Soviet Army Missile base in Zeltiņi Karinis miestas

Excursion to the nuclear missile base in Zeltinių

Recommended age: no limit

When you visit this top-secret military facility, during a two-hour guided adventure, you will find out where the nuclear warheads were assembled and how they were transported, what components are needed for a complete missile launch, during the creative activities "Tuthead", "Radist's letter", "Save what you can" and a tour at the nuclear missile base. for assembly and whether missiles have ever been launched from this base. You will stay in the Communications hangar and decipher a secret message, visit several bomb shelters and find out where the missile launch button was.

Individual and groups
2 stundas
2,00 EUR/pers
With a guide

Zeltiņi, Alūksnes novads


Tālrunis: +371 29492284 (Gunita)