The airfield section of the Biržai–Pandėlys road

Nuotraukos autorius - Salvijus Kulevičius, 2024. Asmeninis Salvijaus Kulevičiaus rinkinys.
 Kelio Biržai–Pandėlys ruožas, Biržų r., Lietuva, Lithuania

Near Papilis, on the stretch of Biržai–Pandėlys road (KK123), near the villages of Galintiškis and Miliškii.

According to the plans of the Soviet Army command, four airfield sections of roads suitable for taking off and landing military planes were to be installed in Lithuania: near Biržai (on the Biržai-Pandėlys road), Kartena (on the Šiauliai-Palanga road), Kruopiai (on the Naujoji Akmenė-Kruopiai road) and Šakii ( road Šakii–Slaviki). Such sections had to have a widened road, an asphalted surface and areas at the ends of the section for planes to turn around. The sections of Kartena and Šakiai were installed on the 7th of December. and repair (at least the Kartena section) on Dec. 9. It is known that in 1983 June 20 An Air Force fighter landed on the Kartena stretch while testing it after repairs. The Biržai and Kruopia sections were supposed to be built on Dec. 9.

The preserved stretch of Biržai is 2 km long and about 20 m wide. The road itself has been widened, built with a better base and a thicker asphalt surface, and there are still airplane turnarounds at the ends.

Used sources and references:

Arlauskaitė Inga, Kšanytė-Armstrong Raminta, Occupation army in Lithuania, Vilnius: Versus Aureus, 2007, p. 119; 1982 and 1983 photocopies of documents.