Altar of Victory in Aidu Memorial site

The Altar of Victory is situated next to the former dairy on Vaadu Farm in Aidu, by the Jõgeva-Põltsamaa road.
It is a monument to the War of Independence. This monument marks the furthest point a Red Army soldier advanced.
The monument designed by Eduard Järve was unveiled on 23 June 1929. In 1932 two oak trees were planted near the monument, one of which has survived. On 4 January 1934 the 2nd Infantry Battalion replanted an oak tree brought from Aidu on the square at Lembitu barracks in Tartu in honour of the battle of Aidu.
On 4 January 1934, the 2nd Infantry Battalion uprooted one of the oak trees in Aidu and replanted it on the square in front of the Lembitu barracks in Tartu in memory of the Battle of Aidu. The monument was blown to pieces in 1940 before being completely destroyed in 1965. The current copy of the original monument was unveiled on 23 June 1989.
Used sources and references:
Põltsamaa Muuseum.
Eesti sõjaajaloo teejuht. Tallinn 2010. Koostanud K. Luts
Eesti Vabadussõja ajalugu I. Varrak, 2020
Muinsuskaitseameti kultuurimälestiste register.
Tartu Postimees.
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