Oskars Kalpaksi mälestuseks
The memory of Oskars Kalpaks is preserved in many places - as evidenced by his native Liepsalu houses, a monument in Visagala cemetery, memorial events and beautiful concerts on March 6, Meirāni Kalpaks Primary School, streets in Lubāna, Madona and other cities and more. But in this article - about the preservation of the memory of Oscar Kalpaks in his native half of the 20th-30th centuries. years.
Edvards Virza on the childhood of Oscar Kalpaks
Oskars Kalpaks (January 6, 1882 - March 6, 1919) was born in Liepsala, and the poet Edvards Virza portrays his childhood as follows:
"Oskars Kalpaks grows up in his family home as an ingenious, horsey and healthy boy. What he first saw around him was an active rural life, slow, stubborn, and persevering. The attractiveness of the surrounding nature, the poetic and antiquity-filled Aiviekste, the spruce forests that snorted like big waters during the storm and faded like a tormented spirit in the light wind of grief, legends and stories, the long winter evenings of the cart rumbling, did not allow the boy's soul to fall asleep. He was often seen sitting on a large rock by the side of Sauka bog and watching the clouds as they were carried by the wind and pierced by the western golden spear, crossing over the ends of the forest. He also loved playing the violin here a few years later at the ministry school, attracting all kinds of melodies from her. This stone, the pedestal of his childhood and youth dreams, was to become the pedestal of his eternal glory a few decades later. ”
The school is named after Kalpaka
O. Kalpaka's first school was in Visagala. For school time, his relative and childhood friend Otto Rutkis in the newspaper "Brīvā Zeme" in 1939. "When we grew up, our fathers had little money, but a lot of hard work. When we started going to school, Kalpaks was the biggest naughty person in the first grade, because all his studies went well and he had a lot of free time. For the second year in a row, he was already a class supervisor and with all his rigor, he gained all the respect and remained a supervisor throughout the school. ”
Almighty school 1925/1926. moved to Meirani during the school year. According to archive materials, the issue of changing the name of Meirāni 6-grade primary school for the first time on the agenda of the regular meeting of Meirāni Parish Council was on October 26, 1928. The meeting was chaired by the chairman of the council Ernests Draguns. The application for the name change was received from the school council. Taking this into account, as well as hearing the opinions of several public organizations, the parish council unanimously decided to rename its 6th grade primary school as the 6th grade primary school of the First Commander-in-Chief of the Latvian Army, Colonel O. Kalpaks. 14 present members of the parish council voted for it (Augusts Kamols had not arrived): Jānis Akmens, Jānis Birziņš, Ernests Baltais, Arvids Drinkens, Oskars Kalve, Eduards Kalpaks, Alberts Kalpaks, Pēteris Kalve, Kārlis Pētersons, Alfreds Rudzons, Joto Rutkis , Kārlis Vanags.
However, the name of the school did not change so quickly. The board of Madona district schools did not consider the long name suitable and asked for the consent of the Department of Local Government to name the school Meirāns Kalpaks 6-grade primary school. On February 26, 1929, an article was published in the Monthly Bulletin of the Ministry of the Interior, stating for general information, "What to follow when changing the names of schools," and mentioning the Meiran School. The department stated that there could be no objection to the commemoration of Colonel Kalpaks, but pointed out that since the school is immovable property belonging to the parish, it is necessary for the county board to decide whether the change of school name should be registered in the land register as an educational institution. If the school is to be renamed as immovable property, the consent of the Minister of the Interior must be sought by first sending to the Ministry the decisions and extracts from the land registers of the parish and county municipalities regarding the existing name of the school.
At the regular meeting of Madona County Board on March 27, 1929 (Chairman of the Board A. Mūrnieks and members of the Board A. Reipolts, T. Stange, J. Jansons and A. Spalviņš), in response to the decision of the meeting of Meirāni Parish Council on March 13, decided to approve The decision of the Meirāni Parish Council and, as the plot of land allocated to the Parish Municipality from the state fund land has not yet been entered in the Land Register, to agree to the renaming of the school real estate on behalf of Colonel Kalpaka. And so with 1929/1930. school year was called Meirāni (parish) Kalpaka 6th grade primary school.
Museum values in Meirāni Kalpaka primary school
The school also housed the Oskars Kalpaks Museum, or it would be more correct to say a memorial room or a corner. The school had a bench on which Kalpaks sat in his first school years in the old Visagala primary school. The image published in the Daugavas Vēstnesis at the beginning of 1940 allows us to draw more detailed conclusions about the objects in the school memorial corner: a photo of Oskars Kalpaks, framed and decorated with green threads and probably red and white ribbons, a series of also a helmet. There was also a tombstone in the corner of the memorial, which was on the tomb of Oskars Kalpaks until the unveiling of the monument, and possibly ribbons from the wreaths placed during the reburial. Something has also been exhibited in a showcase behind glass, but some things can't really be deciphered. The image of the O. Kalpaks memorial corner in the collection of the Madona Museum gives an idea of the content of the photographs. In the corner of the memorial there are photos about the laying of the foundation stone for the monument in Visagala cemetery, then there are a number of photos about the unveiling of the monument and also about the unveiling of the monument in Airīte. There are other photos that can't be told exactly what they show. The plaque commemorates the text: March 6. " This memorial plaque is still kept in Meirāni Kalpaka Primary School. Until the unveiling of the monument, the plaque was in the cemetery on the base with the text: "The cornerstone of the monument to Colonel O. Kalpaks 14.VI.1925."
Consecration of the foundation stone to the monument to O. Kalpaks
On June 14, 1925, the foundation stone of the Oskars Kalpaks monument was consecrated in the Visagala cemetery. The press wrote about it: “14. June was a big holiday. In the afternoon, the monument to the tomb of our national hero Kalpaks was consecrated in the Meirāns Visagala cemetery with the participation of the Prime Minister, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Foreign Affairs with Mrs. and General Balodis. The Mayans welcomed the dignitaries very warmly. The guests also stayed for a while at the Meiranian Green Ball and then went to the town of Madona, where the parade of the Madona District Guard Regiment took place. The debts were accepted by Prime Minister Celmiņš and awarded prizes to the best riflemen.
Among the awards was one from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Meierovics, and one from the Minister of the Interior, E. Laimiņš. After the parade, the writer Sauliets gave a lecture "on what we Latvians should protect" and pointed out that the virtues of the ancestors must be especially protected. The lecture was followed by a concert by violin artist Taube and piano artist Osis. Other publications, however, elaborate on this event, informing that the cornerstone of the monument was consecrated. the entire guard regiment, about 400 members, only regiment commanders and adjutants, which led to a tragic situation: giving speeches, summoning high-happiness guards, drinking a drink from the honorary cup of the 1st Battalion guards, but the guards did not hear or see it: they wandered around the city, or drove home a sour mind… The guests of honor also felt quite awkward. ”
From Visagala castle mound
Of course, the unveiling of the monument in the Visagala cemetery on July 10, 1927 was made by the sculptor Kārlis Zāle and the stonemason Arnolds Dzirkalis. In the 1930s, it was popular to visit various historically significant places in Latvia, feeling it as a pilgrimage. After the unveiling of the monument to O. Kalpaks, Meirāni, Visagala cemetery, Kalpaks school also became such places, and often travelers also visited Liepsala. Interesting descriptions of the trip to Kalpaka's homeland can be read in several newspapers of the 1930s: There the eternal peace of the colonel. There, an old alley indicates that the colonel was taken to the shower for the last time. The cemetery itself is located on a longitudinal, small hill with two hills. On one of the hills you can see the monument to the tomb of Kalpaka in the image of an ancient soldier. From Visagala castle mound you can see a wide area: forests, swamps and snowy rural villages. Nearby is Liepu Hill, which is also called Karātava Hill. Behind the cemetery on the left - the church hill. The old Visagala primary school building, where Colonel Kalpaks received his first education, can also be seen on the Aiviekste side. A monument from the large stone of Sauka bog has also been created here. ”
Travelers at Kalpaka Elementary School
Another trip tells about what I saw at school: “A very dark and sharp tomorrow is driving snow in my eyes when I got off at Meirāni station. On the hill, the lights of a house shine bright lights. I'm going there. "It's Kalpaka Elementary School," says a little boy I meet on the way. It turns out that he is a student of Kalpaka primary school. Listening to his happy language, we have noticed school. The school manager A. Drinkēns, who is entrusted with raising the students of this school in the hero of Kalpaka, kindly opens the door and gives a late guest accommodation under the auspices of this great school. Equally hospitable is the housewife, Kalpaka's goddaughter, the eldest daughter of his brother Kārlis. There is also Kalpaka's brother's son Roberts, who graduated from primary school this year and then continued his education at the agricultural school. With him grows a safe and worthy next commoner of Kalpaka's favorite "Liepsalu". With great respect, Robert shows me and tells me about the Kalpaka violin, which he now owns.
In the morning, the school manager A. Drinkēns shows me a room with a Kalpaka memorial corner. "Most of his belongings are in the war museum. However, Kalpaks belongs to the entire Latvian nation. But we have the opportunity to be close to his place of residence and rest, to take care of and cherish his memory and to honor his name, ”says the school administrator. Then through the meadows and forests along the banks of Aiviekste I am taken to Kalpaka's native farm - Liepsala. ”
About Liepsala
Liepsala was managed by Oscar's brother Kārlis and his family. In the description of a traveler we read: “Here is an area rich in large forests and wide bogs; between them old and new houses. When we leave the bush spruce cluster in the open, on a small hill you see a yellow-painted house with beautiful farm buildings. Around the forests, on the east side lie the large clans of the Lubāna plain. In this ancient house I am taken to the room where Oskars Kalpaks lived. On the wall between the windows 3 large families: Oscar in the middle, father on one side and mother on the other. Here is now the Kalpaka memorial corner, where some of his belongings are collected. We sit by the stove, where Kalpaka's bed was once. Mrs. Kārlis Kalpaks says: “We were all very fond of the Colonel. When he came from Russia, he was going to stay permanently in Liepsala. Went and helped everyone where they could. But then one of those sad and thoughtful once moved home from Lubāna. He told his father that he was going to Riga to help the Latvian state. His mother prepared for him and promised him warm underwear, but he refused everything and said, "Whoever is at home will stay, but whoever is taken, God knows where he will stay!" The next morning, his father chased the horse and took him to Madona Station. That was the last time we saw him. ”
A traveler in Liepsala also met the stonemason Arnolds Dzirkalis: “The sculptor Dzirkalis also lives here, creating the image of Colonel Kalpaka's bust. Languages about Kalpaka's childhood and adolescence are beginning to fade. The brother says that the colonel based his life on diligence and work. While visiting Liepsala, he always helped with all the homework. There is a special room in Liepsala, where Kalpaka's belongings are placed. Most of the belongings have already been distributed in museums. In Liepsala there is also the colonel's violin and the notes collected together. In the field you can see a memorial grove planted by a small regiment of Meirāni Kalpaka Primary School. The Sauka bog stretches further, next to which there is a large stone, on which Kalpaks used to play music together with the neighboring young people. A monument to Kalpaka was also carved from this stone. ”
Another traveler visited Liepsala during the still snowy time: “It is a real Latvian house. Great simplicity, beauty and sincerity. In the garden, snow-covered branches of hazelnuts and other trees planted by Kalpaks bend over the pedestrian's head. The kind hostess of Liepsalu, Mrs. Kārlis, Kalpaka's brother, receives a guest. While listening to the memory of the story, the owner Kārlis Kalpaks also passed. He was to hand over the grain to the Meiran station. He tells about his brother: “Oscar urged us all and called us to be ready to join the fighters at all times. As he drove away, he said, "Brother, you should go with you, but since you are weaker and you can't leave home without a host, you better stay here." When he drove home, he was always and everywhere present when it came to organizing some snow battles or other games. He had great strength and dexterity. When he had grown up, he once worked in our house as a lime mixer for masons. He was paid 3 rubles a day, but others only 2 and a half rubles. The servant was not afraid of any job, he did not have "ordinary and fine" work. "
The other in Liepsala and Gaigali
Travelers from the Meirani side also visit elsewhere: “Further, my way leads to the second Liepsala, where a close relative of Kalpaka, a time friend and childhood friend - Otto Rutkis lives. We sit at the table where Kalpaks once sat. At that time, with a fervent speech, he urged all the assembled hosts to fight. ”
Kalpaka's cousin Alberts Kalpaks lived in Gaigali. He says about Oscar Kalpaks: “When Oscar came to visit us, he was helpful to everyone. He drove along in the woods to carry logs and break stones. He built a 14-foot-long, thick log like a skull on a sled. When he came from Russia, he was weak, but he said happily: "It's nothing, Latvian bread will improve me." We climb slowly on the quiet cemetery hill. There is a monument to Kalpaka on a higher hill. On the grave needles and lingonberries. Gray boulder, shaped by the sculptor's hand. In the distance, the blue Lubāna Sill shines, the waters of Aiviekste flow quietly under the ice, but here, in silence, under the stone monument, the Latvian freedom fighter Oskars Kalpaks dies in eternal peace. ”
Memorial events in Meirani
Memorial events for Oscar Kalpaks were organized on March 6, May 15, November 18 and other significant dates. On March 6, 1937, the Meirāni Guard Division and the Meirāni Division of the Latvian Aeroclub (which was inaugurated on that day) held a memorial service in the Visagala Cemetery, but then a memorial act and a theater performance took place at the Meirāni Folk House. At the beginning of March 1940, ten officers under the command of Colonel I. Kulis, as well as guards from Madona, came to the Visagala cemetery for the ceremony. In the evening, the celebrations continued at Meirāni Kalpaka Primary School.
O. Kalpaka's native side was also visited by small children. In 1939, 27 participants with 4 leaders of the Riga 2nd City Gymnasium were working in the camp in Ozoliņi, Meirāni Parish. They worked in agriculture - the girls thinned fodder turnips and beets and worked on haymaking. The boys repaired the fences and did other work. But on a free day - Sunday - the members of the small group held a sacrament at the tomb of Kalpaks, visited his first school and his native house.
We learn from "Madona Ziņas" that a committee for the decoration of the Kalpaka resting place was established, which would focus on the improvement of the cemetery. It was planned not only to be proud of the beautifully tidy resting place of O. Kalpaka, but, given that the cemetery itself is not exemplary, to make a number of improvements. It was planned to rebuild the chapel and install a gate by the highway, as well as rename the cemetery after Kalpaka. But - Kalpaka's name began to be revered only after less than half a century.
"Lubāna. The next hundred", 2020
LNA Latvian State History Archive, F.380, A.1., L.406
Madona Local History and Art Museum (MNM 38361)
Bebris, Raimonds. After the pilgrimage to plkv. Kalpaka monument. Soldier. 7/7/1927
In the homeland. Latvian Soldier. 11/27/1925
Decorate Kalpaka resting place. Madona News. No.21. 6/6/1940
In the homeland of Kalpaka - in Meirani. A rest. No. 696. 04.03.1938.
Kamols, A. Meirāni parish in the past and now. Parish Life.15.11.1938.
What to look for when changing school names? Journal of the Ministry of the Interior. No.280. 2/26/1929
LL Police Journal. No. 46. 16.06.1925.
Small group members in Lubāna clans. Free Land. No. 146. 04.07.1939.
Milberg, G. What they promise and what they give. Guard. No. 7. 01.07.1925.
In the homeland of the First Commander - in - Chief of the Latvian Army. Week.24.07.1925.
Colonel Kalpaks rescues an entire division. Daugava Gazette. No. 54. 06.03.1940.
Rn. In the homeland of Kalpaka. Free Land. 3/3/1939
Feast at the tomb of Colonel Kalpaka in Meirana. Latvian Soldier.16.06.1925.
VZ 1938. In the homeland of Colonel Kalpaka. Morning. No. 63, 04.03.
Grassland Day in Kusa. Madona News. No.21. 6/6/1940
Saistītās laikalīnijas
Saistītās tēmas
Saistītie objekti
Polkovniku Oskars Kalpaksi sünnikoht Liepsalas ja viimane puhkepaik Visagalsi kalmistul
Polkovniku Oskars Kalpaksi perekonna mälestuspaik Liepsalas asub Madona linna ja Lubānsi järve vahel. Liepsalas asub Kalpaksi lapsepõlvekodu. Mälestuspaik rajati siia 1997. aastal polkovniku vennatütre Ārija Kalpaks-Grundmane (1922–2006) ideede põhjal ja toetusel. Mälestuspaik koosneb erinevatest sümboolse tähendusega keskkonnaobjektidest ja kiviskulptuuridest, mis kujutavad läti eetilisi ja patriootilisi väärtusi. Suurimas hoones on välja pandud näitus, mis on pühendatud Läti Vabadussõja ajaloole ja Läti riigi kahekümne kahele vabadusaastale (1918–1940). Oskars Kalpaksi mälestusmärki asub Visagalsi kalmistul; selle autorid on Kārlis Zāle ja Arnolds Dzirkals ning see avati 1927. aastal. Mälestusmärk koosneb kolme figuuriga kompositsioonist, mille keskel on läti sõdalane kilbi ja mõõgaga, ning temast kahel pool on längu vajunud sõdurid. Skulptuurirühma jalamil asub graniidist alusel pronksplaat, millel on Kalpaksile pühendatud Edvards Virza luuletus. Oskars Kalpaks langes 6. märtsil 1919 Airītese talu lähedal, mis asub Skrundast Saldusesse viiva tee ääres.
Kolonel Oskars Kalpaksi viimane puhkepaik
Asub Visagala kalmistul, Madona linnaosas
10. juulil 1927 avati Oskars Kalpaksile Kārlis Zāle ja Arnolds Dzirkaļsi valmistatud monument - kolmest figuurist koosnev kompositsioon, mille keskmes on muistne läti sõdalane kilbi ja mõõgaga käes, kuid mõlemal. sides on vehklev sõdur. Skulptuurigrupi jalamile on graniitalusele asetatud pronkstahvel, millele on graveeritud tekst, millel on ka Kalpakile pühendatud Edward Virza luuletus.
Oskars Kalpaks langes 1919. aastal. 6. märtsil "Airīte" lähedal, Skrunda - Saldus maantee poolsel küljel, 18. septembril viidi tema säilmed Liepāja põhjakalmistult üle Visagala perekonnakalmistule.
Monumendi avas kolonel O. Kalpaksi monumendikomisjoni esimees kindral J. Balodis, osalesid tollane president G. Zemgale, peaminister M. Skujenieks, Riigikogu esimees P. Kalniņš, sõjaminister R. Bangerskim ja K. Ulmanis. Monumendi aluskivi pandi 19. juunil 1925. aastal. Monumendi kivi on võetud polkovniku kodumajast Siena rabast, sellel kivil armastas O. Kalpaks lapsena viiulit mängida.
Oskars Kalpaksi muuseum ja mälestuspaik "Airītes"
Oskars Kalpaksi muuseum ja mälestuspaik Airītes asub Salduse ja Skrunda vahel, A9 maantee lähedal. Näitus sisaldab ulatuslikku teavet kolonel Oskars Kalpaksi ja tema pataljoni kohta ning tutvustab Läti Rahvusarmee ajalugu ja mälestuspaika Airītes. Näitus näitab kolonel Oskars Kalpaksit kui isiksust, sõdurit ja Läti iseseisvuse eest võitlejat. Ekspositsiooni osana on saadaval ka läti, inglise ja saksa keeles heliprotokollid. Need rõhutavad 1918/1919. aasta ajalooliste sündmuste tähtsust Läti riikluse kaitsmisel. Muuseumihoone on restaureeritud.
Sissepääs on tasuta; giidiga ekskursioon - tasuline. Kompleksis on puhkeala, park, takistusrada, on võimalik võtta mitmesuguseid kursusi, samuti on olemas seminarisaal kuni 30 inimesele.
Mälestusplaadid Esimeses maailmasõjas ja Vabadussõjas langenud lubanlastele Lubana luteri kirikus
Asub Lubānas, Baznīcase tänav 1, luteri kirikus.
Lubāna kirikusse püstitati sõdadevahelisel ajal valgest marmorist mälestustahvel kolonel Oskars Kalpaksile. Sündis Hugo Celmins.
Lubāna kultuuripärandi ja turismiinfokeskuse ekspositsioonis saab igapäevaselt näha materjale Oskars Kalpaksi ja Hugo Celmiņši kohta.
Lubāna Turismi- ja Kultuuripärandikeskus
Lubāna Turismi- ja Kultuuripärandikeskus asub Lubāna kesklinnas. Siin võib tutvuda mitmete näituste ja püsiekspositsioonidega, mis tutvustada piirkonna ajalugu, kultuuri, traditsioone ja sündmusi. Püsiekspositsioonid on pühendatud inimestele, kelle üle Lubānas eriti uhked ollakse. Need tutvustavad luuletajat, rahvusliku vastupanuliikumise liiget ja poliitvangi Broņislava Martuževat; Vabadussõjas osalenud poliitikut Hugo Celmiņšit; Läti sõjaväe esimest ülemjuhatajat Oskars Kalpaksit; fotograafi Alfreds Grāversit; ooperilauljat Jānis Zābersit; luuletajat Jānis Gavarsit; kunstnikku Rūdolfs Pinnist ning folkloristi ja pastorit Mārtiņš Celmiņšit. Giid tutvustab Karutapja ordeni kavaleride ja vabadusvõitlejate elu Lubānas ja selle ümbruskonnas ning nende puhkepaiku Lubāna vanal kalmistul. Keeled: läti, vene. Ette tellides pakutakse ekskursioonidele tõlget saksa ja inglise keelde.
Oskars Kalpaksi muuseumi "Loodus - jõu rada"
Loodusrada on loodud muuseumiga piirneval territooriumil ja põhineb O. Kalpaksi muuseumi ja selle ümbruse kujundamise ideel 1936. aastal.Loodusrada on muuseumi külastajatele tasuta.
Loodusrajal on puust skulptuurid, mis on loodud Kuldīga Tehnoloogia- ja Turismitehnikumi poolt korraldatud puidutööliste plein air töötoas ühtsel teemal - "Vabaduse armastuse nimel". Näitusel on ka ümbruskonna kooliõpilaste meeskondade maalitud plein air-tööde "Kaitse oma isamaad!" suures formaadis maalid.
Muuseumi kõige noorematele külastajatele on loodusrada loodud ka mini-air-track.
Skrunda lahingu mälestus- ja lipupäev
Skrunda lahingumälestusmärk asub Skrunda kesklinnas, Oskaras Kalpaka pargis Skrunda kultuurimaja lähedal, Kuldīgase ja Liepājase tänava ristmikul. 2005. aastal püstitati mälestusmärgile kivi, mis meenutab 29. jaanuari 1919. aasta lahingut, mil Oskars Kalpaka juhitud pataljon koos Landeswehri saksa ja vene üksustega vabastas Skrunda enamlaste käest. Alates 2004. aastast on säilinud lipupäeva traditsioon, millega mälestatakse esimest enamlastest vabastatud linna ja selle vabastajaid, kes heiskasid 29. jaanuaril 1919 Skrunda kiriku juures Läti lipu.
Vabadussõja esimestel kuudel kaotas Läti Ajutine Valitsus bolševike surve all kiiresti territooriumi. 22. jaanuaril 1919 vallutasid enamlased Skrunda. Nädal hiljem, 29. jaanuari varahommikul, algas pealetung Skrunda tagasi vallutamiseks. Läti eraldi pataljon kolonelleitnant Oskars Kalpaksi juhtimisel pidi ründama piki Rudbāržu-Skrunda maanteed ja ajama bolševikud Skrundast välja. Sellele pidi järgnema Saksa üksuste külgrünnak, mille ülesandeks oleks hävitada edasitungiv vaenlane, samal ajal kui Vene kompanii ründaks Läti ja Saksa üksuste vahel, kasutades Skrunda kirikut maamärgina. Rünnakut toetas ka Saksa suurtükipatarei. Rünnaku päeval oli 15 kraadi külma, päike paistis eredalt, Kalpakkidel tuli läbida puhas väli ja enamlased varjusid mõisa kivihoonetes. Kui ründajaahel oli umbes 300 meetri kaugusel, avasid enamlased tule, puhkes kahepoolne tulekahju ja Oskars Kalpaksi juhitud sõdurid tungisid kiirelt edasi, sundides vaenlast tule lõpetama ja taganema üle Venta. Pärast umbes 3 tundi kestnud võitlust vallutati Skrunda umbes kell 9 hommikul, kusjuures Läti eripataljonil oli ainult 2 haavatut.
Skrunda lahing oli Läti Ajutise Valitsuse relvastatud Spek-sõdurite moraalile väga tähtis, sest see oli tegelikult esimene märkimisväärne võit lahingutes enamlaste vastu. Pealegi näitas ülem ise, Oskars Kalpaks, selles lahingus erilist julgust, julgustades oma eeskujuga sõdureid mitte kartma.
Oskars Kalpaksi muuseum ja mälestuspaik "Airītes"
Oskars Kalpaksi muuseum ja mälestuspaik Airītes asub Salduse ja Skrunda vahel, A9 maantee lähedal. Näitus sisaldab ulatuslikku teavet kolonel Oskars Kalpaksi ja tema pataljoni kohta ning tutvustab Läti Rahvusarmee ajalugu ja mälestuspaika Airītes. Näitus näitab kolonel Oskars Kalpaksit kui isiksust, sõdurit ja Läti iseseisvuse eest võitlejat. Ekspositsiooni osana on saadaval ka läti, inglise ja saksa keeles heliprotokollid. Need rõhutavad 1918/1919. aasta ajalooliste sündmuste tähtsust Läti riikluse kaitsmisel. Muuseumihoone on restaureeritud.
Sissepääs on tasuta; giidiga ekskursioon - tasuline. Kompleksis on puhkeala, park, takistusrada, on võimalik võtta mitmesuguseid kursusi, samuti on olemas seminarisaal kuni 30 inimesele.
Mälestuskivi Oskaras Kalpaka platsil Salduses
O.Kalpaka väljak asub Salduse kesklinnas, Lielā ja Striķu tänavate ristumiskohas.
Endine turuplats on tänapäeval Salduse elanike ja külastajate lemmikpaik, kus toimuvad kontserdid, mälestusüritused ja pidustused. 10. märtsil 1919 sai Saldus esimeseks Läti linnaks, mille vabastas kolonel Oskars Kalpaksi pataljon.
14. märtsil 1919 toimus platsil Läti Separatiivpataljoni esimene paraad. 1992. aastal nimetati plats kolonel Kalpaksi auks tema järgi.