Tauras District Partisan and Exile Museum Museum

In the center of Marijampolė city.

The museum is intended to represent and preserve the history of the Lithuanian partisan war. The museum's exposition tells the story of one of the most active and largest Lithuanian partisan units - the Tauras district, which resisted the Soviet occupation regime in southern Lithuania in 1944–1953, as well as the history of the deportations of Lithuanian society carried out by the Soviet occupation regime from June 14, 1941.

The museum has a collection of weapons, ammunition, equipment and uniforms of the partisans of the Tauras region. The exposition is rich in photographs representing the everyday life and battles of the partisans, examples of the illegal press published by the partisans, letters, memoirs and documents. The museum was founded by Aldona Sabaitytė-Vilutienė, a former partisan liaison, prisoner, local historian and author of memoirs and books on the subject of the partisan war, under the pseudonym Neužmirštuolė, Viltis. Currently, the museum is a division of the Marijampolė Museum of Local Lore.

Used sources and references:

Marijampoletic.lt/lankytinos-vietos/muziejai/tauro-apygardos-partizanu-ir-tremties-muziejus https://marijampoletic.lt/lankytinos-vietos/muziejai/tauro-apygardos-partizanu-ir-tremties-muziejus

See it in Lithuania, https://www.pamatyklietuvoje.lt/lankytinos-vietos/tauro-apygardos-partizanu-ir-tremties-muziejus/8253 https://www.pamatyklietuvoje.lt/lankytinos-vietos/tauro-apygardos-partizanu-ir-tremties-muziejus/8253