US CIA operations in Latvia IV Soviet Occupation


US CIA program REDSOX operations on the territory of Latvia

At the beginning of the fifties of the 20th century, the US intelligence service CIA began to play an increasing role in intelligence operations against the USSR, which initially coordinated its activities with the British MI-6. At that time, the British positioned themselves as experts in activities on the territory of the USSR, having both infiltrated agents and information. They also shared general information about the USSR with the Americans. It is now clear that all of this information actually turns out to be Soviet counter-intelligence disinformation.

In 1949, the Soviet Russia (SR) branch of the CIA launched the REDSOX program with the aim of sending illegal agents into the territory of the USSR. Within the framework of REDSOX, six illegal agent deployment operations were carried out - in Latvia (projects AECOB / ZRLYNCH), Lithuania (projects AEGEAN / AECHAMP), Estonia (projects AEROOT / AEBASIN), Ukraine (project AERODYNAMIC), Belarus (project AEQUOR) and Russia (projects AESAURUS / AENOBLE). AE was the territory of the USSR. Accordingly, the cryptonyms of all agents sent to the territory of the USSR also began with the letters AE.

In total, at least 85 CIA agents were sent to the territory of the USSR, of which only three returned, one of whom was suspected by the CIA as a double agent.

The REDSOX program continued until 1954.

In fact, these were suicide missions, as there was no real possibility of return for these agents.


More information sources

Zigmārs Turčinskis is a researcher at the Institute of Latvian History of the University of Latvia. The material prepared by him is offered for publication under the author's title "Soviet counter-intelligence disinformation in the archives of the US Central Intelligence Agency" with the subtitle "Scientific comment on the publication "Mežabrāli in CIA secret archives"".

In his text, the author uses abbreviations in the original languages - KGB, CIA, etc.


Related objects

Memorial stone of Alfred Riekstiņš

Memorial stone to Latvian Legion lieutenant and national partisan Alfred Riekstiņš, who died near the "Dreimaņi" house on September 11, 1952

On September 11, 1952, Alfred Riekstiņš, a lieutenant of the 19th SS Grenadier Division (Latvian No. 2) of the Latvian Legion and a Knight of the Iron Cross, died in the yard of the "Dreimaņi" house. On May 9, 1945, Alfred Riekstiņš from Pāvilosta arrived in Sweden with one of the last boats. On August 30, 1952, Alfrēds Riekstiņš, together with two former Latvian soldiers, landed in Kurzeme on behalf of the US intelligence services. The security services of the USSR knew about the operation and surrounded the intelligence officers in the shed of the "Dreimaņi" house, where Alfred Riekstiņš committed suicide by biting a poison ampoule.


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