1991 Barricades Museum Muziejus

CV of barricades

8. - 12. class pupils

Students are offered various activities in the halls of the museum. In the first hall, students can get an idea of life in the USSR, about the Revival, see posters on social topics. In the second hall, students watch the film "The time of our barricades", discuss the strategically important, protected objects. In the third hall, "With courage against troops", students learn about the two opposing forces, the People's Front and the Interfront, other Latvian cities, which were also very important points in the barricades, as well as you can view the model of the Council of Ministers and on the touch-sensitive screens you can view photo and video materials from the 1991 collection of the barricade museum. In the hall dedicated to the January 20 shooting, students have the opportunity to watch a specially created animated film, where the January 20 attack on the Ministry of the Interior has been reconstructed. In the "Echo of Barricades in the World" hall, you can see a car from the time of the barricades and a satellite dish that transmitted information about the barricades to other countries. After viewing the exhibition, students are given worksheets. In order to fill them in, the students must remember what the tour guide told them, and independently look for clues and answers to questions in the exposition.

1 stunda
Darbo valandos:
Pirmdiena - piekdiena 10.00 - 17.00 Sestdiena - svētdiena slēgts
14 eiro grupai
With a guide

Iepriekšēja pieteikšanās programmai ir obligāta! Sazināšanās ar muzeju T.67213525, E-pasts: info@barikades.lv

Lesson for groups of up to 30 people.