Fortification of the Latvian Army Sapper Regiment

It is located in Riga, Mangaļsalai at the mouth of the Daugava in the sea opposite Daugavgrīva.
The Latvian Army's reinforced concrete fortification, or kaponieris, was an element of the Latvian Army's coastal defense system. It was built by the soldiers of the Sapieru regiment in 1928. Designed for shooting the enemy with machine guns in two different directions. It was secretive, hard to see and not marked on maps.
After the War of Independence of Latvia, Mangaļsala was formed as a fortified area of the Latvian army to stop potential attacks of the enemy, including landings. The intention was to enhance the effectiveness of weapons by taking advantage of special structures and terrain. Reinforced concrete fortifications were able to protect soldiers and weapons during the battle, and also allowed to control the territory with small forces. Mangaļsala was home to a Latvian army radio station and coastal defense artillery.
Nowadays, you can see a rare and well-preserved fortification in Latvia. In the territory of the seaside forest, you can see other fortification structures. A place with huge potential still waiting for revival.
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Used sources and references:
Andersons, E. Latvian armed forces and their background. Toronto: Daugava Vanagu Central Publishing House, 1983.
Bangerskis, R. Demarcation of the borders of the fortified positions of Daugavgrīva fortress Mangaļsalas and rules for visiting this area. Government Gazette, No. 251. 1925
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