World War I line of fortifications in Olaine

The battle in the territory of Latvia began in the spring of 1915 with the invasion in Liepāja by the German Empire. Army units of the Russian Empire retreated through Kurzeme in the direction of Riga. By the end of the summer, the command of the German Imperial Army gave orders to take up and strengthen appropriate positions. When departing from Jelgava, the first units of the Russian Empire’s army arrived in this place. This was an important place for the protection of Riga, because the Riga-Jelgava highway was nearby, along which it was possible to bring the necessary war materials. In mid-November 1915, the front stabilised and both armies built positions. One kilometre to the SW of the forester’s house “Lapsas” there was the second line of defence, which was built above ground, because due to the swampy relief it was not possible to build the traditional trenches. The embankment-shaped wall consisted of a breastwork consisting of an earthen wall secured on both sides by small-diameter logs and metal wires. Today you can see the preserved line of defence, which has survived for less than a kilometre.