Particular remarks in the care of cyclists

Latvijas armijas riteņbraucēju karavīru stāja pie divriteņ 30. gadi.

The recommendations mentioned in the regulations for the training of cyclists are provided during the training of cyclists in the Latvian Army. The recommendations focus mainly on the health of the soldier.

Special remarks for cyclist health care:

At the end of the training period for young soldiers, the doctor must carry out a medical examination of the soldiers who cannot bear the long journey. If, according to the doctor's opinion, the soldiers are not suitable for cycling echelons and if they cannot be used for motorized echoes, they must be transferred to other units.

Proper health care increases the performance of cycling units

When making a move, order the necessary relief in the outfit to be given as early as possible at the beginning of the move.

Cyclists' clothing and harness must be adapted so that they do not interfere with the circulation of body blood.

More frequent cold washing before and after driving protects the feet and hips from abrasion (when walking in the warm season).

It is forbidden to drink alcohol before the march, during the march, as well as immediately after the march ends.

You don't have to start on an empty or full stomach.

Muscle cramps can be prevented by massage. Cramps in the arms and legs, if the cyclist does not have enough training, if the saddle of the bicycle is not fitted correctly, if the cyclist holds the handbrake for a long time or keeps the handlebars in the same place at all times, if the cyclist's clothing is tight and uncomfortable. Too tight pants or panties cause sharp pain in the knees and leg muscles.

If a cyclist exceeds his / her endurance limits, he / she will have a fast and uneven heartbeat, as well as difficulty breathing.

If a cyclist experiences general weakness with shivering, cold sweat, a pale face, difficulty breathing, a feeling of suffocation and a fast and uneven heartbeat - the cyclist should lie down, unbutton the suit and be given a small amount of coffee or tea; after a short rest, the lost forces will return to the cyclist.

In the case of sunstroke, the provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the Internal Service must be observed.

Particular attention should be paid to cyclists during breaks. You can only swim if the cyclist has cooled down sufficiently and his heart rate has returned to normal.

Used sources and references:

Cycling training regulations. Riga: Army Headquarters Training Division, 1940.


Related objects

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We have about 5000 visitors every year.

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