Rubene Parish Hall Battle site

Rubenes pagastnams, kur čekisti sadedzināja 1945. gada 2. jūlija Dunavas kaujā kritušo sešu nacionālo partizānu līķus
Rubenes pagasts, Latvia
Rubene Parish Hall, where the Chekists burned the bodies of six national partisans who fell in the Battle of Dunava on July 2, 1945. For the purpose of intimidation, the employees of Rubene Parish Hall were also forced to watch this action.
A cross is engraved on the memorial stone and the inscription reads:
"I am dying for faith and a free Latvia. Jānis Abarons, Vladislavs Būka, Pēteris Bernāns, Alberts Klimanis, Vladislavs Dilāns, Juris Timšāns fell and were burned in the battle of July 2, 1945".
Used sources and references:
The unknown war. The struggle of Latvian national partisans against the Soviet occupiers 1944-1956. 1st ed. Riga: Domas saks, 2010, p. 365.