee of the USSR Communist Party and the USSR MP training to defend against weapons of mass destruction, as well as the formations of the Ministry of the Interior to be deployed during the war. However, they seemed to refer to the USSR's general preparations for the so-called special period, or real war, rather than to the short-lived Caribbean crisis.

More information sources

Janis Riekstins. About hair from nuclear war. The Caribbean crisis. LA.LV, October 5, 2012.

Cuban Missile Crisis. Wikipedia.

Category: Cuban Missile Crisis. Wikimedia Commons.

Related objects

Underground Military bunkers in Valka

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