Varaklani Jewish Cemetery - a memorial to the victims of German-fascist terror
Memorial site

Varakļānu ebreju kapi. Avots: Gita Memmēna, Vidzemes tūrisma asociācija
 Kapsētas ielas galā, Varakļāni, Varakļānu nov., Latvia

Varakļāni Jewish Cemetery, at the end of Kapsētas Street.

There are two monuments erected in the Varakļāni Jewish cemetery after the war by surviving relatives and relatives.

One of them is located near the cemetery fence, where the mass extermination of Jews took place. The inscription on it in Russian and Yiddish reads: "We will mourn forever with our parents, brothers and sisters who died at the hands of the fascists in 1941." The second monument is inside the cemetery; In the place where the killed Jews were later reburied, there is also an inscription in Yiddish and Russian: "Eternal memory of the victims of the German-fascist terror - the Jews of Varakļāni, brutally killed on August 4, 1941".

Nazi German troops entered Varaklani in 1941. In early July, and from the very first days, the siege and isolated killings of Jews began. A conditional ghetto was established near the Jewish cemetery, to which all Jews had to move. On August 4, a German SD unit (the "Arāja team") shot virtually all Jews in Varakļāni (about 540 people) with the help of local self-defense forces on the territory of the Jewish cemetery.

Every year on the first Sunday of August, a memorial event dedicated to the Jews killed in Varakļāni takes place in the Varakļāni Jewish Cemetery.

Used sources and references:

Melers M. History of the Latvian Jewish Community and Holocaust Memorial Sites. Riga: Museum “Jews in Latvia”, 2013.
Strods K. The Jewish Identity of Varakļāni: Urban Environment and Oral Testimony: Bachelor's Thesis, Rēzekne: Rēzekne University College, 2015.

Your comments

Strods K. The Jewish Identity of Varakļāni: Urban Environment and Oral Testimony: Bachelor's Thesis, Rēzekne: Rēzekne University College, 2015. Neuzticams avots, kurā pirmo reizi tiek apgalvots par Arāja vienības dalību ebreju iznīcināšanā Varakļānos. Balstoties vienīgi uz mutvārdu liecību. Nevienā citā vēstures arhīvā šāda, pat pietuvināta informācija, nav atrodama.

Nov 4, 2023, 2:07:10 AM