The military heritage of Latvia and Estonia, 1918-1991
From the time of the formation of the states of Latvia and Estonia, and the restoration of Lithuania’s independence following the end of the First World War, a great deal of evidence of the monumental events of the time in terms of battle sites, military structures, historical photographs and memories have survived. Altogether they make a compelling military heritage story of how the three countries emerged out of World War I, how they fought for their survival during the wars of independence, how they were devastated by World War II, how national partisans kept up the battle for more than 10 years after the war, and how independence was restored after decades of occupation. This is a story about political events, the people and their lives during the wars and periods of occupation.
World War I (1914-1918)
Before the establishment of the Estonian and Latvian states, Latvian and Estonian soldiers served in the Imperial Russian Army during World War I. Although both countries proclaimed independence at the end of the war, this did not bring peace for their people. Latvia and Estonia had to defend their existence against several military forces with political ambitions. Germany tried to claim the territories of Latvia and Estonia, Baltic Germans attempted to establish their own country there, Soviet Russia fought to annex the Baltic countries, and officers of the former Russian Empire had a goal to defeat Bolsheviks and return the Baltic provinces to Russia.
Proclamation of the republic of Latvia
German forces occupied present-day Vidzeme and Latgale in February 1918. In March, Soviet Russia signed the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty, waiving their right to rule the territories of Kurzeme, Zemgale and Selonia. In October 1918, Latvia’s nationalist political organisation, the Democratic Bloc, petitioned Germany to say the Latvians wanted to establish an internationally recognised state and that German forces must depart. The Latvian People’s Council proclaimed an independent Republic of Latvia on November 18, 1918.
Proclamation of the republic of Estonia
A truce in World War I was organised after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Estonians had already started to establish their own national military units. Germany ended the truce and launched an attack which forced the Bolsheviks to flee Estonia. On February 24, 1918, in the power vacuum before the German occupation began, Estonia declared its national independence. German forces entered Tallinn the very next day, but at the end of World War I in November 1918, Estonia’s Provisional Government recovered power in its country.
Proclamation of the republic of Lithuania
Wars of Independence 1918-1920
The end of World War I marked the beginning of the Wars of Independence for Latvia and Estonia. By repelling multiple enemies the two young countries proved their ability to exist
as independent states.
Latvia's War of Independance
Germany withdrew from Latvia at the end of World War I, but a few days after the proclamation of the country’s independence, the Red Army of Soviet Russia invaded. The war ended with a peace treaty between Latvia and Russia which was signed on August 11, 1920, and in which Russia “recognises without any objection the independence, existence and sovereignty of the Latvian state and willingly and for all time eternal waves all sovereign rights which belonged to Russia in relation to the nation and land of Latvia.”
Estonia'a War of Independance
The Red Army invaded the Estonian border town of Narva on November 28, 1918 marking the start of the war. After more than a year of fighting on multiple fronts Estonia managed to beat it back. A peace treaty with Russia was signed in Tartu on February 2, 1920, with Russia recognising Estonia’s independence for all time eternal and the two countries agreeing on their territorial borders.
Independence of the Baltic States 1920 – 1940
After the end of hostilities, the three Baltic States (plus Finland, which was often seen as part of the region at that time) began to recover from the damage that was caused by the war. There were also efforts to set up new government institutions and national identities. War refugees came home, agrarian reforms were implemented, industry and infrastructure were renewed and expanded, and exports were expanded. There were free and democratic elections, and the nations adopted constitutions and laws on the basis of examples from European democracies. Education, literature and culture flourished once again. The countries also developed their militaries and paramilitary forces. Although by the mid-1930s, all three Baltic States were governed by non-democratic regimes, most civil rights were still preserved. As a new world war approached, however, authoritarianism and weak cooperation between the Baltic States, particularly in military terms, would become ever more fateful for the independence of the three nations.
Latvijas neatkarība
Pirmais pēckara uzdevums ir vienoties ar Igauniju, Lietuvu un Poliju par Latvijas robežām, kas izdodas, gan neiztiekot arī bez asumiem. Paveikto valsts izveides uzdevumu sarakstu līdz 1922. g. papildina pirmais vēlētais parlaments, konstitūcija (Satversme), valūta (lats), prezidents, starptautiskā atzīšana un uzņemšana Tautu Savienībā. Pakāpeniski aug dzīves līmenis, ražošana, eksports. Latvijā 1934. gada maijā kā pēdējā no Baltijas valstīm notiek valsts apvērsums, taču Kārļa Ulmaņa autoritārais režīms ir visai mērens. Latvijas armija, flote un gaisa spēki attīstās un iegūst jaunu tehniku. Top Ādažu (Gaujas) poligons, kā arī Rīgas krasta aizsardzības sistēma. Par ietekmīgu paramilitāro spēku izveidojas brīvprātīgā Aizsargu organizācija. Izplānotās aizsardzības līnijas pret PSRS un Vāciju gan dabā netop.
Igaunijas neatkarība
Igaunija ātrāk atbrīvo savu teritoriju no iebrucējiem un jau 1920. gadā pieņem pirmo konstitūciju. Atšķirībā no Latvijas un Lietuvas, Ministru un Valsts prezidentu amati ir daļēji apvienoti Valsts vecākā amatā, bet parlamentam ir spēcīgākās pilnvaras. Līdzīgi kā Latvijā, tiek veikta zemes reforma. Tomēr par sevi liek manīt mazskaitlīgā, bet radikālā komunistu kustība. 1924. gadā, kad notiek arestētu komunistu tiesas prāva, Igaunijā iesūta padomju nemierniekus, kuri 1. decembrī mēģina veikt valsts apvērsumu Tallinā, taču 5 stundu laikā valdība atgūst kontroli pār situāciju. Valsts ekonomika un dzīves līmenis aug, attīstās Bruņotie spēki un brīvprātīgā Aizsardzības līga. Taču 30. gados valstī pieaug aicinājumi pāriet uz prezidentālu pārvaldes formu, priekšgalā izvirzoties radikālajai veterānu organizācijai “Vapsi”. 1934. gada martā notiek valsts apvērsums, kuru vada Valsts vecākais Konstantīns Petss ar armijas un parlamenta atbalstu. 1938. gadā tiek pieņemta jauna konstitūcija un atjaunota parlamenta darbība, kā arī izveidots Valsts prezidenta amats.
Lietuvas neatkarība
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World War II, 1939-1945
At the outbreak of World War II, both Latvia and Estonia declared neutrality. However a treaty between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany had defined the spheres of power between the two totalitarian regimes and soon the Baltic states were occupied by the Soviet Union. The Soviets were driven out by Nazis in 1941 only to return in 1944. Many Estonian and Latvian men were forced to fight on both sides.
World War II in Latvia
The Soviet Union submitted an ultimatum to Latvia, demanding that an unlimited number of troops be stationed in the country. Soviet occupation began on June 17, 1940. German forces invaded during the summer of 1941. The Soviet Red Army re-took Rīga on October 13, 1944, and the German army retreated to Kurzeme, where it survived a siege until the end of the war and the capitulation of Germany.
World War II in Estonia
Destined to be part of Soviet sphere of influence Estonia shared a similar fate with Latvia having first to submit to the Soviet ultimatum and then on June 17, 1940 being occupied by the Soviet regime. In July 1941 the advancing German army drove the Red Army out. At the beginning of 1944, the Soviet forces approached again and the most brutal battle of World War II on Estonian soil took place along the Narva River. On September 22, the Red Army entered Tallinn and 47 years of Soviet occupation began.
National Partisan Movement - Forest Brothers 1944-~1957
At the beginning of the Soviet occupation regime, many men refused to collaborate with the Soviet regime, hid into the forests and continued fighting. Some also feared repressions for their previous service in the German or Finnish armed forces.
The National Partisan Movement in Latvia
The resistance movement in Latvia was a reaction to the crimes of the Soviet occupation regime and an attempt to restore Latvian independence. The fiercest battles against Soviet forces took place in the Stompaki swamp in Latgale in 1945 and in Kabile in Kurzeme. The partisan struggle in Latvia lasted until the late 1950s.
The National Partisan Movement in Estonia
Many Estonians hoped that Western countries would not permit the reoccupation of their country and that the Soviet rule would soon end. The so-called forest brothers left their homes, sought refuge in the forests and launched attacks against Soviet institutions. The Armed Resistance League was set up in 1946 in pursuit of restoring Estonia’s independence. The last major Soviet security operations against the Forest Brothers took place in 1953, but raids continued throughout the 1950s.
Soviet occupation and the Cold War 1945-1991
During the decades of Cold War, the Baltic countries found themselves on the boundary of opposing powers. Large number of Red Army forces were located in Latvia and Estonia, airports, military ports and bases for nuclear weapons were installed, etc. The Iron Curtain isolated people from the rest of the world. Latvia and Estonia restored their independence in 1990 and 1991 respectively as the Soviet Union collapsed.
The Soviet Occupation and the Restoration of Independance of Latvia
During the occupation, 3009 units of Soviet troops were stationed in more than 700 locations in Latvia - 3% of Latvia’s territory. In 1990, there were 223 subdivisions of military structures and ~80,000 military personnel in Latvia. The Supreme Council of the Latvian SSR approved a declaration on the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Latvia on May 4, 1990.
The Soviet Occupation and the Restoration of Independance of Estonia
After World War II, up to 120,000 Soviet troops were posted in Estonia. The Soviet army had 1,665 military bases which covered ~900 km2, or 5% of Estonia’s territory. TThe Supreme Council of the Estonian SSR passed a resolution proclaiming Estonian independence from the Soviet Union on August 20, 1991 restoring the Republic of Estonia.
Independence of the Baltic States 1991-...
During the decades of Cold War, the Baltic countries found themselves on the boundary of opposing powers. Large number of Red Army forces were located in Latvia and Estonia, airports, military ports and bases for nuclear weapons were installed, etc. The Iron Curtain isolated people from the rest of the world. Latvia and Estonia restored their independence in 1990 and 1991 respectively as the Soviet Union collapsed.
The Soviet Occupation and the Restoration of Independance of Latvia
During the occupation, 3009 units of Soviet troops were stationed in more than 700 locations in Latvia - 3% of Latvia’s territory. In 1990, there were 223 subdivisions of military structures and ~80,000 military personnel in Latvia. The Supreme Council of the Latvian SSR approved a declaration on the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Latvia on May 4, 1990.
The Soviet Occupation and the Restoration of Independance of Estonia
After World War II, up to 120,000 Soviet troops were posted in Estonia. The Soviet army had 1,665 military bases which covered ~900 km2, or 5% of Estonia’s territory. TThe Supreme Council of the Estonian SSR passed a resolution proclaiming Estonian independence from the Soviet Union on August 20, 1991 restoring the Republic of Estonia.