Supply bunker in the forest by the road Bunkeris

 Medumu pagasts, Augšdaugavas novads, Latvija

It is located on the side of the gravel road that leads from Kščevo to Biruliški, on the northern side of the road, in the forest. A good landmark is a graveled stopping place.

To illustrate the challenges of logistics and supply in World War I, it was said that a soldier used up as many resources (food, water, ammunition and other materials) in a day as he weighed. During intense battles at full supply, this was indeed close to the truth. Supply bunkers were built between the first and reserve lines in order to provide reserves for resources and protect them from enemy fire and exposure to the external environment. The history of the specific bunker is unknown, but it most likely served the following functions as a supply bunker.

Today, the bunker is freely accessible. This creates one room that tends to be flooded. Metal vaults are partially preserved in the ceiling. The bunker has one main entrance for personnel and a cargo slip opening on the side.