An exhibition-installation about the landing that did not take place
Memorialinis vieta

 Virtsu sadam, Estija, Pärnumaa
 +372 621 7410
 Eesti sõjamuuseum - kindral Laidoneri muuseum

In front of the port of Virtsu, on the left-hand side when coming from Tallinn, there is an exhibition-installation of the landing, which did not take place.

April 1919. Estonian War of Independence. The armoured train Heinaste, which is preparing to become the world’s first armoured train to land by sea in Ainaži, is docked in Virtsu Harbour. The train has an armoured artillery wagon with 76 mm artillery, a locomotive and water tank. The ferry also stores an armoured car named Vahur. The landing operation is to be supported by two artillery boats Lembit and Herkules, minesweeping naval trawlers Kalev and Olev, icebreaker tugboat Reval as well as landing craft Kalevipoeg. The landing troop is a marine battalion consisting of 217 men. The commander of the Estonian naval forces, Johan Pitka, is planning the biggest naval operation of spring 1919.