2nd Armoured Train Regiment barracks and Valga military district staff headquarters
Military town

 Valga, Estonia, Valgamaa

These buildings, originally a state vodka warehouse, were built near the current Valga railway station between 1898 and 1900. From 1922-1940 they served as army barracks and as the staff headquarters of the armoured train regiment and Valga military district. The staff headquarters of the 2nd Armoured Train Regiment were moved there in 1922 from what is now the Valga Museum building on Vabaduse Street. This building was favoured for its close proximity to the railway. The staff headquarters occupied the building until 1934, when the 2nd Armoured Train Regiment was merged with the armoured train regiment based in Tapa.

Used sources and references:

Valga linna Kroonika: https://valgalinn.ee/wiki/organisatsioon/2767-soomusrongide-divisjon-diviis-brigaad-2-soomusrongi-r%C3%BCgement/

History of the building of Valga Museum: https://www.valgamuuseum.ee/teadus/lugemisvara/valga-muuseumi-maja-ajalugu/