Šeikiškiai (Moletai) Anti-Aircraft Missile Base
In the forest near Šeikiškės, on the left side of the Molėtai–Pabradė road (KK173), driving along forest roads (Bebrų or Miško streets).
An anti-aircraft missile base was established in the forest near the village of Šeikiškės during the Soviet era. The base belonged to the 466th anti-aircraft missile brigade of the Soviet Army's anti-aircraft defense, deployed in the eastern part of occupied Lithuania. The brigade's headquarters were deployed in Vilnius: headquarters in Visoriai, command post in Bajorai. Its anti-aircraft missile divisions (missile launch positions) were located in Bajorai, Lentvaris, Mickūnai (all in Vilnius or Vilnius district), Šeikiškės (Moletai district), one in Ukmergė district (which was supposed to protect the Kopūstėliai nuclear ballistic missile base), and Kalniukai (Ignalina district). One of the brigade's missions was to protect the city of Vilnius.
Judging from today's satellite photos, the Šeikiškės base had a more interesting structure: six missile launch sites were installed symmetrically in a circle, the sites themselves were installed in peculiar "amphitheaters" formed from earth mounds. The base has preserved embankments, some of the buildings (the former command module, garages) were adapted for the needs of the company located there, and only scant remains of other buildings (personnel shelters, etc.).
Used sources and references:
"Digeriai Tunnel", online access: http://bikelis.lt/tunelis/fortification/Bajorai/zbrigade.html .
"Moletai Anti-Aircraft Base", in: Digerių tunelis, 2005-01-08, available online: http://bikelis.lt/tunelis/fortification/moletai .